2 research outputs found

    Temporal Logic Motion Planning in Partially Unknown Environments

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    This thesis considers the problem of a robot with complex dynamics navigating a partially discovered environment to satisfy a temporal logic formula consisting of both a co-safety formula component and a safety formula component. We employ a multi-layered synergistic framework for planning motions to satisfy a temporal logic formula, and we combine with it an iterative replanning strategy to locally patch the robot's discretized internal representation of the workspace whenever a new obstacle is discovered. Furthermore, we introduce a notion of ``closeness'' of satisfaction of a linear temporal logic formula, defined by a metric over the states of the corresponding automaton. We employ this measure to maximize partial satisfaction of the co-safety component of the temporal logic formula when obstacles render it unsatisfiable. For the safety component of the specification, we do not allow partial satisfaction. This introduces a general division between ``soft'' and ``hard'' constraints in the temporal logic specification, a concept we illustrate in our discussion of future work. The novel contributions of this thesis include (1) the iterative replanning strategy, (2) the support for safety formulas in the temporal logic specification, (3) the method to locally patch the discretized workspace representation, and (4) support for partial satisfaction of unsatisfiable co-safety formulas. As our experimental results show, these methods allow us to quickly compute motion plans for robots with complex dynamics to satisfy rich temporal logic formulas in partially unknown environments

    Low-Dimensional Projections for SyCLoP

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    Abstract — This paper presents an extension to SyCLoP, a multilayered motion planning framework that has been shown to successfully solve high-dimensional problems with differential constraints. SyCLoP combines traditional sampling-based planning with a high-level decomposition of the workspace through which it attempts to guide a low-level tree of motions. We investigate a generalization of SyCLoP in which the highlevel decomposition is defined over a given low-dimensional projected subspace of the state space. We begin with a manually-chosen projection to demonstrate that projections other than the workspace can potentially work well. We then evaluate SyCLoP’s performance with random projections and projections determined from linear dimensionality reduction over elements of the state space, for which the results are mixed. As we will see, finding a useful projection is a difficult problem, and we conclude this paper by discussing the merits and drawbacks of various types of projections. I