243 research outputs found

    Performance-Aware High-Performance Computing for Remote Sensing Big Data Analytics

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    The incredible increase in the volume of data emerging along with recent technological developments has made the analysis processes which use traditional approaches more difficult for many organizations. Especially applications involving subjects that require timely processing and big data such as satellite imagery, sensor data, bank operations, web servers, and social networks require efficient mechanisms for collecting, storing, processing, and analyzing these data. At this point, big data analytics, which contains data mining, machine learning, statistics, and similar techniques, comes to the help of organizations for end-to-end managing of the data. In this chapter, we introduce a novel high-performance computing system on the geo-distributed private cloud for remote sensing applications, which takes advantages of network topology, exploits utilization and workloads of CPU, storage, and memory resources in a distributed fashion, and optimizes resource allocation for realizing big data analytics efficiently

    Adaptive memory-side last-level GPU caching

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    Emerging GPU applications exhibit increasingly high computation demands which has led GPU manufacturers to build GPUs with an increasingly large number of streaming multiprocessors (SMs). Providing data to the SMs at high bandwidth puts significant pressure on the memory hierarchy and the Network-on-Chip (NoC). Current GPUs typically partition the memory-side last-level cache (LLC) in equally-sized slices that are shared by all SMs. Although a shared LLC typically results in a lower miss rate, we find that for workloads with high degrees of data sharing across SMs, a private LLC leads to a significant performance advantage because of increased bandwidth to replicated cache lines across different LLC slices. In this paper, we propose adaptive memory-side last-level GPU caching to boost performance for sharing-intensive workloads that need high bandwidth to read-only shared data. Adaptive caching leverages a lightweight performance model that balances increased LLC bandwidth against increased miss rate under private caching. In addition to improving performance for sharing-intensive workloads, adaptive caching also saves energy in a (co-designed) hierarchical two-stage crossbar NoC by power-gating and bypassing the second stage if the LLC is configured as a private cache. Our experimental results using 17 GPU workloads show that adaptive caching improves performance by 28.1% on average (up to 38.1%) compared to a shared LLC for sharing-intensive workloads. In addition, adaptive caching reduces NoC energy by 26.6% on average (up to 29.7%) and total system energy by 6.1% on average (up to 27.2%) when configured as a private cache. Finally, we demonstrate through a GPU NoC design space exploration that a hierarchical two-stage crossbar is both more power- and area-efficient than full and concentrated crossbars with the same bisection bandwidth, thus providing a low-cost cooperative solution to exploit workload sharing behavior in memory-side last-level caches

    Extreme scale parallel NBody algorithm with event driven constraint based execution model

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    Traditional scientific applications such as Computational Fluid Dynamics, Partial Differential Equations based numerical methods (like Finite Difference Methods, Finite Element Methods) achieve sufficient efficiency on state of the art high performance computing systems and have been widely studied / implemented using conventional programming models. For emerging application domains such as Graph applications scalability and efficiency is significantly constrained by the conventional systems and their supporting programming models. Furthermore technology trends like multicore, manycore, heterogeneous system architectures are introducing new challenges and possibilities. Emerging technologies are requiring a rethinking of approaches to more effectively expose the underlying parallelism to the applications and the end-users. This thesis explores the space of effective parallel execution of ephemeral graphs that are dynamically generated. The standard particle based simulation, solved using the Barnes-Hut algorithm is chosen to exemplify the dynamic workloads. In this thesis the workloads are expressed using sequential execution semantics, a conventional parallel programming model - shared memory semantics and semantics of an innovative execution model designed for efficient scalable performance towards Exascale computing called ParalleX. The main outcomes of this research are parallel processing of dynamic ephemeral workloads, enabling dynamic load balancing during runtime, and using advanced semantics for exposing parallelism in scaling constrained applications

    Beyond the socket: NUMA-aware GPUs

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    GPUs achieve high throughput and power efficiency by employing many small single instruction multiple thread (SIMT) cores. To minimize scheduling logic and performance variance they utilize a uniform memory system and leverage strong data parallelism exposed via the programming model. With Moore's law slowing, for GPUs to continue scaling performance (which largely depends on SIMT core count) they are likely to embrace multi-socket designs where transistors are more readily available. However when moving to such designs, maintaining the illusion of a uniform memory system is increasingly difficult. In this work we investigate multi-socket non-uniform memory access (NUMA) GPU designs and show that significant changes are needed to both the GPU interconnect and cache architectures to achieve performance scalability. We show that application phase effects can be exploited allowing GPU sockets to dynamically optimize their individual interconnect and cache policies, minimizing the impact of NUMA effects. Our NUMA-aware GPU outperforms a single GPU by 1.5×, 2.3×, and 3.2× while achieving 89%, 84%, and 76% of theoretical application scalability in 2, 4, and 8 sockets designs respectively. Implementable today, NUMA-aware multi-socket GPUs may be a promising candidate for scaling GPU performance beyond a single socket.We would like to thank anonymous reviewers and Steve Keckler for their help in improving this paper. The first author is supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (TIN2012-34557, TIN2015-65316-P, and BES-2013-063925)Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Coordinated power management in heterogeneous processors

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    Coordinated Power Management in Heterogeneous Processors Indrani Paul 164 pages Directed by Dr. Sudhakar Yalamanchili With the end of Dennard scaling, the scaling of device feature size by itself no longer guarantees sustaining the performance improvement predicted by Moore’s Law. As industry moves to increasingly small feature sizes, performance scaling will become dominated by the physics of the computing environment and in particular by the transient behavior of interactions between power delivery, power management and thermal fields. Consequently, performance scaling must be improved by managing interactions between physical properties, which we refer to as processor physics, and system level performance metrics, thereby improving the overall efficiency of the system. The industry shift towards heterogeneous computing is in large part motivated by energy efficiency. While such tightly coupled systems benefit from reduced latency and improved performance, they also give rise to new management challenges due to phenomena such as physical asymmetry in thermal and power signatures between the diverse elements and functional asymmetry in performance. Power-performance tradeoffs in heterogeneous processors are determined by coupled behaviors between major components due to the i) on-die integration, ii) programming model and the iii) processor physics. Towards this end, this thesis demonstrates the needs for coordinated management of functional and physical resources of a heterogeneous system across all major compute and memory elements. It shows that the interactions among performance, power delivery and different types of coupling phenomena are not an artifact of an architecture instance, but is fundamental to the operation of many core and heterogeneous architectures. Managing such coupling effects is a central focus of this dissertation. This awareness has the potential to exert significant influence over the design of future power and performance management algorithms. The high-level contributions of this thesis are i) in-depth examination of characteristics and performance demands of emerging applications using hardware measurements and analysis from state-of-the-art heterogeneous processors and high-performance GPUs, ii) analysis of the effects of processor physics such as power and thermals on system level performance, iii) identification of a key set of run-time metrics that can be used to manage these effects, and iv) development and detailed evaluation of online coordinated power management techniques to optimize system level global metrics in heterogeneous CPU-GPU-memory processors.Ph.D

    Argobots: A Lightweight Low-Level Threading and Tasking Framework

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    In the past few decades, a number of user-level threading and tasking models have been proposed in the literature to address the shortcomings of OS-level threads, primarily with respect to cost and flexibility. Current state-of-the-art user-level threading and tasking models, however, either are too specific to applications or architectures or are not as powerful or flexible. In this paper, we present Argobots, a lightweight, low-level threading and tasking framework that is designed as a portable and performant substrate for high-level programming models or runtime systems. Argobots offers a carefully designed execution model that balances generality of functionality with providing a rich set of controls to allow specialization by end users or high-level programming models. We describe the design, implementation, and performance characterization of Argobots and present integrations with three high-level models: OpenMP, MPI, and colocated I/O services. Evaluations show that (1) Argobots, while providing richer capabilities, is competitive with existing simpler generic threading runtimes; (2) our OpenMP runtime offers more efficient interoperability capabilities than production OpenMP runtimes do; (3) when MPI interoperates with Argobots instead of Pthreads, it enjoys reduced synchronization costs and better latency-hiding capabilities; and (4) I/O services with Argobots reduce interference with colocated applications while achieving performance competitive with that of a Pthreads approach

    Adaptive Parallelism for Coupled, Multithreaded Message-Passing Programs

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    Hybrid parallel programming models that combine message passing (MP) and shared- memory multithreading (MT) are becoming more popular, especially with applications requiring higher degrees of parallelism and scalability. Consequently, coupled parallel programs, those built via the integration of independently developed and optimized software libraries linked into a single application, increasingly comprise message-passing libraries with differing preferred degrees of threading, resulting in thread-level heterogeneity. Retroactively matching threading levels between independently developed and maintained libraries is difficult, and the challenge is exacerbated because contemporary middleware services provide only static scheduling policies over entire program executions, necessitating suboptimal, over-subscribed or under-subscribed, configurations. In coupled applications, a poorly configured component can lead to overall poor application performance, suboptimal resource utilization, and increased time-to-solution. So it is critical that each library executes in a manner consistent with its design and tuning for a particular system architecture and workload. Therefore, there is a need for techniques that address dynamic, conflicting configurations in coupled multithreaded message-passing (MT-MP) programs. Our thesis is that we can achieve significant performance improvements over static under-subscribed approaches through reconfigurable execution environments that consider compute phase parallelization strategies along with both hardware and software characteristics. In this work, we present new ways to structure, execute, and analyze coupled MT- MP programs. Our study begins with an examination of contemporary approaches used to accommodate thread-level heterogeneity in coupled MT-MP programs. Here we identify potential inefficiencies in how these programs are structured and executed in the high-performance computing domain. We then present and evaluate a novel approach for accommodating thread-level heterogeneity. Our approach enables full utilization of all available compute resources throughout an application’s execution by providing programmable facilities with modest overheads to dynamically reconfigure runtime environments for compute phases with differing threading factors and affinities. Our performance results show that for a majority of the tested scientific workloads our approach and corresponding open-source reference implementation render speedups greater than 50 % over the static under-subscribed baseline. Motivated by our examination of reconfigurable execution environments and their memory overhead, we also study the memory attribution problem: the inability to predict or evaluate during runtime where the available memory is used across the software stack comprising the application, reusable software libraries, and supporting runtime infrastructure. Specifically, dynamic adaptation requires runtime intervention, which by its nature introduces additional runtime and memory overhead. To better understand the latter, we propose and evaluate a new way to quantify component-level memory usage from unmodified binaries dynamically linked to a message-passing communication library. Our experimental results show that our approach and corresponding implementation accurately measure memory resource usage as a function of time, scale, communication workload, and software or hardware system architecture, clearly distinguishing between application and communication library usage at a per-process level

    Hardware-Oriented Cache Management for Large-Scale Chip Multiprocessors

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    One of the key requirements to obtaining high performance from chip multiprocessors (CMPs) is to effectively manage the limited on-chip cache resources shared among co-scheduled threads/processes. This thesis proposes new hardware-oriented solutions for distributed CMP caches. Computer architects are faced with growing challenges when designing cache systems for CMPs. These challenges result from non-uniform access latencies, interference misses, the bandwidth wall problem, and diverse workload characteristics. Our exploration of the CMP cache management problem suggests a CMP caching framework (CC-FR) that defines three main approaches to solve the problem: (1) data placement, (2) data retention, and (3) data relocation. We effectively implement CC-FR's components by proposing and evaluating multiple cache management mechanisms.Pressure and Distance Aware Placement (PDA) decouples the physical locations of cache blocks from their addresses for the sake of reducing misses caused by destructive interferences. Flexible Set Balancing (FSB), on the other hand, reduces interference misses via extending the life time of cache lines through retaining some fraction of the working set at underutilized local sets to satisfy far-flung reuses. PDA implements CC-FR's data placement and relocation components and FSB applies CC-FR's retention approach.To alleviate non-uniform access latencies and adapt to phase changes in programs, Adaptive Controlled Migration (ACM) dynamically and periodically promotes cache blocks towards L2 banks close to requesting cores. ACM lies under CC-FR's data relocation category. Dynamic Cache Clustering (DCC), on the other hand, addresses diverse workload characteristics and growing non-uniform access latencies challenges via constructing a cache cluster for each core and expands/contracts all clusters synergistically to match each core's cache demand. DCC implements CC-FR's data placement and relocation approaches. Lastly, Dynamic Pressure and Distance Aware Placement (DPDA) combines PDA and ACM to cooperatively mitigate interference misses and non-uniform access latencies. Dynamic Cache Clustering and Balancing (DCCB), on the other hand, combines DCC and FSB to employ all CC-FR's categories and achieve higher system performance. Simulation results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed mechanisms and show that they compare favorably with related cache designs

    Cooperative Caching for GPUs

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    The rise of general-purpose computing on GPUs has influenced architectural innovation on them. The introduction of an on-chip cache hierarchy is one such innovation. High L1 miss rates on GPUs, however, indicate inefficient cache usage due to myriad factors, such as cache thrashing and extensive multithreading. Such high L1 miss rates in turn place high demands on the shared L2 bandwidth. Extensive congestion in the L2 access path therefore results in high memory access latencies. In memory-intensive applications, these latencies get exposed due to a lack of active compute threads to mask such high latencies. In this article, we aim to reduce the pressure on the shared L2 bandwidth, thereby reducing the memory access latencies that lie in the critical path. We identify significant replication of data among private L1 caches, presenting an opportunity to reuse data among L1s. We further show how this reuse can be exploited via an L1 Cooperative Caching Network (CCN), thereby reducing the bandwidth demand on L2. In the proposed architecture, we connect the L1 caches with a lightweight ring network to facilitate intercore communication of shared data. We show that this technique reduces traffic to the L2 cache by an average of 29%, freeing up the bandwidth for other accesses. We also show that the CCN reduces the average memory latency by 24%, thereby reducing core stall cycles by 26% on average. This translates into an overall performance improvement of 14.7% on average (and up to 49%) for applications that exhibit reuse across L1 caches. In doing so, the CCN incurs a nominal area and energy overhead of 1.3% and 2.5%, respectively. Notably, the performance improvement with our proposed CCN compares favorably to the performance improvement achieved by simply doubling the number of L2 banks by up to 34%.</jats:p

    Planificación consciente de la contención y gestión de recursos en arquitecturas multicore emergentes

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Informática, Departamento de Arquitectura de Computadores y Automática, leída el 14-12-2021Chip multicore processors (CMPs) currently constitute the architecture of choice for mosto general-pùrpose computing systems, and they will likely continue to be dominant in the near future. Advances in technology have enabled to pack an increasing number of cores and bigger caches on the same chip. Nevertheless, contention on shared resources on CMPs -present since the advent of these architectures- still poses a big challenge. Cores in a CMP typically share a last-level cache (LLC) and other memory-related resources with the remaining cores, such as a DRAM controller and an interconnection network. This causes that co-running applications may intensively compete with each other for these shared resources, leading to substantial and uneven performance degradation...Los procesadores multinúcleo o CMPs (Chip Multicore Processors) son actualmente la arquitectura más usada por la mayoría de sistemas de computación de propósito general, y muy probablemente se mantendrían en esa posición dominante en el futuro cercano. Los avances tecnológicos han permitido integrar progresivamente en el mismo chip más cores y aumentar los tamaños de los distintos niveles de cache. No obstante, la contención de recursos compartidos en CMPs {presente desde la aparición de estas arquitecturas{ todavía representa un reto importante que afrontar. Los cores en un CMP comparten en la mayor parte de los diseños una cache de último nivel o LLC (Last-Level Cache) y otros recursos, como el controlador de DRAM o una red de interconexión. La existencia de dichos recursos compartidos provoca en ocasiones que cuando se ejecutan dos o más aplicaciones simultáneamente en el sistema, se produzca una degradación sustancial y potencialmente desigual del rendimiento entre aplicaciones...Fac. de InformáticaTRUEunpu