6 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Model Selection for Kernel Fragment Recognition in Corn Silage

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    Model selection when designing deep learning systems for specific use-cases can be a challenging task as many options exist and it can be difficult to know the trade-off between them. Therefore, we investigate a number of state of the art CNN models for the task of measuring kernel fragmentation in harvested corn silage. The models are evaluated across a number of feature extractors and image sizes in order to determine optimal model design choices based upon the trade-off between model complexity, accuracy and speed. We show that accuracy improvements can be made with more complex meta-architectures and speed can be optimised by decreasing the image size with only slight losses in accuracy. Additionally, we show improvements in Average Precision at an Intersection over Union of 0.5 of up to 20 percentage points while also decreasing inference time in comparison to previously published work. This result for better model selection enables opportunities for creating systems that can aid farmers in improving their silage quality while harvesting.Comment: Paper presented at the ICLR 2020 Workshop on Computer Vision for Agriculture (CV4A

    Maize Silage Kernel Fragment Estimation Using Deep Learning-Based Object Recognition in Non-Separated Kernel/Stover RGB Images

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    Efficient and robust evaluation of kernel processing from corn silage is an important indicator to a farmer to determine the quality of their harvested crop. Current methods are cumbersome to conduct and take between hours to days. We present the adoption of two deep learning-based methods for kernel processing prediction without the cumbersome step of separating kernels and stover before capturing images. The methods show that kernels can be detected both with bounding boxes and at pixel-level instance segmentation. Networks were trained on up to 1393 images containing just over 6907 manually annotated kernel instances. Both methods showed promising results despite the challenging setting, with an average precision at an intersection-over-union of 0.5 of 34.0% and 36.1% on the test set consisting of images from three different harvest seasons for the bounding-box and instance segmentation networks respectively. Additionally, analysis of the correlation between the Kernel Processing Score (KPS) of annotations against the KPS of model predictions showed a strong correlation, with the best performing at r(15) = 0.88, p = 0.00003. The adoption of deep learning-based object recognition approaches for kernel processing measurement has the potential to lower the quality assessment process to minutes, greatly aiding a farmer in the strenuous harvesting season

    Computer Vision-based Monitoring of Harvest Quality

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