3 research outputs found

    Matrix Completion with Noise via Leveraged Sampling

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    Many matrix completion methods assume that the data follows the uniform distribution. To address the limitation of this assumption, Chen et al. \cite{Chen20152999} propose to recover the matrix where the data follows the specific biased distribution. Unfortunately, in most real-world applications, the recovery of a data matrix appears to be incomplete, and perhaps even corrupted information. This paper considers the recovery of a low-rank matrix, where some observed entries are sampled in a \emph{biased distribution} suitably dependent on \emph{leverage scores} of a matrix, and some observed entries are uniformly corrupted. Our theoretical findings show that we can provably recover an unknown n×nn\times n matrix of rank rr from just about O(nrlog2n)O(nr\log^2 n) entries even when the few observed entries are corrupted with a small amount of noisy information. Empirical studies verify our theoretical results

    Matrix Completion from One-Bit Dither Samples

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    We explore the impact of coarse quantization on matrix completion in the extreme scenario of dithered one-bit sensing, where the matrix entries are compared with time-varying threshold levels. In particular, instead of observing a subset of high-resolution entries of a low-rank matrix, we have access to a small number of one-bit samples, generated as a result of these comparisons. In order to recover the low-rank matrix using its coarsely quantized known entries, we begin by transforming the problem of one-bit matrix completion (one-bit MC) with time-varying thresholds into a nuclear norm minimization problem. The one-bit sampled information is represented as linear inequality feasibility constraints. We then develop the popular singular value thresholding (SVT) algorithm to accommodate these inequality constraints, resulting in the creation of the One-Bit SVT (OB-SVT). Our findings demonstrate that incorporating multiple time-varying sampling threshold sequences in one-bit MC can significantly improve the performance of the matrix completion algorithm. In pursuit of achieving this objective, we utilize diverse thresholding schemes, namely uniform, Gaussian, and discrete thresholds. To accelerate the convergence of our proposed algorithm, we introduce three variants of the OB-SVT algorithm. Among these variants is the randomized sketched OB-SVT, which departs from using the entire information at each iteration, opting instead to utilize sketched data. This approach effectively reduces the dimension of the operational space and accelerates the convergence. We perform numerical evaluations comparing our proposed algorithm with the maximum likelihood estimation method previously employed for one-bit MC, and demonstrate that our approach can achieve a better recovery performance