12 research outputs found

    A Geometric Reduction Approach for Identity Testing of Reversible Markov Chains

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    We consider the problem of testing the identity of a reversible Markov chain against a reference from a single trajectory of observations. Employing the recently introduced notion of a lumping-congruent Markov embedding, we show that, at least in a mildly restricted setting, testing identity to a reversible chain reduces to testing to a symmetric chain over a larger state space and recover state-of-the-art sample complexity for the problem

    The minimax risk in testing the histogram of discrete distributions for uniformity under missing ball alternatives

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    We consider the problem of testing the fit of a discrete sample of items from many categories to the uniform distribution over the categories. As a class of alternative hypotheses, we consider the removal of an ℓp\ell_p ball of radius ϵ\epsilon around the uniform rate sequence for p≤2p \leq 2. We deliver a sharp characterization of the asymptotic minimax risk when ϵ→0\epsilon \to 0 as the number of samples and number of dimensions go to infinity, for testing based on the occurrences' histogram (number of absent categories, singletons, collisions, ...). For example, for p=1p=1 and in the limit of a small expected number of samples nn compared to the number of categories NN (aka "sub-linear" regime), the minimax risk Rϵ∗R^*_\epsilon asymptotes to 2Φˉ(nϵ2/8N)2 \bar{\Phi}\left(n \epsilon^2/\sqrt{8N}\right) , with Φˉ(x)\bar{\Phi}(x) the normal survival function. Empirical studies over a range of problem parameters show that this estimate is accurate in finite samples, and that our test is significantly better than the chisquared test or a test that only uses collisions. Our analysis is based on the asymptotic normality of histogram ordinates, the equivalence between the minimax setting to a Bayesian one, and the reduction of a multi-dimensional optimization problem to a one-dimensional problem