5 research outputs found

    Mammalian Annotation Database for improved annotation and functional classification of Omics datasets from less well-annotated organisms

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies and the availability of an increasing number of mammalian and other genomes allow gene expression studies, particularly RNA sequencing, in many non-model organisms. However, incomplete genome annotation and assignments of genes to functional annotation databases can lead to a substantial loss of information in downstream data analysis. To overcome this, we developed Mammalian Annotation Database tool (MAdb, https://madb.ethz.ch) to conveniently provide homologous gene information for selected mammalian species. The assignment between species is performed in three steps: (i) matching official gene symbols, (ii) using ortholog information contained in Ensembl Compara and (iii) pairwise BLAST comparisons of all transcripts. In addition, we developed a new tool (AnnOverlappeR) for the reliable assignment of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Ensembl gene IDs. The gene lists translated to gene IDs of well-annotated species such as a human can be used for improved functional annotation with relevant tools based on Gene Ontology and molecular pathway information. We tested the MAdb on a published RNA-seq data set for the pig and showed clearly improved overrepresentation analysis results based on the assigned human homologous gene identifiers. Using the MAdb revealed a similar list of human homologous genes and functional annotation results regardless of whether starting with gene IDs from NCBI or Ensembl. The MAdb database is accessible via a web interface and a Galaxy application

    Mammalian Annotation Database for improved annotation and functional classification of Omics datasets from less well-annotated organisms.

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    Next-generation sequencing technologies and the availability of an increasing number of mammalian and other genomes allow gene expression studies, particularly RNA sequencing, in many non-model organisms. However, incomplete genome annotation and assignments of genes to functional annotation databases can lead to a substantial loss of information in downstream data analysis. To overcome this, we developed Mammalian Annotation Database tool (MAdb, https://madb.ethz.ch) to conveniently provide homologous gene information for selected mammalian species. The assignment between species is performed in three steps: (i) matching official gene symbols, (ii) using ortholog information contained in Ensembl Compara and (iii) pairwise BLAST comparisons of all transcripts. In addition, we developed a new tool (AnnOverlappeR) for the reliable assignment of the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) and Ensembl gene IDs. The gene lists translated to gene IDs of well-annotated species such as a human can be used for improved functional annotation with relevant tools based on Gene Ontology and molecular pathway information. We tested the MAdb on a published RNA-seq data set for the pig and showed clearly improved overrepresentation analysis results based on the assigned human homologous gene identifiers. Using the MAdb revealed a similar list of human homologous genes and functional annotation results regardless of whether starting with gene IDs from NCBI or Ensembl. The MAdb database is accessible via a web interface and a Galaxy application

    Synergistic action of estradiol and PGE2 on endometrial transcriptome in vivo resembles pregnancy effects better than estradiol alone

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    Successful pregnancy establishment in mammals depends on numerous interactions between embryos and the maternal organism. Estradiol-17β (E2) is the primary embryonic signal in the pig, and its importance has been questioned recently. However, E2 is not the only molecule of embryonic origin. In pigs, prostaglandin E2 (PGE2) is abundantly synthesized and secreted by conceptuses and endometrium. The present study aimed to determine the role of PGE2 and its simultaneous action with E2 in changes in porcine endometrial transcriptome during pregnancy establishment. The effects of PGE2 and PGE2 acting with E2 were studied using an in vivo model of intrauterine hormone infusions, and were compared to the effects of E2 alone and conceptuses' presence on day 12 of pregnancy. The endometrial transcriptome was profiled using gene expression microarrays followed by statistical analyses. Downstream analyses were performed using bioinformatics tools. Differential expression of selected genes was verified by quantitative PCR. Microarray analysis revealed 2413 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) in the endometrium treated simultaneously with PGE2 and E2 (P < 0.01). No significant effect of PGE2 administered alone on endometrial transcriptome was detected. Gene ontology annotations enriched for DEGs were related to multiple processes such as: focal adhesion, vascularization, cell migration and proliferation, glucose metabolism, tissue remodeling, and activation of immune response. Simultaneous administration of E2 and PGE2 induced more changes within endometrial transcriptome characteristic to pregnancy than infusion of E2 alone. The present findings suggest that synergistic action of estradiol-17β and PGE2 resembles the effects of pregnancy on endometrial transcriptome better than E2 alone

    Uterine extracellular vesicles as multi-signal messengers during maternal recognition of pregnancy in the mare

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    In contrast to other domestic mammals, the embryo-derived signal(s) leading to maternal recognition of pregnancy (MRP) are still unknow in the mare. We hypothesize that these embryonic signals could be packed into uterine extracellular vesicles (uEVs), acting as multi-signal messengers between the conceptus and the maternal tract, and contributing to MRP. To unveil these signals, the RNA and protein cargos of uEVs isolated from uterine lavages collected from pregnant mares (P; day 10, 11, 12 and 13 after ovulation) and cyclic control mares (C; day 10 and 13 after ovulation) were analyzed. Our results showed a fine-tuned regulation of the uEV cargo (RNAs and proteins), by the day of pregnancy, the estrous cycle, and even the size of the embryo. A particular RNA pattern was identified with specific increase on P12 related to immune system and hormonal response. Besides, a set of proteins as well as RNAs was highly enriched in EVs on P12 and P13. Differential abundance of miRNAs was also identified in P13-derived uEVs. Their target genes were linked to down- or upregulated genes in the embryo and the endometrium, exposing their potential origin. Our study identified for first time specific molecules packed in uEVs, which were previously associated to MRP in the mare, and thus bringing added value to the current knowledge. Further integrative and functional analyses will help to confirm the role of these molecules in uEVs during MRP in the mare