9,810 research outputs found

    On Matrix Multiplication and Polynomial Identity Testing

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    We show that lower bounds on the border rank of matrix multiplication can be used to non-trivially derandomize polynomial identity testing for small algebraic circuits. Letting R‾(n)\underline{R}(n) denote the border rank of n×n×nn \times n \times n matrix multiplication, we construct a hitting set generator with seed length O(n⋅R‾−1(s))O(\sqrt{n} \cdot \underline{R}^{-1}(s)) that hits nn-variate circuits of multiplicative complexity ss. If the matrix multiplication exponent ω\omega is not 2, our generator has seed length O(n1−ε)O(n^{1 - \varepsilon}) and hits circuits of size O(n1+δ)O(n^{1 + \delta}) for sufficiently small ε,δ>0\varepsilon, \delta > 0. Surprisingly, the fact that R‾(n)≥n2\underline{R}(n) \ge n^2 already yields new, non-trivial hitting set generators for circuits of sublinear multiplicative complexity

    Which groups are amenable to proving exponent two for matrix multiplication?

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    The Cohn-Umans group-theoretic approach to matrix multiplication suggests embedding matrix multiplication into group algebra multiplication, and bounding ω\omega in terms of the representation theory of the host group. This framework is general enough to capture the best known upper bounds on ω\omega and is conjectured to be powerful enough to prove ω=2\omega = 2, although finding a suitable group and constructing such an embedding has remained elusive. Recently it was shown, by a generalization of the proof of the Cap Set Conjecture, that abelian groups of bounded exponent cannot prove ω=2\omega = 2 in this framework, which ruled out a family of potential constructions in the literature. In this paper we study nonabelian groups as potential hosts for an embedding. We prove two main results: (1) We show that a large class of nonabelian groups---nilpotent groups of bounded exponent satisfying a mild additional condition---cannot prove ω=2\omega = 2 in this framework. We do this by showing that the shrinkage rate of powers of the augmentation ideal is similar to the shrinkage rate of the number of functions over (Z/pZ)n(\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z})^n that are degree dd polynomials; our proof technique can be seen as a generalization of the polynomial method used to resolve the Cap Set Conjecture. (2) We show that symmetric groups SnS_n cannot prove nontrivial bounds on ω\omega when the embedding is via three Young subgroups---subgroups of the form Sk1×Sk2×⋯×SkℓS_{k_1} \times S_{k_2} \times \dotsb \times S_{k_\ell}---which is a natural strategy that includes all known constructions in SnS_n. By developing techniques for negative results in this paper, we hope to catalyze a fruitful interplay between the search for constructions proving bounds on ω\omega and methods for ruling them out.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figur

    Tensor rank is not multiplicative under the tensor product

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    The tensor rank of a tensor t is the smallest number r such that t can be decomposed as a sum of r simple tensors. Let s be a k-tensor and let t be an l-tensor. The tensor product of s and t is a (k + l)-tensor. Tensor rank is sub-multiplicative under the tensor product. We revisit the connection between restrictions and degenerations. A result of our study is that tensor rank is not in general multiplicative under the tensor product. This answers a question of Draisma and Saptharishi. Specifically, if a tensor t has border rank strictly smaller than its rank, then the tensor rank of t is not multiplicative under taking a sufficiently hight tensor product power. The "tensor Kronecker product" from algebraic complexity theory is related to our tensor product but different, namely it multiplies two k-tensors to get a k-tensor. Nonmultiplicativity of the tensor Kronecker product has been known since the work of Strassen. It remains an open question whether border rank and asymptotic rank are multiplicative under the tensor product. Interestingly, lower bounds on border rank obtained from generalised flattenings (including Young flattenings) multiply under the tensor product

    Smooth Lower Bounds for Differentially Private Algorithms via Padding-and-Permuting Fingerprinting Codes

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    Fingerprinting arguments, first introduced by Bun, Ullman, and Vadhan (STOC 2014), are the most widely used method for establishing lower bounds on the sample complexity or error of approximately differentially private (DP) algorithms. Still, there are many problems in differential privacy for which we don't know suitable lower bounds, and even for problems that we do, the lower bounds are not smooth, and usually become vacuous when the error is larger than some threshold. In this work, we present a simple method to generate hard instances by applying a padding-and-permuting transformation to a fingerprinting code. We illustrate the applicability of this method by providing new lower bounds in various settings: 1. A tight lower bound for DP averaging in the low-accuracy regime, which in particular implies a new lower bound for the private 1-cluster problem introduced by Nissim, Stemmer, and Vadhan (PODS 2016). 2. A lower bound on the additive error of DP algorithms for approximate k-means clustering, as a function of the multiplicative error, which is tight for a constant multiplication error. 3. A lower bound for estimating the top singular vector of a matrix under DP in low-accuracy regimes, which is a special case of DP subspace estimation studied by Singhal and Steinke (NeurIPS 2021). Our main technique is to apply a padding-and-permuting transformation to a fingerprinting code. However, rather than proving our results using a black-box access to an existing fingerprinting code (e.g., Tardos' code), we develop a new fingerprinting lemma that is stronger than those of Dwork et al. (FOCS 2015) and Bun et al. (SODA 2017), and prove our lower bounds directly from the lemma. Our lemma, in particular, gives a simpler fingerprinting code construction with optimal rate (up to polylogarithmic factors) that is of independent interest
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