2 research outputs found

    Query Scheduling in the Presence of Complex User Profiles

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    Advances in Web technology enable personalization proxies that assist users in satisfying their complex information monitoring and aggregation needs through the repeated querying of multiple volatile data sources. Such proxies face a scalability challenge when trying to maximize the number of clients served while at the same time fully satisfying clients' complex user profiles. In this work we use an abstraction of complex execution intervals (CEIs) constructed over simple execution intervals (EIs) represents user profiles and use existing offline approximation as a baseline for maximizing completeness of capturing CEIs. We present three heuristic solutions for the online problem of query scheduling to satisfy complex user profiles. The first only considers properties of individual EIs while the other two exploit properties of all EIs in the CEI. We use an extensive set of experiments on real traces and synthetic data to show that heuristics that exploit knowledge of the CEIs dominate across multiple parameter settings

    Maintaining Dynamic Channel Profiles on the Web

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    This work addresses a novel problem of maintaining channel profiles on the Web. Such channel maintenance is essential for next generation of Web 2.0 applications that provide sophisticated search and discovery services over Web information channels. Maintaining a fresh channel profile is extremely difficult due to the the dynamic nature of the channel, especially under the constraint of a limited monitoring budget. We propose a novel monitoring scheme that learns the channels’ monitoring rates. The monitoring scheme is further extended to consider the content that is published on the channels. We describe a novelty detection filter that refines the monitoring rate according to the expected rate of novel content published on the channels. We further show how inter-channel profile similarities can be utilized to refine the channel monitoring rates. Using real-world data of Web feeds we study the performance of the monitoring scheme. We experiment with several monitoring policies over a large set of Web feeds and show that a policy based on learning the monitoring rate of the channels, combined with novelty detection, outperforms alternative channel monitoring policies. Our results show that the suggested content-based policy is able to maintain high quality channel profiles under limited monitoring resources