1,091,044 research outputs found

    The U.S. Postal Service War on Private Mailboxes and Privacy Rights

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    On March 25, 1999, neatly concealed in an obscure and seemingly minor "Procedure Revision," the U.S. Postal Service announced its intent to execute Postal Bulletin 21994. In an alleged attempt to combat mail fraud, the Postal Service required that by June 24, 1999, all commercial mail-receiving agencies (CMRAs) that offer rental of private mailboxes should have collected from their customers confidential information that the Postal Service itself is not allowed to collect. Furthermore, starting as early as October 24, 1999, the USPS will deliver mail only to the private boxes addressed in a particular format that will be unfamiliar to many senders. Those new requirements violate the privacy regulations that cover the Postal Service. The USPS plans to make available to the public confidential information about any private box holder who uses the box for business with the public. However, access to such information could actually facilitate criminal activity. Moreover, the Postal Service also plans to apply these new regulations to executive suites.In addition, because it is impossible for box holders to know everyone who might have their private box address on file, many otherwise deliverable pieces of mail will be returned to the sender, marked "address unknown." Finally, the new regulations will foist enormous costs on some 1.5 million to 2.5 million private mailbox holders, which include many of the country's smallest businesses. CMRAs will also incur expenses, not only of compliance with and notification to box holders of the new regulations but also of lost business. A conservative estimate of the direct costs alone of the new regulations could approach $1 billion

    Pricing in competitive two-sided mail markets

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    The paper analyzes optimal pricing strategies in liberalized two-sided mail markets. Our results tell a cautionary tale with respect to applying two-part tariffs in postal markets, especially for delivery into P.O. box es.two-sided markets, pricing, two-part tariffs, P.O. box

    Rb and Rc Crises

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    The Rb and Rc crises described by Kaoru Hagiwara in hep-ph/9512425 [2] can be resolved by the T-quark mass value of 130 GeV and the αs(MZ) value of 0.106 of the D4 − D5 − E6 model described in hep-ph/9501252 [5] and quant-ph/9503009 [6]. c○1995 Frank D. (Tony) Smith, Jr., Cartersville, Georgia USA1 Introduction. During 1995, precision electroweak data have confirmed the predictions of the Standard Model, with no new physics, with the possible exception of the two observables Rb and Rc. In his recent review, Kaoru Hagiwara [2] has described the situation i

    European Information System for Organic Markets

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    The project European Information System for Organic Markets (EISfOM) is a European Concerted Action, funded under under key action 5 (Quality of Life) of the 5th Framework Research and Technological Development Programme of the European Union. The project will run from 2003 to 2005. EISfOM aims to build up a framework for reporting valid and reliable data for relevant production and market data about the European organic sector in order to meet the needs of policy makers, farmers, processors, wholesalers and other actors involved in organic markets. The major outputs of EISfOM will be - A review of existing data collection systems - Proposals to improve data quality and data collection systems for organic markets - Recommendations for future development and co-ordination of data collection systems in 32 European countries The project is managed the project partners core partners and representatives of key international organisations, including Eurostat, the European Commission, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). The EISFOM member network unites numerous experts, including representatives of regional, national and European statistical offices and the private organic sector. The following institutions are part of the EISfOM partnership: - Partner 1 (Coordinator): University of Wales Aberystwyth, Institute of Rural Sciences, led by Dr. Nicolas Lampkin, Llanbadarn Campus, UK- SY23 3AL Aberystwyth Ceredigion - Partner 2: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Fachgruppe Sozio-Ökonomie, Dr. Toralf Richter, Ackerstrasse /Postfach, CH-5070 Frick, Tel. +41 62 8657272, Fax +41 62 8657273, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://www.fibl.org - Partner 3: Leopold Franzens UniversitĂ€t Innsbruck, Zentrum fĂŒr Berglandwirtschaft, Dipl.-Ing. Markus Schermer, Technikerstr. 13, A-6020 Innsbruck, Tel. +43 512 507 5690, Fax +43 512 507 2817, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://www2.uibk.ac.at/berglandwirtschaft/ - Partner 5: Zentrale Markt- und Preisberichtstelle (ZMP), FB Ökologischer Landbau, Markus Rippin, Rochusstr. 2-6, D-53123 Bonn, Tel. +49 228 9777 0, Fax +49 228 9777 369, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://www.zmp.de - Partner 6: UniversitĂ  Politecnica delle Marche, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Gestionale dell'Automazione (DIIGA), Prof. Dr. Raffaele Zanoli, Via Brecce Bianche, I-60131 Ancona, Tel. +39 071 2204929, Fax +39 071 2204858, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://www.agr.univpm.it/ - Partner 7: Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF), Claus Bo Andreasen, P.O. Box 50, Foulum, DK-8830 Tjele, Tel. +45 89 99 10 35, Fax +45 89 99 16 73, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://www.foejo.dk - Partner 8: Warsaw Agricultural University SGGW, Faculty of Human Nutrition Sciences and Consumer Studies, Dr. Sylwia Zakowska-Biemans, Nowoursynowska 159 C, PL-02-776 Warszawa, Tel. +48 22 843 90 41 ext. 112 91, Fax + 48 22 847 27 83, E-mail [email protected], Internet www.sggw.waw.pl - Partner 9: WUR Landbouw Economisch Institut, Dr. Klaas Jan Kramer, P.O. Box 29703, Burgermeester Patijnlaan 19, NL-2502 LS Den Haag, Tel. + 31 70 3358245, Fax +31 70 3615624, E-mail [email protected] - Partner 10: UniversitĂ€t Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Agrar- und Lebensmittelmarketing, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Hamm, Steinstraße 19, D-37213 Witzenhausen, Tel. +49 5542 98-1284, Fax +49 5542 98-1286, E-mail [email protected], Internet http://php.uni-kassel.de/fb11cms/alm/default.php?cPath=

    Signals for Neutralino Box Effects at LEP2

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    We have computed the contribution to the observables of the final two fermion channel at LEP2, at the limiting energy q2=200GeV\sqrt{q^2}=200 GeV, coming from boxes with two neutralinos of purely gaugino type, of mass M=100GeVM=100 GeV. We find a potentially visible effect only for the muon channel, in the cross section and, to a lesser extent, in the forward-backward asymmetry. Analogous effects coming from the chargino box are also briefly discussed.Comment: 10 pages and 2 figures. e-mail: [email protected]

    The role of universal and non universal Sudakov logarithms in four fermion processes at TeV energies: the one-loop approximation revisited

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    We consider the separate effects on four fermion processes, in the TeV energy range, produced at one loop by Sudakov logarithms of universal and not universal kind, working in the 't Hooft xi=1 gauge. Summing the various vertex and box contributions allows to isolate two quite different terms.The first one is a combination of vertex and box quadratic and linear logarithms that are partially universal and partially not universal and independent of the scattering angle theta. The second one is theta-dependent, not universal, linearly logarithmic and only produced by weak boxes. We show that for several observables, measurable at future linear e+e- colliders (LC, CLIC), the role of the latter term is dominant and we discuss the implications of this fact for what concerns the reliability of a one-loop approximation.Comment: 22 pages and 13 figures; version to appear in Phys.Rev.D. e-mail: [email protected]

    The role of the top mass in b-production at future lepton colliders

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    We compute the one loop contribution coming from vertex and box diagrams, where virtual top quarks are exchanged, to the asymptotic energy behaviour of bbˉb\bar b pair production at future lepton colliders. We find that the effect of the top mass is an extra linear logarithmic term of Sudakov type that is not present in the case of (u,d,s,c) production. This appears to be particularly relevant in the case of the bbˉb\bar{b} cross section.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figures; version submitted to Phys.ReV.D,Rapid. e-mail: [email protected]

    Envelope, Air Mail Envelope, Hotel George Washington, Jacksonville, Florida, December 1, 1928

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    Envelope printed with Hotel George Washington Jacksonville, Florida and image of the hotel. First Air Mail Jacksonville – New York handwritten on back. Jacksonville Air Meet Dec. 1-2 Jacksonville Fla. – Inauguration Air Mail -Dedication Airport – Jacksonville Florida stamp on the back of the envelope. Box:4 No:49 (M#133
