2,930 research outputs found

    Bayesian Structure Learning for Markov Random Fields with a Spike and Slab Prior

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    In recent years a number of methods have been developed for automatically learning the (sparse) connectivity structure of Markov Random Fields. These methods are mostly based on L1-regularized optimization which has a number of disadvantages such as the inability to assess model uncertainty and expensive cross-validation to find the optimal regularization parameter. Moreover, the model's predictive performance may degrade dramatically with a suboptimal value of the regularization parameter (which is sometimes desirable to induce sparseness). We propose a fully Bayesian approach based on a "spike and slab" prior (similar to L0 regularization) that does not suffer from these shortcomings. We develop an approximate MCMC method combining Langevin dynamics and reversible jump MCMC to conduct inference in this model. Experiments show that the proposed model learns a good combination of the structure and parameter values without the need for separate hyper-parameter tuning. Moreover, the model's predictive performance is much more robust than L1-based methods with hyper-parameter settings that induce highly sparse model structures.Comment: Accepted in the Conference on Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence (UAI), 201

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Gaussian Chain Graph Models under the Alternative Markov Property

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    The AMP Markov property is a recently proposed alternative Markov property for chain graphs. In the case of continuous variables with a joint multivariate Gaussian distribution, it is the AMP rather than the earlier introduced LWF Markov property that is coherent with data-generation by natural block-recursive regressions. In this paper, we show that maximum likelihood estimates in Gaussian AMP chain graph models can be obtained by combining generalized least squares and iterative proportional fitting to an iterative algorithm. In an appendix, we give useful convergence results for iterative partial maximization algorithms that apply in particular to the described algorithm.Comment: 15 pages, article will appear in Scandinavian Journal of Statistic

    Efficient likelihood estimation in state space models

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    Motivated by studying asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) in stochastic volatility (SV) models, in this paper we investigate likelihood estimation in state space models. We first prove, under some regularity conditions, there is a consistent sequence of roots of the likelihood equation that is asymptotically normal with the inverse of the Fisher information as its variance. With an extra assumption that the likelihood equation has a unique root for each nn, then there is a consistent sequence of estimators of the unknown parameters. If, in addition, the supremum of the log likelihood function is integrable, the MLE exists and is strongly consistent. Edgeworth expansion of the approximate solution of likelihood equation is also established. Several examples, including Markov switching models, ARMA models, (G)ARCH models and stochastic volatility (SV) models, are given for illustration.Comment: With the comments by Jens Ledet Jensen and reply to the comments. Published at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/009053606000000614; http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS748A; http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/09-AOS748B in the Annals of Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aos/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Hierarchical Models for Independence Structures of Networks

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    We introduce a new family of network models, called hierarchical network models, that allow us to represent in an explicit manner the stochastic dependence among the dyads (random ties) of the network. In particular, each member of this family can be associated with a graphical model defining conditional independence clauses among the dyads of the network, called the dependency graph. Every network model with dyadic independence assumption can be generalized to construct members of this new family. Using this new framework, we generalize the Erd\"os-R\'enyi and beta-models to create hierarchical Erd\"os-R\'enyi and beta-models. We describe various methods for parameter estimation as well as simulation studies for models with sparse dependency graphs.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    Unsupervised Bilingual POS Tagging with Markov Random Fields

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    In this paper, we give a treatment to the problem of bilingual part-of-speech induction with parallel data. We demonstrate that naïve optimization of log-likelihood with joint MRFs suffers from a severe problem of local maxima, and suggest an alternative – using contrastive estimation for estimation of the parameters. Our experiments show that estimating the parameters this way, using overlapping features with joint MRFs performs better than previous work on the 1984 dataset.

    Binary Models for Marginal Independence

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    Log-linear models are a classical tool for the analysis of contingency tables. In particular, the subclass of graphical log-linear models provides a general framework for modelling conditional independences. However, with the exception of special structures, marginal independence hypotheses cannot be accommodated by these traditional models. Focusing on binary variables, we present a model class that provides a framework for modelling marginal independences in contingency tables. The approach taken is graphical and draws on analogies to multivariate Gaussian models for marginal independence. For the graphical model representation we use bi-directed graphs, which are in the tradition of path diagrams. We show how the models can be parameterized in a simple fashion, and how maximum likelihood estimation can be performed using a version of the Iterated Conditional Fitting algorithm. Finally we consider combining these models with symmetry restrictions