1 research outputs found

    Local coordinate weight reconstruction for rolling bearing fault diagnosis

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    The high dimensionality data originating from rolling bearing measuring signals with non-linearity and low signal to noise ratio often contains too much disturbance like interference and redundancy for accurate condition identification. A novel manifold learning named Local coordinate weight reconstruction (LCWR) is proposed to remove such disturbance. Due to the different contribution of samples to their manifold structure, weight value is used for the contribution difference. By reconstructing local low-dimensional coordinates according to its weight function about geodesic distance in neighborhood, LCWR targets to reduce reconstruction error, preserve intrinsic structure of the high dimensionality data, eradicate disturbance and extract sensitive features as global low-dimensional coordinates. The experimental results show that the intraclass aggregation and interclass differences of global low-dimensional coordinates extracted via LCWR are better than those of local tangent space alignment (LTSA), locally linear embedding (LLE) and principal component analysis (PCA). The accuracy reaches the highest 96.43 % using SVM to identify LCWR based global low-dimensional coordinates, and its effectiveness is testified in diagnosis of rolling bearing fault