45 research outputs found

    Error Resilient Video Coding Using Bitstream Syntax And Iterative Microscopy Image Segmentation

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    There has been a dramatic increase in the amount of video traffic over the Internet in past several years. For applications like real-time video streaming and video conferencing, retransmission of lost packets is often not permitted. Popular video coding standards such as H.26x and VPx make use of spatial-temporal correlations for compression, typically making compressed bitstreams vulnerable to errors. We propose several adaptive spatial-temporal error concealment approaches for subsampling-based multiple description video coding. These adaptive methods are based on motion and mode information extracted from the H.26x video bitstreams. We also present an error resilience method using data duplication in VPx video bitstreams. A recent challenge in image processing is the analysis of biomedical images acquired using optical microscopy. Due to the size and complexity of the images, automated segmentation methods are required to obtain quantitative, objective and reproducible measurements of biological entities. In this thesis, we present two techniques for microscopy image analysis. Our first method, “Jelly Filling” is intended to provide 3D segmentation of biological images that contain incompleteness in dye labeling. Intuitively, this method is based on filling disjoint regions of an image with jelly-like fluids to iteratively refine segments that represent separable biological entities. Our second method selectively uses a shape-based function optimization approach and a 2D marked point process simulation, to quantify nuclei by their locations and sizes. Experimental results exhibit that our proposed methods are effective in addressing the aforementioned challenges

    Real-time interactive video streaming over lossy networks: high performance low delay error resilient algorithms

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    According to Cisco's latest forecast, two-thirds of the world's mobile data traffic and 62 percent of the consumer Internet traffic will be video data by the end of 2016. However, the wireless networks and Internet are unreliable, where the video traffic may undergo packet loss and delay. Thus robust video streaming over unreliable networks, i.e., Internet, wireless networks, is of great importance in facing this challenge. Specifically, for the real-time interactive video streaming applications, such as video conference and video telephony, the allowed end-to-end delay is limited, which makes the robust video streaming an even more difficult task. In this thesis, we are going to investigate robust video streaming for real-time interactive applications, where the tolerated end-to-end delay is limited. Intra macroblock refreshment is an effective tool to stop error propagations in the prediction loop of video decoder, whereas redundant coding is a commonly used method to prevent error from happening for video transmission over lossy networks. In this thesis two schemes that jointly use intra macroblock refreshment and redundant coding are proposed. In these schemes, in addition to intra coding, we proposed to add two redundant coding methods to enhance the transmission robustness of the coded bitstreams. The selection of error resilient coding tools, i.e., intra coding and/or redundant coding, and the parameters for redundant coding are determined using the end-to-end rate-distortion optimization. Another category of methods to provide error resilient capacity is using forward error correction (FEC) codes. FEC is widely studied to protect streamed video over unreliable networks, with Reed-Solomon (RS) erasure codes as its commonly used implementation method. As a block-based error correcting code, on the one hand, enlarging the block size can enhance the performance of the RS codes; on the other hand, large block size leads to long delay which is not tolerable for real-time video applications. In this thesis two sub-GOP (Group of Pictures, formed by I-frame and all the following P/B-frames) based FEC schemes are proposed to improve the performance of Reed-Solomon codes for real-time interactive video applications. The first one, named DSGF (Dynamic sub-GOP FEC Coding), is designed for the ideal case, where no transmission network delay is taken into consideration. The second one, named RVS-LE (Real-time Video Streaming scheme exploiting the Late- and Early-arrival packets), is more practical, where the video transmission network delay is considered, and the late- and early-arrival packets are fully exploited. Of the two approaches, the sub-GOP, which contains more than one video frame, is dynamically tuned and used as the RS coding block to get the optimal performance. For the proposed DSGF approach, although the overall error resilient performance is higher than the conventional FEC schemes, that protect the streamed video frame by frame, its video quality fluctuates within the Sub-GOP. To mitigate this problem, in this thesis, another real-time video streaming scheme using randomized expanding Reed-Solomon code is proposed. In this scheme, the Reed-Solomon coding block includes not only the video packets of the current frame, but also all the video packets of previous frames in the current group of pictures (GOP). At the decoding side, the parity-check equations of the current frameare jointly solved with all the parity-check equations of the previous frames. Since video packets of the following frames are not encompassed in the RS coding block, no delay will be caused for waiting for the video or parity packets of the following frames both at encoding and decoding sides. The main contribution of this thesis is investigating the trade-off between the video transmission delay caused by FEC encoding/decoding dependency, the FEC error-resilient performance, and the computational complexity. By leveraging the methods proposed in this thesis, proper error-resilient tools and system parameters could be selected based on the video sequence characteristics, the application requirements, and the available channel bandwidth and computational resources. For example, for the applications that can tolerate relatively long delay, sub-GOP based approach is a suitable solution. For the applications where the end-to-end delay is stringent and the computational resource is sufficient (e.g. CPU is fast), it could be a wise choice to use the randomized expanding Reed-Solomon code

    A Review of Error Resilience Techniques in Video Streaming

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    Abstract-Delivering video data of satisfactory quality over unreliable networks -such as the internet or wireless networks -is a demanding area which has received significant attention of the research community over the past few years. Given the fact that packet loss is inevitable and therefore the presence of errors granted, the effort is directed towards limiting the effect of these errors. A number of techniques have been developed to address this issue. This paper aims to summarize the most significant approaches for: error resilience, error concealment and joint encoder-decoder error control techniques, and to provide a thorough discussion of the benefits and drawbacks of these error control methods. Furthermore, two case studies of error resilience utilization are presented, namely Ad-hoc networks and Multimedia Broadcast Multiple Services (MBMS)

    Packet prioritizing and delivering for multimedia streaming

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    Resilient Digital Video Transmission over Wireless Channels using Pixel-Level Artefact Detection Mechanisms

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    Recent advances in communications and video coding technology have brought multimedia communications into everyday life, where a variety of services and applications are being integrated within different devices such that multimedia content is provided everywhere and on any device. H.264/AVC provides a major advance on preceding video coding standards obtaining as much as twice the coding efficiency over these standards (Richardson I.E.G., 2003, Wiegand T. & Sullivan G.J., 2007). Furthermore, this new codec inserts video related information within network abstraction layer units (NALUs), which facilitates the transmission of H.264/AVC coded sequences over a variety of network environments (Stockhammer, T. & Hannuksela M.M., 2005) making it applicable for a broad range of applications such as TV broadcasting, mobile TV, video-on-demand, digital media storage, high definition TV, multimedia streaming and conversational applications. Real-time wireless conversational and broadcast applications are particularly challenging as, in general, reliable delivery cannot be guaranteed (Stockhammer, T. & Hannuksela M.M., 2005). The H.264/AVC standard specifies several error resilient strategies to minimise the effect of transmission errors on the perceptual quality of the reconstructed video sequences. However, these methods assume a packet-loss scenario where the receiver discards and conceals all the video information contained within a corrupted NALU packet. This implies that the error resilient methods adopted by the standard operate at a lower bound since not all the information contained within a corrupted NALU packet is un-utilizable (Stockhammer, T. et al., 2003).peer-reviewe

    Intra Coding Strategy for Video Error Resiliency: Behavioral Analysis

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    One challenge in video transmission is to deal with packet loss. Since the compressed video streams are sensitive to data loss, the error resiliency of the encoded video becomes important. When video data is lost and retransmission is not possible, the missed data should be concealed. But loss concealment causes distortion in the lossy frame which also propagates into the next frames even if their data are received correctly. One promising solution to mitigate this error propagation is intra coding. There are three approaches for intra coding: intra coding of a number of blocks selected randomly or regularly, intra coding of some specific blocks selected by an appropriate cost function, or intra coding of a whole frame. But Intra coding reduces the compression ratio; therefore, there exists a trade-off between bitrate and error resiliency achieved by intra coding. In this paper, we study and show the best strategy for getting the best rate-distortion performance. Considering the error propagation, an objective function is formulated, and with some approximations, this objective function is simplified and solved. The solution demonstrates that periodical I-frame coding is preferred over coding only a number of blocks as intra mode in P-frames. Through examination of various test sequences, it is shown that the best intra frame period depends on the coding bitrate as well as the packet loss rate. We then propose a scheme to estimate this period from curve fitting of the experimental results, and show that our proposed scheme outperforms other methods of intra coding especially for higher loss rates and coding bitrates

    Making video chat robust to packet loss

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2010.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-83).Video chat is increasingly popular among Internet users (e.g. Skype, Windows Live Messenger, Google Talk). Often, however, chatting sessions suffer from packet loss, which causes video outage and poor quality. Existing solutions however are unsatisfying. Retransmissions increase the delay and hence can interact negatively with the strict timing requirements of interactive video. FEC codes introduce extra overhead and hence reduce the bandwidth available for video data even in the absence of packet loss. In this thesis, we present ChitChat, a new approach for reliable video chat that neither delays frames nor introduces bandwidth overhead. The key idea is to ensure that the information in each packet describes the whole frame. As a result, even when some packets are lost, the receiver can still use the received packets to decode a smooth version of the original frame. This reduces frame loss and the resulting video freezes and improves the perceived video quality. We have implemented ChitChat and evaluated it over multiple Internet paths. In comparison to Windows Live Messenger 2009, our method reduces the occurrences of video outage events by more than an order of magnitude.by Jue Wang.S.M

    Robust Video Communication over an Urban VANET

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    Error resilience and concealment techniques for high-efficiency video coding

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    This thesis investigates the problem of robust coding and error concealment in High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). After a review of the current state of the art, a simulation study about error robustness, revealed that the HEVC has weak protection against network losses with significant impact on video quality degradation. Based on this evidence, the first contribution of this work is a new method to reduce the temporal dependencies between motion vectors, by improving the decoded video quality without compromising the compression efficiency. The second contribution of this thesis is a two-stage approach for reducing the mismatch of temporal predictions in case of video streams received with errors or lost data. At the encoding stage, the reference pictures are dynamically distributed based on a constrained Lagrangian rate-distortion optimization to reduce the number of predictions from a single reference. At the streaming stage, a prioritization algorithm, based on spatial dependencies, selects a reduced set of motion vectors to be transmitted, as side information, to reduce mismatched motion predictions at the decoder. The problem of error concealment-aware video coding is also investigated to enhance the overall error robustness. A new approach based on scalable coding and optimally error concealment selection is proposed, where the optimal error concealment modes are found by simulating transmission losses, followed by a saliency-weighted optimisation. Moreover, recovery residual information is encoded using a rate-controlled enhancement layer. Both are transmitted to the decoder to be used in case of data loss. Finally, an adaptive error resilience scheme is proposed to dynamically predict the video stream that achieves the highest decoded quality for a particular loss case. A neural network selects among the various video streams, encoded with different levels of compression efficiency and error protection, based on information from the video signal, the coded stream and the transmission network. Overall, the new robust video coding methods investigated in this thesis yield consistent quality gains in comparison with other existing methods and also the ones implemented in the HEVC reference software. Furthermore, the trade-off between coding efficiency and error robustness is also better in the proposed methods