2 research outputs found

    Parallelizing Word2Vec in Shared and Distributed Memory

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    Word2Vec is a widely used algorithm for extracting low-dimensional vector representations of words. It generated considerable excitement in the machine learning and natural language processing (NLP) communities recently due to its exceptional performance in many NLP applications such as named entity recognition, sentiment analysis, machine translation and question answering. State-of-the-art algorithms including those by Mikolov et al. have been parallelized for multi-core CPU architectures but are based on vector-vector operations that are memory-bandwidth intensive and do not efficiently use computational resources. In this paper, we improve reuse of various data structures in the algorithm through the use of minibatching, hence allowing us to express the problem using matrix multiply operations. We also explore different techniques to distribute word2vec computation across nodes in a compute cluster, and demonstrate good strong scalability up to 32 nodes. In combination, these techniques allow us to scale up the computation near linearly across cores and nodes, and process hundreds of millions of words per second, which is the fastest word2vec implementation to the best of our knowledge.Comment: Added more result

    Matrix Factorization on GPUs with Memory Optimization and Approximate Computing

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    Matrix factorization (MF) discovers latent features from observations, which has shown great promises in the fields of collaborative filtering, data compression, feature extraction, word embedding, etc. While many problem-specific optimization techniques have been proposed, alternating least square (ALS) remains popular due to its general applicability e.g. easy to handle positive-unlabeled inputs, fast convergence and parallelization capability. Current MF implementations are either optimized for a single machine or with a need of a large computer cluster but still are insufficient. This is because a single machine provides limited compute power for large-scale data while multiple machines suffer from the network communication bottleneck. To address the aforementioned challenge, accelerating ALS on graphics processing units (GPUs) is a promising direction. We propose the novel approach in enhancing the MF efficiency via both memory optimization and approximate computing. The former exploits GPU memory hierarchy to increase data reuse, while the later reduces unnecessary computing without hurting the convergence of learning algorithms. Extensive experiments on large-scale datasets show that our solution not only outperforms the competing CPU solutions by a large margin but also has a 2x-4x performance gain compared to the state-of-the-art GPU solutions. Our implementations are open-sourced and publicly available