652 research outputs found

    Android HIV: A Study of Repackaging Malware for Evading Machine-Learning Detection

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    Machine learning based solutions have been successfully employed for automatic detection of malware in Android applications. However, machine learning models are known to lack robustness against inputs crafted by an adversary. So far, the adversarial examples can only deceive Android malware detectors that rely on syntactic features, and the perturbations can only be implemented by simply modifying Android manifest. While recent Android malware detectors rely more on semantic features from Dalvik bytecode rather than manifest, existing attacking/defending methods are no longer effective. In this paper, we introduce a new highly-effective attack that generates adversarial examples of Android malware and evades being detected by the current models. To this end, we propose a method of applying optimal perturbations onto Android APK using a substitute model. Based on the transferability concept, the perturbations that successfully deceive the substitute model are likely to deceive the original models as well. We develop an automated tool to generate the adversarial examples without human intervention to apply the attacks. In contrast to existing works, the adversarial examples crafted by our method can also deceive recent machine learning based detectors that rely on semantic features such as control-flow-graph. The perturbations can also be implemented directly onto APK's Dalvik bytecode rather than Android manifest to evade from recent detectors. We evaluated the proposed manipulation methods for adversarial examples by using the same datasets that Drebin and MaMadroid (5879 malware samples) used. Our results show that, the malware detection rates decreased from 96% to 1% in MaMaDroid, and from 97% to 1% in Drebin, with just a small distortion generated by our adversarial examples manipulation method.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Survey of Machine Learning Techniques for Malware Analysis

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    Coping with malware is getting more and more challenging, given their relentless growth in complexity and volume. One of the most common approaches in literature is using machine learning techniques, to automatically learn models and patterns behind such complexity, and to develop technologies for keeping pace with the speed of development of novel malware. This survey aims at providing an overview on the way machine learning has been used so far in the context of malware analysis. We systematize surveyed papers according to their objectives (i.e., the expected output, what the analysis aims to), what information about malware they specifically use (i.e., the features), and what machine learning techniques they employ (i.e., what algorithm is used to process the input and produce the output). We also outline a number of problems concerning the datasets used in considered works, and finally introduce the novel concept of malware analysis economics, regarding the study of existing tradeoffs among key metrics, such as analysis accuracy and economical costs

    Enhancing cloud security through the integration of deep learning and data mining techniques: A comprehensive review

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    Cloud computing is crucial in all areas of data storage and online service delivery. It adds various benefits to the conventional storage and sharing system, such as simple access, on-demand storage, scalability, and cost savings. The employment of its rapidly expanding technologies may give several benefits in protecting the Internet of Things (IoT) and physical cyber systems (CPS) from various cyber threats, with IoT and CPS providing facilities for people in their everyday lives. Because malware (malware) is on the rise and there is no well-known strategy for malware detection, leveraging the cloud environment to identify malware might be a viable way forward. To avoid detection, a new kind of malware employs complex jamming and packing methods. Because of this, it is very hard to identify sophisticated malware using typical detection methods. The article presents a detailed assessment of cloud-based malware detection technologies, as well as insight into understanding the cloud's use in protecting the Internet of Things and critical infrastructure from intrusions. This study examines the benefits and drawbacks of cloud environments in malware detection, as well as presents a methodology for detecting cloud-based malware using deep learning and data extraction and highlights new research on the issues of propagating existing malware. Finally, similarities and variations across detection approaches will be exposed, as well as detection technique flaws. The findings of this work may be utilized to highlight the current issue being tackled in malware research in the future

    On the Dissection of Evasive Malware

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    Complex malware samples feature measures to impede automatic and manual analyses, making their investigation cumbersome. While automatic characterization of malware benefits from recently proposed designs for passive monitoring, the subsequent dissection process still sees human analysts struggling with adversarial behaviors, many of which also closely resemble those studied for automatic systems. This gap affects the day-to-day analysis of complex samples and researchers have not yet attempted to bridge it. We make a first step down this road by proposing a design that can reconcile transparency requirements with manipulation capabilities required for dissection. Our open-source prototype BluePill (i) offers a customizable execution environment that remains stealthy when analysts intervene to alter instructions and data or run third-party tools, (ii) is extensible to counteract newly encountered anti-analysis measures using insights from the dissection, and (iii) can accommodate program analyses that aid analysts, as we explore for taint analysis. On a set of highly evasive samples BluePill resulted as stealthy as commercial sandboxes while offering new intervention and customization capabilities for dissection

    MalDetConv: Automated Behaviour-based Malware Detection Framework Based on Natural Language Processing and Deep Learning Techniques

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    The popularity of Windows attracts the attention of hackers/cyber-attackers, making Windows devices the primary target of malware attacks in recent years. Several sophisticated malware variants and anti-detection methods have been significantly enhanced and as a result, traditional malware detection techniques have become less effective. This work presents MalBehavD-V1, a new behavioural dataset of Windows Application Programming Interface (API) calls extracted from benign and malware executable files using the dynamic analysis approach. In addition, we present MalDetConV, a new automated behaviour-based framework for detecting both existing and zero-day malware attacks. MalDetConv uses a text processing-based encoder to transform features of API calls into a suitable format supported by deep learning models. It then uses a hybrid of convolutional neural network (CNN) and bidirectional gated recurrent unit (CNN-BiGRU) automatic feature extractor to select high-level features of the API Calls which are then fed to a fully connected neural network module for malware classification. MalDetConv also uses an explainable component that reveals features that contributed to the final classification outcome, helping the decision-making process for security analysts. The performance of the proposed framework is evaluated using our MalBehavD-V1 dataset and other benchmark datasets. The detection results demonstrate the effectiveness of MalDetConv over the state-of-the-art techniques with detection accuracy of 96.10%, 95.73%, 98.18%, and 99.93% achieved while detecting unseen malware from MalBehavD-V1, Allan and John, Brazilian, and Ki-D datasets, respectively. The experimental results show that MalDetConv is highly accurate in detecting both known and zero-day malware attacks on Windows devices

    Unsupervised Anomaly-based Malware Detection using Hardware Features

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    Recent works have shown promise in using microarchitectural execution patterns to detect malware programs. These detectors belong to a class of detectors known as signature-based detectors as they catch malware by comparing a program's execution pattern (signature) to execution patterns of known malware programs. In this work, we propose a new class of detectors - anomaly-based hardware malware detectors - that do not require signatures for malware detection, and thus can catch a wider range of malware including potentially novel ones. We use unsupervised machine learning to build profiles of normal program execution based on data from performance counters, and use these profiles to detect significant deviations in program behavior that occur as a result of malware exploitation. We show that real-world exploitation of popular programs such as IE and Adobe PDF Reader on a Windows/x86 platform can be detected with nearly perfect certainty. We also examine the limits and challenges in implementing this approach in face of a sophisticated adversary attempting to evade anomaly-based detection. The proposed detector is complementary to previously proposed signature-based detectors and can be used together to improve security.Comment: 1 page, Latex; added description for feature selection in Section 4, results unchange
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