103,460 research outputs found

    Discrimination on the Grassmann Manifold: Fundamental Limits of Subspace Classifiers

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    We present fundamental limits on the reliable classification of linear and affine subspaces from noisy, linear features. Drawing an analogy between discrimination among subspaces and communication over vector wireless channels, we propose two Shannon-inspired measures to characterize asymptotic classifier performance. First, we define the classification capacity, which characterizes necessary and sufficient conditions for the misclassification probability to vanish as the signal dimension, the number of features, and the number of subspaces to be discerned all approach infinity. Second, we define the diversity-discrimination tradeoff which, by analogy with the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of fading vector channels, characterizes relationships between the number of discernible subspaces and the misclassification probability as the noise power approaches zero. We derive upper and lower bounds on these measures which are tight in many regimes. Numerical results, including a face recognition application, validate the results in practice.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures. Revised submission to IEEE Transactions on Information Theor

    Meta learning of bounds on the Bayes classifier error

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    Meta learning uses information from base learners (e.g. classifiers or estimators) as well as information about the learning problem to improve upon the performance of a single base learner. For example, the Bayes error rate of a given feature space, if known, can be used to aid in choosing a classifier, as well as in feature selection and model selection for the base classifiers and the meta classifier. Recent work in the field of f-divergence functional estimation has led to the development of simple and rapidly converging estimators that can be used to estimate various bounds on the Bayes error. We estimate multiple bounds on the Bayes error using an estimator that applies meta learning to slowly converging plug-in estimators to obtain the parametric convergence rate. We compare the estimated bounds empirically on simulated data and then estimate the tighter bounds on features extracted from an image patch analysis of sunspot continuum and magnetogram images.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in proceedings of 2015 IEEE Signal Processing and SP Education Worksho

    A Theoretical Analysis of Deep Neural Networks for Texture Classification

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    We investigate the use of Deep Neural Networks for the classification of image datasets where texture features are important for generating class-conditional discriminative representations. To this end, we first derive the size of the feature space for some standard textural features extracted from the input dataset and then use the theory of Vapnik-Chervonenkis dimension to show that hand-crafted feature extraction creates low-dimensional representations which help in reducing the overall excess error rate. As a corollary to this analysis, we derive for the first time upper bounds on the VC dimension of Convolutional Neural Network as well as Dropout and Dropconnect networks and the relation between excess error rate of Dropout and Dropconnect networks. The concept of intrinsic dimension is used to validate the intuition that texture-based datasets are inherently higher dimensional as compared to handwritten digits or other object recognition datasets and hence more difficult to be shattered by neural networks. We then derive the mean distance from the centroid to the nearest and farthest sampling points in an n-dimensional manifold and show that the Relative Contrast of the sample data vanishes as dimensionality of the underlying vector space tends to infinity.Comment: Accepted in International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, IJCNN 201
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