1,852 research outputs found

    Can health public expenditure reduce the tragic consequences of road traffic accidents? The EU-27 experience

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    This study uses data for the EU-27 countries in the period 1999-2009 to estimate determinants of road traffic fatality rates. Controlling for country attributes and road safety policy variables, we examine the influence of variables related with the national health systems; the number of hospital beds per kilometer and the percentage of health expenditures over gross domestic product. We find evidence that the density of hospital beds contributes substantially to the fall in traffic-related fatalities. Furthermore, the quality of general medical facilities and technology associated with increases in health expenditure may be also a relevant factor in reducing road traffic fatalities

    Elaboración de una propuesta de turismo receptivo e interno para la ruta valdivia-San José

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    Ecuador ofrece un abanico de opciones al momento de elegir un destino para vacacionar, ya sea en sus hermosas playas, en los refrescantes páramos, en su exótica Amazonía o en la encantada región Insular. Es común relacionar la Región Costa con turismo de Sol y Playa sin tomar en cuenta la riqueza cultural y ecológica que posee esta región. Los poblados asentados en la Provincia de Santa Elena cuentan con senderos ricos en vegetación y fauna, cuyo recorrido viene acompañado de la dosis perfecta de aventura, historia, paisajes armónicos y gente amable, contribuyendo así a la diversificación de la propuesta turística de la región. Es por esto que la Ruta Valdivia-San José tiene como objetivo proponer alternativas de productos turísticos en la Provincia de Santa Elena, ofertas donde la cultura y el deporte, religión y relax, ecología y aventura estén conectadas entre sí para lograr llegar a todas las clases de turistas. Además de la elaboración de la cartera de productos, el estudio del tipo de turista que visita la Provincia de Santa Elena, de la planta e infraestructura turística, se propondrá la participación de los pobladores y el diseño de la promoción de la Ruta Valdivia-San José

    Diagnosis of the ecological condition of the drove road network in the Autonomous Community of Madrid (central Spain)

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    Context: Drove roads are landscape corridors traditionally used for livestock movement in many regions of the world, including Spain, where they cover about 0.8% of the land. They have ecological importance due to their role in connectivity, seed dispersal, soil preservation, habitat and biodiversity conservation, and the provision of ecosystem services. Drove roads are experiencing deterioration due to the abandonment of extensive grazing and transhumance. Objectives: We aim to characterize the conservation status and main predictors of deterioration of the drove roads in the Community of Madrid, a region in Spain with a high presence of these corridors. Methods: We considered all the network of the region, with the main analyses based on a sample of 160 segments of 200 m-long, which were evaluated using GIS and fieldwork. Results: Nearly one third of the network surface is occupied by crops, communication infrastructure, and urban or industrial surfaces. Natural habitats make up 60% of the network and are affected by soil degradation and grazing abandonment. Landscape matrix was the main predictor of drove road status, with urban and cropland matrices leading to a reduction in spatial integrity and availability for natural habitats. Grazing was most preserved in grassland matrices. Eco-district, drove road width, and distance to city center also had influence on conservation status. Conclusions: Despite their concerning state, the network is restorable in many areas of the region. Restoration should focus on intensified and simplified landscapes, where the network plays a more decisive role, and should consider the reintroduction of livestockOpen Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. This work was supported by the European Union Life Program (project LIFE CAÑADAS, LIFE 18 NAT/ES/000930

    Being Good Lawyers: A Relational Approach to Law Practice

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    In response to past generations of debates regarding whether law is a business or profession, we advance an alternative approach that rejects the dichotomies of business and profession, or hired gun and wise counselor. Instead, we propose a relational account of law practice. Unlike frameworks grounded in assumptions of atomistic individualism or communitarianism, a relational perspective recognizes that all actors, whether individuals or organizations, have separate identities yet are intrinsically inter-connected and cannot maximize their own good in isolation. Through the lens of relational self-interest, maximizing the good of the individual or business requires consideration of the good of the neighbor, the employee or customer, and of the public. Accordingly, relational lawyers advise and assist clients, colleagues, and themselves to take into account the well-being of others when contemplating and pursuing their own interests. A relational approach to law practice does not require a choice between labeling law a business or a profession, and indeed is consistent with both perspectives. Lawyers can access relational perspectives from a wide range of understandings of the lawyer’s role, with the exception of the particular hired gun ideology that views lawyers as amoral mouthpieces for clients who act as Holmesian bad men and women aggressively pursuing their self-interest with no regard to others. The relational framework offers all lawyers, whether they see themselves as professionals or business persons, a framework for understanding that they can continue to serve as society’s civic teachers in their capacity as intermediaries between the people and the law, integrating relational self-interest into their representation of clients and their community service. By doing so, lawyers as professionals, individuals, and community members will more effectively represent clients, as well as enhance their contribution to the public good and to the quality of their own professional and private lives. They will also surmount the generation-long malaise resulting from the crisis of professionalism

    Comparing Fiscal (De)Centralization and Multilevel Governments in Different Institutional Settings: A comparative study of Argentina and Denmark (2000-2010). European Diversity and Autonomy Papers EDAP 02/2020

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    The magnitude and complexity of the different processes of decentralization that took place around the world in the last five decades, involving all types of states (unitary and federal, as well), has challenged the concepts and the traditional distinction among the forms of the States. Therefore, to get a more complete and comprehensive idea of the whole phenomenon it is necessary to return to a theoretical discussion about decentralization and this requires also comparative studies between federal countries and unitary countries. With this background, the aim of this paper is twofold: first, it discusses some concepts surrounding the idea of decentralization and the different aspect it encompasses; second, it measures and compares institutional and fiscal decentralization in two countries with very different institutional settings, Argentina and Denmark, through six indicators, in order to explore some causal explanations of the role of subnational units in the process of decentralization

    Un enfoque sistémico de la seguridad vial en la Unión Europea

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    The article considers the main directions for implementing the Road Safety Strategy for 2021-2030 adopted by the European Union (hereinafter referred to as the EU Road Safety Policy). It reveals targets and indicators of this Strategy and dwells on the Safe System approach to road safety, which is the basis of the EU Road Safety Policy. The Safe System is based on such concepts as Vision Zero and Sustainable Safety and influences the main elements of the road traffic system (vehicles, road network, road users) to ensure the safety of transportation. The comparative analysis of the EU Road Safety Policy and the Russian Road Safety Strategy for 2018-2024 has demonstrated similar directions in their implementation. However, the European document is characterized by a greater consistency and scientific validity of the measures being developed with due regard to the latest trends in the field of road traffic. The Road Safety Strategy adopted in Russia traditionally considers the violation of traffic rules by vehicle drivers.El artículo está dedicado al análisis de las principales áreas de implementación de la Estrategia para la seguridad vial para 2021-2030 adoptada en el territorio de la Unión Europea (en adelante, la Estrategia SV de la UE). Se examinan los objetivos y los indicadores de esta Estrategia, se revela el contenido del enfoque de seguridad vial Safe System, que es la base de la Estrategia Europea. Safe System se basa en los principios de las concepciones Vision Zero y Sustainable Safety y tiene como objetivo influir en los principales elementos del sistema de tráfico (vehículos, red de carreteras, usuarios de carretera) para garantizar la seguridad del proceso de transporte. El análisis comparativo de la Estrategia SV de la Unión Europea y la Estrategia SV de Rusia para 2018-2024 mostró la similitud de las principales esferas de aplicación, pero el documento europeo se caracteriza por una mayor sistematización y validez científica de las medidas que se están desarrollando, por tener en cuenta las últimas tendencias en materia de tráfico, mientras que la Estrategia SV adoptada en Rusia tradicionalmente considera la violación de las Normas de tráfico por los conductores de vehículos como la principal causa de los accidentes de tráfico

    Abundance and distribution of European badger – Meles Meles (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park (C. Valenciana)

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    Este trabajo de investigación es pionero y original ya que nunca antes se ha realizado un estudio del tejón (Melesmeles) dentro del ámbito valenciano y más concretamente sobre la relación de su distribución con los factores geográficos que la condicionan en el Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola. Un mejor conocimiento de su ocupación en el espacio será de interés para la definición de medidas de gestión de fauna del Parque. En 2009, utilizando técnicas de fototrampeo se recopilaron 29.941 imágenes con algún contacto animal. De estas imágenes, el 0,16% de las fotografías registradas son de tejón y se ha detectado su presencia en 6 de las 63 cuadrículas (4 Km2) del Parque Natural Sierra de Mariola (9,38%). Este estudio ha permitido integrar la información recopilada en campo con las bases de datos existentes para concluir que la situación del tejón en Sierra de Mariola no es preocupante.The main objective of this research was to determine the distribution of the badger (Melesmeles) in the Sierra de Mariola Natural Park. A better knowledge of their distribution will assist with the definition of management measures in the Natural Park. In 2009, using camera traps, 29,941 images were collected with any animal contact. From these images, the 0.16% of the photographs are registered with the badger and their presence was detected in 6 of the 63 grids (4 Km2) of Sierra de Mariola (9,38%). This study has allowed us to integrate the information collected in the field with existing data bases. We conclude that the situation of badger in Sierra de Mariola is not of concern.Este proyecto ha sido financiado en parte por las ayudas de investigación del Instituto Alicantino de Cultura Juan Gil-Albert

    The Lisbon Treaty and Spain: Background, context and impact

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    The year 2010 will be remembered in the European Union (EU) circles of governmental Spain as a crucial milestone regarding the role of the country in one of the most important alliances of world history. During the first semester, from January to June 2010, Spain had previously been scheduled to hold the rotating presidency as done since the times of the inception of the predecessor of the EU, the European Economic Community (EEC). Furthermore, on June 12, Spain would be ready to celebrate the 25th anniversary of its adhesion (along with Portugal) to the European integration experiment, by signing the treaty, effectively acceding to the European Community (EC) on January 1, 1986. While all of this was set to occur, the new Reform Treaty (“of Lisbon”) was set to be implemented as a substitute for the failed constitutional text floated during the first years of the new century. Moreover, these spectacular events unraveled in the middle of one of the worst economic crises of the world, with considerable impact on the evolution of the EU and, most especially, Spain. This paper will review the background, context and impact of particular novel aspects of the new treaty governing the EU and several milestones regarding the experience of Spain in the European processEl año 2010 será recordado en la Unión Europea (UE) como hito crucial en relación con el papel de España en una de las alianzas más importantes de la historia del mundo. Durante el primer semestre, de enero a junio de 2010, España preside el Consejo y el 12 de junio, España celebra el 25 aniversario de su adhesión (junto con Portugal) para el experimento de integración europea, mediante la firma del tratado, se adhiera efectivamente a la Comunidad Europea (CE) el 1 de enero de 1986. Mientras, el nuevo Tratado ("de Lisboa") entra en vigor como sustituto del texto constitucional que no salió adelante en los primeros años del nuevo siglo. Por otra parte, estos acontecimientos se producen en medio de una de las peores crisis económicas del mundo, con un considerable impacto en la evolución de la UE y, sobre todo, España. Este documento se examinarán los antecedentes, el contexto y el impacto de determinados aspectos novedosos del nuevo tratado que rige la UE y varios hitos en relación con la experiencia de España en el proceso europeo

    The Proximity of Road Traffic Crash Black Spots to Federal Road Safety Commission Zebra Location/Emergency Health Care Facilities in Federal Capital City, Abuja, Nigeria

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    This research analyzed the proximity of road traffic crash (RTC) Black Spots to Federal Road Safety Commission (FRSC) zebra locations/emergency health care facilities to ascertain the rescue of RTC victims in Federal Capita City (FCC). Geographic Information System (GIS) based location model was applied in the street network analysis to identify RTC black spots that are outside the close reach of FRSC rescue points/health facilities in FCC. Distance was used as impedance factor. Spatial query and buffer analysis were employed to determine accident spots that fall between 2 kms of the health facility and zebra point. Remote Sensing and GIS techniques were applied in proximity analysis using location strategies and interconnected features. The results were presented on road network maps. The result suggests that five (5) additional zebra points would be effective in terms of proximity to RTC in the area and would considerably improve spatial coverage for response times. The areas where quick response and medical facilities are insufficient were identified. Optimal locations for siting zebra points that can effectively service RTC black spots were proposed