4 research outputs found

    The UNIVERSIA/UPM OPEN COURSEWARE iniciative to share the knowledge

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    This paper shows the most innovative aspects of the Universia/UPM OpenCourseWare (OCW) project referred to globalization of higher education in a Latin-American environment and the sharing of knowledge. The MIT idea of offering, through Internet, the available educational resources in an open way has been spread all over the world and many Universities and Institutions have joint this initiative. Universia, Institution which gathers one of the biggest world universities net, has launched an OCW site, with the technical collaboration of the Technical University of Madrid (UPM) who is working as the main university project promoter. The OCW-Universia site has one of the greatest growth rates at present and is facing new challenges and developments which will allow its expansion as a reference within an international context

    Objetivos, evolución y perspectivas del OPEN COURSEWARE de la UPM

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    En esta comunicación se presentan los principales objetivos, la situación actual y los retos futuros, del sitio OCW de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, enmarcados en el entorno de la iniciativa OCW Universia y del Consocio Mundial OCW. Durante los dos últimos cursos la UPM ha realizado un importante esfuerzo que la ha permitido situarse como la Universidad Iberoamericana con mayor cantidad de contenidos educativos en abierto y con el mayor número de accesos y descargas de este tipo de recursos. Para poder afianzar esta posición privilegiada, e impulsar y desarrollar nuevas ideas del sitio OCW-UPM son necesarios una serie de requisitos, que son detallados y analizados en esta ponenci

    Chapter 04. Framework to understand postgraduate students' adaption of academics' teaching materials as OER

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    This chapter addresses a way of responding to one of the key challenges of OER contribution, namely academics' lack of time to re-purpose teaching materials originally intended for campus-based face-to-face lectures as stand-alone Open Educational Resources (OER). It describes how masters' students, tutors and interns at the University of Cape Town have been engaged to support the innovative practice of adapting academics' existing teaching materials into OER

    MIT’s Strategy for Educational Technology Innovation, 1999–2003

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    This paper discusses the institutional framework and the strategic decisions the led the launch of several major major educational technology initiatives at MIT between 1999 and 2003. It describes how MIT’s central administration provided strategic support and coordination for large educational technology programs, and it traces how strategies evolved as work progressed through 2003 to a point where major projects had been launched and were ready to proceed as ongoing concerns. The history recounted here provides a snapshot of a world-class university confronting the changing environment for higher education engendered by information technology at beginning of the 21st century