11 research outputs found

    Leveraging Coding Techniques for Speeding up Distributed Computing

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    Large scale clusters leveraging distributed computing frameworks such as MapReduce routinely process data that are on the orders of petabytes or more. The sheer size of the data precludes the processing of the data on a single computer. The philosophy in these methods is to partition the overall job into smaller tasks that are executed on different servers; this is called the map phase. This is followed by a data shuffling phase where appropriate data is exchanged between the servers. The final so-called reduce phase, completes the computation. One potential approach, explored in prior work for reducing the overall execution time is to operate on a natural tradeoff between computation and communication. Specifically, the idea is to run redundant copies of map tasks that are placed on judiciously chosen servers. The shuffle phase exploits the location of the nodes and utilizes coded transmission. The main drawback of this approach is that it requires the original job to be split into a number of map tasks that grows exponentially in the system parameters. This is problematic, as we demonstrate that splitting jobs too finely can in fact adversely affect the overall execution time. In this work we show that one can simultaneously obtain low communication loads while ensuring that jobs do not need to be split too finely. Our approach uncovers a deep relationship between this problem and a class of combinatorial structures called resolvable designs. Appropriate interpretation of resolvable designs can allow for the development of coded distributed computing schemes where the splitting levels are exponentially lower than prior work. We present experimental results obtained on Amazon EC2 clusters for a widely known distributed algorithm, namely TeraSort. We obtain over 4.69×\times improvement in speedup over the baseline approach and more than 2.6×\times over current state of the art

    Algorithms for Asynchronous Coded Caching

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    The original formulation of the coded caching problem assumes that the file requests from the users are synchronized, i.e., they arrive at the server at the same time. Several subsequent contributions work under the same assumption. Furthermore, the majority of prior work does not consider a scenario where users have deadlines. In our previous work we formulated the asynchronous coded caching problem where user requests arrive at different times. Furthermore, the users have specified deadlines. We proposed a linear program for obtaining its optimal solution. However, the size of the LP (number of constraints and variables) grows rather quickly with the number of users and cache sizes. In this work, we explore a dual decomposition based approach for solving the LP under consideration. We demonstrate that the dual function can be evaluated by equivalently solving a number of minimum cost network flow algorithms. Minimum cost network flow algorithms have been the subject of much investigation and current solvers routinely solve instances with millions of nodes in minutes. Our proposed approach leverages these fast solvers and allows us to solve several large scale instances of the asynchronous coded caching problem with manageable time and memory complexity

    Algebraic approaches for coded caching and distributed computing

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    This dissertation examines the power of algebraic methods in two areas of modern interest: caching for large scale content distribution and straggler mitigation within distributed computation. Caching is a popular technique for facilitating large scale content delivery over the Internet. Traditionally, caching operates by storing popular content closer to the end users. Recent work within the domain of information theory demonstrates that allowing coding in the cache and coded transmission from the server (referred to as coded caching) to the end users can allow for significant reductions in the number of bits transmitted from the server to the end users. The first part of this dissertation examines problems within coded caching. The original formulation of the coded caching problem assumes that the server and the end users are connected via a single shared link. In Chapter 2, we consider a more general topology where there is a layer of relay nodes between the server and the users. We propose novel schemes for a class of such networks that satisfy a so-called resolvability property and demonstrate that the performance of our scheme is strictly better than previously proposed schemes. Moreover, the original coded caching scheme requires that each file hosted in the server be partitioned into a large number (i.e., the subpacketization level) of non-overlapping subfiles. From a practical perspective, this is problematic as it means that prior schemes are only applicable when the size of the files is extremely large. In Chapter 3, we propose a novel coded caching scheme that enjoys a significantly lower subpacketization level than prior schemes, while only suffering a marginal increase in the transmission rate. We demonstrate that several schemes with subpacketization levels that are exponentially smaller than the basic scheme can be obtained. The second half of this dissertation deals with large scale distributed matrix computations. Distributed matrix multiplication is an important problem, especially in domains such as deep learning of neural networks. It is well recognized that the computation times on distributed clusters are often dominated by the slowest workers (called stragglers). Recently, techniques from coding theory have found applications in straggler mitigation in the specific context of matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication. The computation can be completed as long as a certain number of workers (called the recovery threshold) complete their assigned tasks. In Chapter 4, we consider matrix multiplication under the assumption that the absolute values of the matrix entries are sufficiently small. Under this condition, we present a method with a significantly smaller recovery threshold than prior work. Besides, the prior work suffers from serious numerical issues owing to the condition number of the corresponding real Vandermonde-structured recovery matrices; this condition number grows exponentially in the number of workers. In Chapter 5, we present a novel approach that leverages the properties of circulant permutation matrices and rotation matrices for coded matrix computation. In addition to having an optimal recovery threshold, we demonstrate an upper bound on the worst case condition number of our recovery matrices grows polynomially in the number of workers