4 research outputs found

    Hypertext transfer protocol performance analysis in traditional and software defined networks during Slowloris attack

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    The extensive use of the internet has resulted in novel technologies and protocol improvisation. Hypertext transfer protocol/1.1 (HTTP/1.1) is widely adapted on the internet. However, HTTP/2 is found to be more efficient over transport control protocol (TCP). The HTTP/2 protocol can withstand the payload overhead when compared to HTTP/1.1 by multiplexing multiple requests. However, both the protocols are highly susceptible to application-level denial of service (DoS) attacks. In this research, a slow-rate DoS attack called Slowloris is detected over Apache2 servers enabled with both versions of HTTP in traditional networks and software defined networks (SDN). Server metrics such as server connection time to the webpage, latency in receiving a response from the server, page load time, response-response gap, and inter-packet arrival time at the server are monitored to analyze attack activity. A Monte Carlo simulation is used to estimate threshold values for server connection time and latency for attack detection. This work is implemented in a lab environment using virtual machines, Ryu controller, zodiac FX OpenFlow switch and Apache2 servers. This study also highlights SDN's security benefits over traditional networks


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    Among many strategies of Denial of Services, low-rate traffic denial-of-service (DoS) attacks are more significant. This strategy denies the services of a network by detection of the vulnerabilities in performance of the application. In this research, an efficient defence methodology is developed against low-rate DoS attack in the application servers. Though, the Improved Random Time Queue Blocking (IRTQB) technique can eliminate the vulnerabilities in the network and also avoiding the attacker from capturing all the server queue positions by defining a spatial similarity metric (SSM). However, the differentiation of the attack requests from the legitimate users’ is not always efficient since only the source IP addresses and the record timestamp are considered in the SSM. It was improved by using Advanced Random Time Queue Blocking (ARTQB) scheme that employed Bandwidth utilization of attacker in IRTQB to detect the DoS attack that normally consumes a huge number of resources of the server. However, this method becomes ineffective when the attack consumes more network traffic. In this paper, an efficient detection technique called Advanced Random Time Queue Blocking with Traffic Prediction (ARTQB-TP) is proposed for defining SSM which contains, Source IP, timestamp, Bandwidth between two requests and the difference between the attack traffic and legitimate traffic. The ARTQB-TP technique is utilized to reduce the attack efficiency in 18 different server configurations which are more vulnerable to the DoS attacks and where the attacks may also have a chance to improve its effectiveness. Experimental results show that the proposed system performs better protection of application servers against the LRDoS attacks by solving its impacts on any kind of server architectures and reduced the attack efficiencies of all the types of attack strategies

    Low-rate denial-of-service attacks against HTTP/2 services

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    HTTP/2 is the second major version of the HTTP protocol approved by the Internet Engineering Steering Group (IESG). Although the semantics of how messages are exchanged between clients and servers remains the same, the protocol demands more computing power than its predecessor, HTTP/1.1. Hence HTTP/2 is more vulnerable to Denial-of-Service (DoS) attacks. A variant of the DoS type of attack is to send low-rate traffic that contains resource-hungry instructions, to a victim node. This low-rate DoS attacks can succeed only if the victim hosts an application that consumes large-scale computing resources once activated. With the introduction of HTTP/2, we showed that the attack can be launched at the protocol level by sending low-rate HTTP/2 packets to a web server. To the best of our knowledge, no study has been done on how DoS attacks can be launched against HTTP/2 services. Results obtained prove the effect of a low-rate DoS attack against HTTP/2 services

    Denial-of-service attack modelling and detection for HTTP/2 services

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    Businesses and society alike have been heavily dependent on Internet-based services, albeit with experiences of constant and annoying disruptions caused by the adversary class. A malicious attack that can prevent establishment of Internet connections to web servers, initiated from legitimate client machines, is termed as a Denial of Service (DoS) attack; volume and intensity of which is rapidly growing thanks to the readily available attack tools and the ever-increasing network bandwidths. A majority of contemporary web servers are built on the HTTP/1.1 communication protocol. As a consequence, all literature found on DoS attack modelling and appertaining detection techniques, addresses only HTTP/1.x network traffic. This thesis presents a model of DoS attack traffic against servers employing the new communication protocol, namely HTTP/2. The HTTP/2 protocol significantly differs from its predecessor and introduces new messaging formats and data exchange mechanisms. This creates an urgent need to understand how malicious attacks including Denial of Service, can be launched against HTTP/2 services. Moreover, the ability of attackers to vary the network traffic models to stealthy affects web services, thereby requires extensive research and modelling. This research work not only provides a novel model for DoS attacks against HTTP/2 services, but also provides a model of stealthy variants of such attacks, that can disrupt routine web services. Specifically, HTTP/2 traffic patterns that consume computing resources of a server, such as CPU utilisation and memory consumption, were thoroughly explored and examined. The study presents four HTTP/2 attack models. The first being a flooding-based attack model, the second being a distributed model, the third and fourth are variant DoS attack models. The attack traffic analysis conducted in this study employed four machine learning techniques, namely Naïve Bayes, Decision Tree, JRip and Support Vector Machines. The HTTP/2 normal traffic model portrays online activities of human users. The model thus formulated was employed to also generate flash-crowd traffic, i.e. a large volume of normal traffic that incapacitates a web server, similar in fashion to a DoS attack, albeit with non-malicious intent. Flash-crowd traffic generated based on the defined model was used to populate the dataset of legitimate network traffic, to fuzz the machine learning-based attack detection process. The two variants of DoS attack traffic differed in terms of the traffic intensities and the inter-packet arrival delays introduced to better analyse the type and quality of DoS attacks that can be launched against HTTP/2 services. A detailed analysis of HTTP/2 features is also presented to rank relevant network traffic features for all four traffic models presented. These features were ranked based on legitimate as well as attack traffic observations conducted in this study. The study shows that machine learning-based analysis yields better classification performance, i.e. lower percentage of incorrectly classified instances, when the proposed HTTP/2 features are employed compared to when HTTP/1.1 features alone are used. The study shows how HTTP/2 DoS attack can be modelled, and how future work can extend the proposed model to create variant attack traffic models that can bypass intrusion-detection systems. Likewise, as the Internet traffic and the heterogeneity of Internet-connected devices are projected to increase significantly, legitimate traffic can yield varying traffic patterns, demanding further analysis. The significance of having current legitimate traffic datasets, together with the scope to extend the DoS attack models presented herewith, suggest that research in the DoS attack analysis and detection area will benefit from the work presented in this thesis