358 research outputs found

    Integrated Sensing and Communication Signals Toward 5G-A and 6G: A Survey

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    Integrated sensing and communication (ISAC) has the advantages of efficient spectrum utilization and low hardware cost. It is promising to be implemented in the fifth-generation-advanced (5G-A) and sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication systems, having the potential to be applied in intelligent applications requiring both communication and high-accurate sensing capabilities. As the fundamental technology of ISAC, ISAC signal directly impacts the performance of sensing and communication. This article systematically reviews the literature on ISAC signals from the perspective of mobile communication systems, including ISAC signal design, ISAC signal processing algorithms and ISAC signal optimization. We first review the ISAC signal design based on 5G, 5G-A and 6G mobile communication systems. Then, radar signal processing methods are reviewed for ISAC signals, mainly including the channel information matrix method, spectrum lines estimator method and super resolution method. In terms of signal optimization, we summarize peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) optimization, interference management, and adaptive signal optimization for ISAC signals. This article may provide the guidelines for the research of ISAC signals in 5G-A and 6G mobile communication systems.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figures, 8 tables. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 202

    Fractional fourier transform based waveform for a joint radar-communication system

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    The increasing demand of spectrum resources and the need to keep the size, weight and power consumption of modern radar as low as possible, has led to the development of solutions like joint radar-communication systems. In this paper a novel Fractional Fourier Transform (FrFT) based multiplexing scheme is presented as joint radar-communication technique. The FrFT is used to embed data into chirp sub-carriers with different time-frequency rates. Some optimisation procedures are also proposed, with the objective of improving the bandwidth occupancy and the bit rate and/or Bit Error Ratio (BER). The generated waveform is demonstrated to have a good rejection to distortions introduced by the channel, leading to low BER, while keeping good radar characteristics compared to a widely used Linear Frequency Modulated (LFM) pulse with same duration and bandwidth

    AFDM vs OTFS: A Comparative Study of Promising Waveforms for ISAC in Doubly-Dispersive Channels

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    This white paper aims to briefly describe a proposed article that will provide a thorough comparative study of waveforms designed to exploit the features of doubly-dispersive channels arising in heterogeneous high-mobility scenarios as expected in the beyond fifth generation (B5G) and sixth generation (6G), in relation to their suitability to integrated sensing and communications (ISAC) systems. In particular, the full article will compare the well-established delay-Doppler domain-based orthognal time frequency space (OTFS) and the recently proposed chirp domain-based affine frequency division multiplexing (AFDM) waveforms. Both these waveforms are designed based on a full delay- Doppler representation of the time variant (TV) multipath channel, yielding not only robustness and orthogonality of information symbols in high-mobility scenarios, but also a beneficial implication for environment target detection through the inherent capability of estimating the path delay and Doppler shifts, which are standard radar parameters. These modulation schemes are distinct candidates for ISAC in B5G/6G systems, such that a thorough study of their advantages, shortcomings, implications to signal processing, and performance of communication and sensing functions are well in order. In light of the above, a sample of the intended contribution (Special Issue paper) is provided below

    Architectures and Algorithms for the Signal Processing of Advanced MIMO Radar Systems

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    This thesis focuses on the research, development and implementation of novel concepts, architectures, demonstrator systems and algorithms for the signal processing of advanced Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) radar systems. The key concept is to address compact system, which have high resolutions and are able to perform a fast radar signal processing, three-dimensional (3D), and four-dimensional (4D) beamforming for radar image generation and target estimation. The idea is to obtain a complete sensing of range, Azimuth and elevation (additionally Doppler as the fourth dimension) from the targets in the radar captures. The radar technology investigated, aims at addressing sev- eral civil and military applications, such as surveillance and detection of targets, both air and ground based, and situational awareness, both in cars and in flying platforms, from helicopters, to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and air-taxis. Several major topics have been targeted. The development of complete systems and innovative FPGA, ARM and software based digital architectures for 3D imaging MIMO radars, which operate in both Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Frequency Divi- sion Multiplexing (FDM) modes, with Frequency Modulated Continuous Wave (FMCW) and Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) signals, respectively. The de- velopment of real-time radar signal processing, beamforming and Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA) algorithms for target detection, with particular focus on FFT based, hardware implementable techniques. The study and implementation of advanced system concepts, parametrisation and simulation of next generation real-time digital radars (e.g. OFDM based). The design and development of novel constant envelope orthogonal waveforms for real-time 3D OFDM MIMO radar systems. The MIMO architectures presented in this thesis are a collection of system concepts, de- sign and simulations, as well as complete radar demonstrators systems, with indoor and outdoor measurements. Several of the results shown, come in the form of radar images which have been captured in field-test, in different scenarios, which aid in showing the proper functionality of the systems. The research activities for this thesis, have been carried out on the premises of Air- bus, based in Munich (Germany), as part of a Ph.D. candidate joint program between Airbus and the Polytechnic Department of Engineering and Architecture (Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura), of the University of Udine, based in Udine (Italy).Questa tesi si concentra sulla ricerca, lo sviluppo e l\u2019implementazione di nuovi concetti, architetture, sistemi dimostrativi e algoritmi per l\u2019elaborazione dei segnali in sistemi radar avanzati, basati su tecnologia Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO). Il con- cetto chiave `e quello di ottenere sistemi compatti, dalle elevate risoluzioni e in grado di eseguire un\u2019elaborazione del segnale radar veloce, un beam-forming tri-dimensionale (3D) e quadri-dimensionale (4D) per la generazione di immagini radar e la stima delle informazioni dei bersagli, detti target. L\u2019idea `e di ottenere una stima completa, che includa la distanza, l\u2019Azimuth e l\u2019elevazione (addizionalmente Doppler come quarta di- mensione) dai target nelle acquisizioni radar. La tecnologia radar indagata ha lo scopo di affrontare diverse applicazioni civili e militari, come la sorveglianza e la rilevazione di targets, sia a livello aereo che a terra, e la consapevolezza situazionale, sia nelle auto che nelle piattaforme di volo, dagli elicotteri, ai Unmanned Aerial Vehicels (UAV) e taxi volanti (air-taxis). Le tematiche affrontante sono molte. Lo sviluppo di sistemi completi e di architetture digitali innovative, basate su tecnologia FPGA, ARM e software, per radar 3D MIMO, che operano in modalit`a Multiplexing Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) e Multiplexing Frequency Diversion (FDM), con segnali di tipo FMCW (Frequency Modulated Contin- uous Wave) e Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), rispettivamente. Lo sviluppo di tecniche di elaborazione del segnale radar in tempo reale, algoritmi di beam-forming e di stima della direzione di arrivo, Direction-Of-Arrival (DOA), dei seg- nali radar, per il rilevamento dei target, con particolare attenzione a processi basati su trasformate di Fourier (FFT). Lo studio e l\u2019implementazione di concetti di sistema avan- zati, parametrizzazione e simulazione di radar digitali di prossima generazione, capaci di operare in tempo reale (ad esempio basati su architetture OFDM). Progettazione e sviluppo di nuove forme d\u2019onda ortogonali ad inviluppo costante per sistemi radar 3D di tipo OFDM MIMO, operanti in tempo reale. Le attivit`a di ricerca di questa tesi sono state svolte presso la compagnia Airbus, con sede a Monaco di Baviera (Germania), nell\u2019ambito di un programma di dottorato, svoltosi in maniera congiunta tra Airbus ed il Dipartimento Politecnico di Ingegneria e Architettura dell\u2019Universit`a di Udine, con sede a Udine