2 research outputs found

    Analisis Performansi Agregasi Link dengan Lacp pada SDN menggunakan RYU sebagai Controller

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    As time goes by, the world of communication has flourished quickly, especially in network. One of the network technologies by now called SDN (Software Defined Network), is a new paradigm in network technology that is able to virtualize network device by taking the function of control plane, that is usually taken by controller, and separate between control plane and data plane into a network device. Besides the coming of that new paradigm, the need of bandwidth consumption on data communication by this time has increased. Link aggregation is a method that combines several physical links into a logical link in the form of multiplying the bandwidth capacity. Link aggregation can be implemented in SDN network, that makes bandwidth consumption in network has good effect on service quality. In this research, the writer will show the comparison analysis between link aggregation and not using link aggregation in SDN network. This comparison analysis is done by analyzing some parameters, like throughput, packetloss, jitter and fault tolerance from the service in network, called video streaming.Keywords : SDN, Link aggregation, LACP, Redundansi, Bandwith.AbstrakDunia telekomunikasi saat ini berkembang dengan sangat pesat terutama dalam dunia jaringan. Salah satu teknologi jaringan masa kini adalah SDN (Software Defined Network) yaitu sebuah paradigma baru dalam teknologi jaringan yang dapat memvirtualisasi perangkat jaringan dengan mengambil fungsi control plane oleh controller dan memisahkan antara control plane dengan data plane dalam sebuah perangkat jaringan. Selain adanya paradigma baru tersebut, kebutuhan akan konsumsi bandwidth dalam komunikasi data saat ini juga meningkat. Link aggregation merupakan metode penggabungan link fisik menjadi satu link logis guna meningkatkan kapasitas bandwidth. Link aggregation dapat di implementasikan dalam jaringan SDN, hal ini membuat konsumsi sejumlah bandwidth pada jaringan berdampak baik terhadap kualitas layanan pada jaringan. Dalam penelitian ini, ditunjukkan analisis perbandingan terhadap jaringan SDN yang menggunakan metode link aggregation dengan jaringan SDN yang tanpa metode link aggregation. Analisis ini memperhatikan hasil pengukuran throughput, packet loss, jitter dan fault tolerant dari layanan video streaming pada jaringan.Kata Kunci : SDN, Link aggregation, LACP, Redundansi, Bandwith

    A Survey of Protocol-Level Challenges and Solutions for Distributed Energy Resource Cyber-Physical Security

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    The increasing proliferation of distributed energy resources (DERs) on the smart grid has made distributed solar and wind two key contributors to the expanding attack surface of the network; however, there is a lack of proper understanding and enforcement of DER communications security requirements. With vendors employing proprietary methods to mitigate hosts of attacks, the literature currently lacks a clear organization of the protocol-level vulnerabilities, attacks, and solutions mapped to each layer of the logical model such as the OSI stack. To bridge this gap and pave the way for future research by the authors in determining key DER security requirements, this paper conducts a comprehensive review of the key vulnerabilities, attacks, and potential solutions for solar and wind DERs at the protocol level. In doing so, this paper serves as a starting point for utilities, vendors, aggregators, and other industry stakeholders to develop a clear understanding of the DER security challenges and solutions, which are key precursors to comprehending security requirements