3 research outputs found

    Accessibility of Thai university websites: Awareness, barriers and drivers for accessible practice

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    Governments and organizations have to respond to a range of legislative and policy initiatives intended to promote equal opportunity for all. The Thai government has passed a number of laws which aim to protect its citizens from discrimination and from breaches of their human rights by government departments and agencies. The Persons with Disabilities Education Act B.E. 2551 (2008) and the Thailand Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Policy Framework (2011-2020) required government agencies to delivery equal education and access to online information for all Thais. Most Thai universities receive government subsidies, and therefore have an obligation to contribute to national prosperity so that all Thais can benefit from their activities, or as the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology and The National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (2011, p. 23) states “The creation of content, database, online content which promotes lifelong learning, the development of school websites and other digital content should follow the web accessibility standard”. Given the Thai government’s commitment to lifelong learning and the creation of accessible materials, this thesis sought to investigate to what level Thai universities were implementing web accessibility in their websites and e-learning materials. A mixed method approach was employed in order to explore the level of accessibility awareness, barriers to web accessibility implementation and possible drivers for accessibility uptake which might exist within Thai universities. Quantitative data derived from automated and manual web evaluations was gathered based on WCAG 2.0 guideline in order to determine the actual levels of accessible design apparent in Thai university websites. Fifty representative universities were selected from the top ranked Thai universities and a number webpages were tested from within each of the university websites. In addition, online surveys were conducted with three stakeholder groups within the Thai university sector, namely lecturers, web staff and senior managers. These surveys were design to set the context for quantitative website assessment findings and provide evidence as to these stakeholders understanding of web accessibility as a concept. Finally, follow-up interviews were conducted after the web assessments and surveys were analysed so as to reduce ambiguity and increase understanding, creating a very clear picture of the standing of web accessibility in Thailand’s universities. The findings of the data analysis indicate that Thai universities have low levels of web accessibility implementation in their websites and e-learning materials, even though web accessibility requirements had been embedded in Thai laws and policies for over a decade. In terms of web evaluation, the university webpages had accessibility problems across all aspects of WCAG 2.0’s POUR principles, with not a single tested webpage passing even the lowest level of WCAG 2.0 compliance. The survey and interview data revealed very low levels of awareness of web accessibility amongst Thai university staff members as well as lack of knowledge regarding students with disabilities and their specialised technology needs. Whilst Thai university staff were generally supportive of the concept of web accessibility and supporting students with special needs, this was accompanied by some less supportive views, including students with disabilities being taught only in specialised educational facilities or only where there were sufficient numbers of such students to make the investment in accessibility worthwhile. A number of universities in this study featured university admission requirements which could be classed as a discriminatory and not aligned with the requirements of the Thai government. In fact, this thesis revealed an almost total lack of awareness within the Thai university sector of Thai government policy regarding web accessibility and equality in education. This thesis proposed a Smart Thailand : Accessible Learning model and an associated implementation framework which together might lead to an environment in which Thai universities would be more willing and able to implement the tenets of web accessibility and provide an equitable learning experience for all Thai citizens, especially those with disabilities

    DOKY: A Multi-Modal User Interface for Non-Visual Presentation, Navigation and Manipulation of Structured Documents on Mobile and Wearable Devices

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    There are a large number of highly structured documents available on the Internet. The logical document structure is very important for the reader in order to efficiently handling the document content. In graphical user interfaces, each logical structure element is presented by a specific visualisation, a graphical icon. This representation allows visual readers to recognise the structure at a glance. Another advantage is that it enables direct navigation and manipulation. Blind and visually impaired persons are unable to use graphical user interfaces and for the emerging category of mobile and wearable devices, where there are only small visual displays available or no visual display at all, a non-visual alternative is required too. A multi-modal user interface for non-visual presentation, navigation and manipulation of structured documents on mobile and wearable devices like smart phones, smart watches or smart tablets has been developed as a result of inductive research among 205 blind and visually impaired participants. It enables the user to get a fast overview over the document structure and to efficiently skim and scan over the document content by identifying the type, level, position, length, relationship and content text of each element as well as to focus, select, activate, move, remove and insert structure elements or text. These interactions are presented in a non-visual way using Earcons, Tactons and synthetic speech utterances, serving the auditory and tactile human sense. Navigation and manipulation is provided by using the multitouch, motion (linear acceleration and rotation) or speech recognition input modality. It is a complete solution for reading, creating and editing structured documents in a non-visual way. There is no special hardware required. The name DOKY is derived from a short form of the terms document, and accessibility. A flexible platform-independent and event-driven software architecture implementing the DOKY user interface as well as the automated structured observation research method employed for the investigation into the effectiveness of the proposed user interface has been presented. Because it is platform- and language-neutral, it can be used in a wide variety of platforms, environments and applications for mobile and wearable devices. Each component is defined by interfaces and abstract classes only, so that it can be easily changed or extended, and grouped in a semantically self-containing package. An investigation into the effectiveness of the proposed DOKY user interface has been carried out to see whether the proposed user interface design concepts and user interaction design concepts are effective means for non-visual presentation, navigation and manipulation of structured documents on mobile and wearable devices, by automated structured observations of 876 blind and visually impaired research subjects performing 19 exercises among a highly structured example document using the DOKY Structured Observation App on their own mobile or wearable device remotely over the Internet. The results showed that the proposed user interface design concepts for presentation and navigation and the user interaction design concepts for manipulation are effective and that their effectiveness depends on the input modality and hardware device employed as well as on the use of screen readers