6 research outputs found

    Analysis and Improvement of an Authentication Scheme in Incremental Cryptography

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    International audienceIntroduced in cryptography by Bellare, Goldreich and Goldwasser in 1994, incrementality is an attractive feature that enables to update efficiently a cryptographic output like a ciphertext, a signature or an authentication tag after modifying the corresponding input. This property is very valuable in large scale systems where gigabytes of data are continuously processed (e.g. in cloud storage). Adding cryptographic operations on such systems can decrease dramatically their performance and incrementality is an interesting solution to have security at a reduced cost.We focus on the so-called XOR-scheme, the first incremental authentication construction proposed by Bellare, Goldreich and Goldwasser, and the only strongly incremental scheme (i.e. incremental regarding insert and delete update operations at any position in a document). Surprisingly, we found a simple attack on this construction that breaks the basic security claimed by the authors in 1994 with only one authentication query (not necessarily chosen). Our analysis gives different ways to fix the scheme; some of these patches are discussed in this paper and we provide a security proof for one of them

    Incremental Program Obfuscation

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    Recent advances in program obfuscation suggest that it is possible to create software that can provably safeguard secret information. However, software systems usually contain large executable code that is updated multiple times and sometimes very frequently. Freshly obfuscating the program for every small update will lead to a considerable efficiency loss. Thus, an extremely desirable property for obfuscation algorithms is incrementality: small changes to the underlying program translate into small changes to the corresponding obfuscated program. We initiate a thorough investigation of incremental program obfuscation. We show that the strong simulation-based notions of program obfuscation, such as ``virtual black-box\u27\u27 and ``virtual grey-box\u27\u27 obfuscation, cannot be incremental (according to our efficiency requirements) even for very simple functions such as point functions. We then turn to the indistinguishability-based notions, and present two security definitions of varying strength --- namely, a weak one and a strong one. To understand the overall strength of our definitions, we formulate the notion of incremental best-possible obfuscation and show that it is equivalent to our strong indistinguishability-based notion. Finally, we present constructions for incremental program obfuscation satisfying both our security notions. We first give a construction achieving the weaker security notion based on the existence of general purpose indistinguishability obfuscation. Next, we present a generic transformation using oblivious RAM to amplify security from weaker to stronger, while maintaining the incrementality property

    Incremental Cryptography Revisited: PRFs, Nonces and Modular Design

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    This paper gives the first definitions and constructions for incremental pseudo-random functions (IPRFs). The syntax is nonce based. (Algorithms are deterministic but may take as input a non-repeating quantity called a nonce.) The design approach is modular. First, given a scheme secure only in the single-document setting (there is just one document on which incremental updates are being performed) we show how to generically build a scheme that is secure in the more realistic multi-document setting (there are many documents, and they are simultaneously being incrementally updated). Then we give a general way to build an IPRF from (1) an incremental hash function with weak collision resistance properties and (2) a symmetric encryption scheme. (This adapts the classic Carter-Wegman paradigm used to build message authentication schemes in the non-incremental setting.) This leads to many particular IPRFs. Our work has both practical and theoretical motivation and value: Incremental PRFs bring the benefits of incrementality to new applications (such as incremental key derivation), and the movement from randomized or stateful schemes to nonce based ones, and from UF (unforgeability) to PRF security, bring incremental symmetric cryptography up to speed with the broader field of symmetric cryptography itself

    Trapdoor commitment schemes and their applications

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    Informally, commitment schemes can be described by lockable steely boxes. In the commitment phase, the sender puts a message into the box, locks the box and hands it over to the receiver. On one hand, the receiver does not learn anything about the message. On the other hand, the sender cannot change the message in the box anymore. In the decommitment phase the sender gives the receiver the key, and the receiver then opens the box and retrieves the message. One application of such schemes are digital auctions where each participant places his secret bid into a box and submits it to the auctioneer. In this thesis we investigate trapdoor commitment schemes. Following the abstract viewpoint of lockable boxes, a trapdoor commitment is a box with a tiny secret door. If someone knows the secret door, then this person is still able to change the committed message in the box, even after the commitment phase. Such trapdoors turn out to be very useful for the design of secure cryptographic protocols involving commitment schemes. In the first part of the thesis, we formally introduce trapdoor commitments and extend the notion to identity-based trapdoors, where trapdoors can only be used in connection with certain identities. We then recall the most popular constructions of ordinary trapdoor protocols and present new solutions for identity-based trapdoors. In the second part of the thesis, we show the usefulness of trapdoors in commitment schemes. Deploying trapdoors we construct efficient non-malleable commitment schemes which basically guarantee indepency of commitments. Furthermore, applying (identity-based) trapdoor commitments we secure well-known identification protocols against a new kind of attack. And finally, by means of trapdoors, we show how to construct composable commitment schemes that can be securely executed as subprotocols within complex protocols

    Lower bounds for the signature size of incremental schemes

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    We show lower bounds for the signature size of incremental schemes which are secure against substitution attacks and support single block replacement. We prove that for documents of n blocks such schemes produce signatures of \Omega(n^(1/(2+c))) bits for any constant c>0. For schemes accessing only a single block resp. a constant number of blocks for each replacement this bound can be raised to \Omega(n) resp. \Omega(sqrt(n)). Additionally, we show that our technique yields a new lower bound for memory checkers