106 research outputs found

    Exact 3D seismic data reconstruction using Tubal-Alt-Min algorithm

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    Data missing is an common issue in seismic data, and many methods have been proposed to solve it. In this paper, we present the low-tubal-rank tensor model and a novel tensor completion algorithm to recover 3D seismic data. This is a fast iterative algorithm, called Tubal-Alt-Min which completes our 3D seismic data by exploiting the low-tubal-rank property expressed as the product of two much smaller tensors. TubalAlt-Min alternates between estimating those two tensor using least squares minimization. We evaluate its reconstruction performance both on synthetic seismic data and land data survey. The experimental results show that compared with the tensor nuclear norm minimization algorithm, Tubal-Alt-Min improves the reconstruction error by orders of magnitude

    Multi-dimensional imaging data recovery via minimizing the partial sum of tubal nuclear norm

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    In this paper, we investigate tensor recovery problems within the tensor singular value decomposition (t-SVD) framework. We propose the partial sum of the tubal nuclear norm (PSTNN) of a tensor. The PSTNN is a surrogate of the tensor tubal multi-rank. We build two PSTNN-based minimization models for two typical tensor recovery problems, i.e., the tensor completion and the tensor principal component analysis. We give two algorithms based on the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve proposed PSTNN-based tensor recovery models. Experimental results on the synthetic data and real-world data reveal the superior of the proposed PSTNN

    Tensor train rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion

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    The tensor train (TT) rank has received increasing attention in tensor completion due to its ability to capture the global correlation of high-order tensors (order>3\textrm{order} >3). For third order visual data, direct TT rank minimization has not exploited the potential of TT rank for high-order tensors. The TT rank minimization accompany with \emph{ket augmentation}, which transforms a lower-order tensor (e.g., visual data) into a higher-order tensor, suffers from serious block-artifacts. To tackle this issue, we suggest the TT rank minimization with nonlocal self-similarity for tensor completion by simultaneously exploring the spatial, temporal/spectral, and nonlocal redundancy in visual data. More precisely, the TT rank minimization is performed on a formed higher-order tensor called group by stacking similar cubes, which naturally and fully takes advantage of the ability of TT rank for high-order tensors. Moreover, the perturbation analysis for the TT low-rankness of each group is established. We develop the alternating direction method of multipliers tailored for the specific structure to solve the proposed model. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is superior to several existing state-of-the-art methods in terms of both qualitative and quantitative measures

    Novel Factorization Strategies for Higher Order Tensors: Implications for Compression and Recovery of Multi-linear Data

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    In this paper we propose novel methods for compression and recovery of multilinear data under limited sampling. We exploit the recently proposed tensor- Singular Value Decomposition (t-SVD)[1], which is a group theoretic framework for tensor decomposition. In contrast to popular existing tensor decomposition techniques such as higher-order SVD (HOSVD), t-SVD has optimality properties similar to the truncated SVD for matrices. Based on t-SVD, we first construct novel tensor-rank like measures to characterize informational and structural complexity of multilinear data. Following that we outline a complexity penalized algorithm for tensor completion from missing entries. As an application, 3-D and 4-D (color) video data compression and recovery are considered. We show that videos with linear camera motion can be represented more efficiently using t-SVD compared to traditional approaches based on vectorizing or flattening of the tensors. Application of the proposed tensor completion algorithm for video recovery from missing entries is shown to yield a superior performance over existing methods. In conclusion we point out several research directions and implications to online prediction of multilinear data

    Scaled Nuclear Norm Minimization for Low-Rank Tensor Completion

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    Minimizing the nuclear norm of a matrix has been shown to be very efficient in reconstructing a low-rank sampled matrix. Furthermore, minimizing the sum of nuclear norms of matricizations of a tensor has been shown to be very efficient in recovering a low-Tucker-rank sampled tensor. In this paper, we propose to recover a low-TT-rank sampled tensor by minimizing a weighted sum of nuclear norms of unfoldings of the tensor. We provide numerical results to show that our proposed method requires significantly less number of samples to recover to the original tensor in comparison with simply minimizing the sum of nuclear norms since the structure of the unfoldings in the TT tensor model is fundamentally different from that of matricizations in the Tucker tensor model

    Multidimensional Data Tensor Sensing for RF Tomographic Imaging

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    Radio-frequency (RF) tomographic imaging is a promising technique for inferring multi-dimensional physical space by processing RF signals traversed across a region of interest. However, conventional RF tomography schemes are generally based on vector compressed sensing, which ignores the geometric structures of the target spaces and leads to low recovery precision. The recently proposed transform-based tensor model is more appropriate for sensory data processing, as it helps exploit the geometric structures of the three-dimensional target and improve the recovery precision. In this paper, we propose a novel tensor sensing approach that achieves highly accurate estimation for real-world three-dimensional spaces. First, we use the transform-based tensor model to formulate a tensor sensing problem, and propose a fast alternating minimization algorithm called Alt-Min. Secondly, we drive an algorithm which is optimized to reduce memory and computation requirements. Finally, we present evaluation of our Alt-Min approach using IKEA 3D data and demonstrate significant improvement in recovery error and convergence speed compared to prior tensor-based compressed sensing.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Fast Randomized Algorithms for t-Product Based Tensor Operations and Decompositions with Applications to Imaging Data

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    Tensors of order three or higher have found applications in diverse fields, including image and signal processing, data mining, biomedical engineering and link analysis, to name a few. In many applications that involve for example time series or other ordered data, the corresponding tensor has a distinguishing orientation that exhibits a low tubal structure. This has motivated the introduction of the tubal rank and the corresponding tubal singular value decomposition in the literature. In this work, we develop randomized algorithms for many common tensor operations, including tensor low-rank approximation and decomposition, together with tensor multiplication. The proposed tubal focused algorithms employ a small number of lateral and/or horizontal slices of the underlying 3-rd order tensor, that come with {\em relative error guarantees} for the quality of the obtained solutions. The performance of the proposed algorithms is illustrated on diverse imaging applications, including mass spectrometry data and image and video recovery from incomplete and noisy data. The results show both good computational speed-up vis-a-vis conventional completion algorithms and good accuracy.Comment: 31 pages, 6 figures, to appear in the SIAM Journal on Imaging Science

    Low-Rank Tensor Completion by Truncated Nuclear Norm Regularization

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    Currently, low-rank tensor completion has gained cumulative attention in recovering incomplete visual data whose partial elements are missing. By taking a color image or video as a three-dimensional (3D) tensor, previous studies have suggested several definitions of tensor nuclear norm. However, they have limitations and may not properly approximate the real rank of a tensor. Besides, they do not explicitly use the low-rank property in optimization. It is proved that the recently proposed truncated nuclear norm (TNN) can replace the traditional nuclear norm, as a better estimation to the rank of a matrix. Thus, this paper presents a new method called the tensor truncated nuclear norm (T-TNN), which proposes a new definition of tensor nuclear norm and extends the truncated nuclear norm from the matrix case to the tensor case. Beneficial from the low rankness of TNN, our approach improves the efficacy of tensor completion. We exploit the previously proposed tensor singular value decomposition and the alternating direction method of multipliers in optimization. Extensive experiments on real-world videos and images demonstrate that the performance of our approach is superior to those of existing methods.Comment: Accepted as a poster presentation at the 24th International Conference on Pattern Recognition in 20-24 August 2018, Beijing, Chin

    A Tensor Completion Approach for Efficient and Robust Fingerprint-based Indoor Localization

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    The localization technology is important for the development of indoor location-based services (LBS). The radio frequency (RF) fingerprint-based localization is one of the most promising approaches. However, it is challenging to apply this localization to real-world environments since it is time-consuming and labor-intensive to construct a fingerprint database as a prior for localization. Another challenge is that the presence of anomaly readings in the fingerprints reduces the localization accuracy. To address these two challenges, we propose an efficient and robust indoor localization approach. First, we model the fingerprint database as a 3-D tensor, which represents the relationships between fingerprints, locations and indices of access points. Second, we introduce a tensor decomposition model for robust fingerprint data recovery, which decomposes a partial observation tensor as the superposition of a low-rank tensor and a spare anomaly tensor. Third, we exploit the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) to solve the convex optimization problem of tensor-nuclear-norm completion for the anomaly case. Finally, we verify the proposed approach on a ground truth data set collected in an office building with size 80m times 20m. Experiment results show that to achieve a same error rate 4%, the sampling rate of our approach is only 10%, while it is 60% for the state-of-the-art approach. Moreover, the proposed approach leads to a more accurate localization (nearly 20%, 0.6m improvement) over the compared approach.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Low Rank Tensor Completion for Multiway Visual Data

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    Tensor completion recovers missing entries of multiway data. Teh missing of entries could often be caused during teh data acquisition and transformation. In dis paper, we provide an overview of recent development in low rank tensor completion for estimating teh missing components of visual data, e. g. , color images and videos. First, we categorize these methods into two groups based on teh different optimization models. One optimizes factors of tensor decompositions wif predefined tensor rank. Teh other iteratively updates teh estimated tensor via minimizing teh tensor rank. Besides, we summarize teh corresponding algorithms to solve those optimization problems in details. Numerical experiments are given to demonstrate teh performance comparison when different methods are applied to color image and video processing
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