4 research outputs found

    Minimization of energy per particle among Bravais lattices in R^2 : Lennard-Jones and Thomas-Fermi cases

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    We study the two dimensional Lennard-Jones energy per particle of lattices and we prove that the minimizer among Bravais lattices with sufficiently large density is triangular and that is not the case for sufficiently small density. We give other results about the global minimizer of this energy. Moreover we study the energy per particle stemming from Thomas-Fermi model in two dimensions and we prove that the minimizer among Bravais lattices with fixed density is triangular. We use a result of Montgomery from Number Theory about the minimization of Theta functions in the plane.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures. Final Versio

    Continuum percolation for Gibbsian point processes with attractive interactions

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    We study the problem of continuum percolation in infinite volume Gibbs measures for particles with an attractive pair potential, with a focus on low temperatures (large β). The main results are bounds on percolation thresholds ρ ± (β) in terms of the density rather than the chemical potential or activity. In addition, we prove a variational formula for a large deviations rate function for cluster size distributions. This formula establishes a link with the Gibbs variational principle and a form of equivalence of ensembles, and allows us to combine knowledge on finite volume, canonical Gibbs measures with infinite volume, grand-canonical Gibbs measure

    Continuum percolation for Gibbsian point processes with attractive interactions

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    We study the problem of continuum percolation in infinite volume Gibbs measures for particles with an attractive pair potential, with a focus on low temperatures (large β\beta). The main results are bounds on percolation thresholds ρ±(β)\rho_\pm(\beta) in terms of the density rather than the chemical potential or activity. In addition, we prove a variational formula for a large deviations rate function for cluster size distributions. This formula establishes a link with the Gibbs variational principle and a form of equivalence of ensembles, and allows us to combine knowledge on finite volume, canonical Gibbs measures with infinite volume, grand-canonical Gibbs measures.Comment: 22 pages. Corrected a statement on lattice gases, added referenc