3 research outputs found

    Making Property-Based Testing Easier to Read for Humans

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    Software stakeholders who do not have a technical profile (i.e. users, clients) but do want to take part in the development and/or quality assurance process of software, have an unmet need for communication on what is being tested during the development life-cycle. The transformation of test properties and models into semi-natural language representations is one way of responding to such need. Our research has demonstrated that these transformations are challenging but feasible, and they have been implemented into a prototype tool called readSpec. The readSpec tool transforms universally-quantified test properties and stateful test models - the two kinds of test artifacts used in property-based testing - into plain text interpretations. The tool has been successfully evaluated on the PBT artifacts produced and used within the FP7 PROWESS project by industrial partners

    Implementation of user acceptance test (UAT) to validate functional requirement of integrated computerized banking solution (ICBS) modules

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    In the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the software product requires implementation of testing phases before the deployment of the product into the real environment. The software testing phases consist of unit testing, integration testing, system testing and user acceptance testing (UAT). Each of the testing phases is essential to ensure the software conforms to the requirements. The UAT is crucial phase of software testing activities. All the requirements will be validated and completely covered during this phase. Unfortunately, many neglect the importance of this phase and this causes failures after the deployment of the software product. Additionally the testers also face difficulties in adhere to software testing process. There are numerous reasons for this, including the difficulty in mastering the complexity of managing the entire test activities in software testing projects. In order to assist testers in managing the testing process effectively, Software Test Management Tool such as HP ALM is available to support organization of test artifacts i.e. test requirements, test cases and test results. In this project, there are four main objectives which are to ensure the quality of software product developed that is going to be delivered to customer. The second objective is to minimize defect and risk occurrences in software system. The third objective to generate a Software Test Report (STR) and last but not least is to improve UAT process by using software test management tool. Some of software deliverables have been used as references for this project which are Test Strategy, UAT Test Plan, and Test Case of Deposit module for ICBS and also a Defect Report. The outcome of this project will be a STR of Deposits module based on completion of test execution activity of Integrated Computerized Banking Solution (ICBS) modules in UAT cycle 1.1

    Managing User Acceptance Testing of Business Applications

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    User acceptance testing (UAT) events gather input from actual system users to determine where potential problems may exist in a new software system or major upgrade. Modern business systems are more complex and decentralized than ever before making UAT more complicated to perform. The collaborative nature of facilitated UAT events requires close interaction between the testers and the facilitation team, even when located in various locations worldwide. This study explores the best approaches for facilitating UAT remotely and globally in order to effectively facilitate geographically-dispersed actual system users in performing UAT exercises. While research suggests user involvement is important, there is a lack of understanding about the specifics of how to best engage users for maximizing the results, and our study addresses this gap. This study examines the following research questions: How should UAT facilitators (1) schedule user participation with a minimum impact to their regular work duties and maximum ability to be present when testing and not be distracted; (2) enable direct interactions with users including face-to-face conversations during the UAT event and access to user computer screens for configuration and validation; and (3) utilize quality management software that can be used seamlessly by all involved in UAT. To examine these questions, we utilize Social Presence Theory (SPT) to establish a conceptual lens for addressing these research questions. SPT supports that the communication environment must enable people to adopt the appropriate level of social presence required for that task. This study proposes a theoretically-derived examination based on SPT of facilitated UAT delineating when and how facilitators should involve actual system users in the UAT activities either through local facilitation or remote hosting of UAT exercises, among other options. © 2014 Springer International Publishing