3 research outputs found

    Malleable task-graph scheduling with a practical speed-up model

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    Scientific workloads are often described by Directed Acyclic task Graphs.Indeed, DAGs represent both a model frequently studied in theoretical literature and the structure employed by dynamic runtime schedulers to handle HPC applications. A natural problem is then to compute a makespan-minimizing schedule of a given graph. In this paper, we are motivated by task graphs arising from multifrontal factorizations of sparsematrices and therefore work under the following practical model. We focus on malleable tasks (i.e., a single task can be allotted a time-varying number of processors) and specifically on a simple yet realistic speedup model: each task can be perfectly parallelized, but only up to a limited number of processors. We first prove that the associated decision problem of minimizing the makespan is NP-Complete. Then, we study a widely used algorithm, PropScheduling, under this practical model and propose a new strategy GreedyFilling. Even though both strategies are 2-approximations, experiments on real and synthetic data sets show that GreedyFilling achieves significantly lower makespans

    Malleable task-graph scheduling with a practical speed-up model

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    International audienceScientific workloads are often described by Directed Acyclic task Graphs. Indeed, DAGs represent both a theoretical model and the structure employed by dynamic runtime schedulers to handle HPC applications. A natural problem is then to compute a makespan-minimizing schedule of a given graph. In this paper, we are motivated by task graphs arising from multifrontal factorizations of sparse matrices and therefore work under the following practical model. Tasks are malleable (i.e., a single task can be allotted a time-varying number of processors) and their speedup behaves perfectly up to a first threshold, then speedup increases linearly, but not perfectly, up to a second threshold where the speedup levels off and remains constant. After proving the NP-hardness of minimizing the makespan of DAGs under this model, we study several heuristics. We propose model-optimized variants for PROPSCHEDULING, widely used in linear algebra application scheduling, and FLOWFLEX. GREEDYFILLING is proposed, a novel heuristic designed for our speedup model, and we demonstrate that PROPSCHEDULING and GREEDYFILLING are 2-approximation algorithms. In the evaluation, employing synthetic data sets and task graphs arising from multifrontal factorization, the proposed optimized variants and GREEDYFILLING significantly outperform the traditional algorithms, whereby GREEDYFILLING demonstrates a particular strength for balanced graphs

    Malleable Task-Graph Scheduling with a Practical Speed-Up Model

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