6 research outputs found

    A baseline h.264 video encoder hardware design

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    The recently developed H.264 / MPEG-4 Part 10 video compression standard achieves better video compression efficiency than previous video compression standards at the expense of increased computational complexity and power consumption. Multiple reference frame (MRF) Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive and power consuming part of H.264 video encoders. Therefore, in this thesis, we designed and implemented a reconfigurable baseline H.264 video encoder hardware for real-time portable applications in which the number of reference frames used for MRF ME can be configured based on the application requirements in order to trade-off video coding efficiency and power consumption. The proposed H.264 video encoder hardware is based on an existing low cost H.264 intra frame coder hardware and it includes new reconfigurable MRF ME, mode decision and motion compensation hardware. We first proposed a low complexity H.264 MRF ME algorithm and a low energy adaptive hardware for its real-time implementation. The proposed MRF ME algorithm reduces the computational complexity of MRF ME by using a dynamically determined number of reference frames for each Macroblock and early termination. The proposed MRF ME hardware architecture is implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to a Xilinx Spartan 6 FPGA. The FPGA implementation is verified with post place & route simulations. The proposed H.264 MRF ME hardware has 29-72% less energy consumption on this FPGA than an H.264 MRF ME hardware using 5 reference frames for all MBs with a negligible PSNR loss. We then designed the H.264 video encoder hardware and implemented it in Verilog HDL. The proposed video encoder hardware is mapped to a Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA and verified with post place & route simulations. The bitstream generated by the proposed video encoder hardware for an input frame is successfully decoded by H.264 Joint Model reference software decoder and the decoded frame is displayed using a YUV Player tool for visual verification. The FPGA implementation of the proposed H.264 video encoder hardware works at 135 MHz, it can code 55 CIF (352x288) frames per second, and its power consumption ranges between 115mW and 235mW depending on the number of reference frames used for MRF ME

    Dynamic power consumption estimation and reduction for full search motion estimation hardware

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    Motion Estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive and most power consuming part of video compression and video enhancement systems. ME is used in video compression standards such as MPEG4, H.264 and it is used in video enhancement algorithms such as frame rate conversion and de-interlacing. Since portable devices operate with battery, it is important to reduce power consumption so that the battery life can be increased. In addition, consuming excessive power degrades the performance of integrated circuits, increases packaging and cooling costs, reduces the reliability and may cause device failures. Therefore, estimating and reducing power consumption of motion estimation hardware is very important. In this thesis, we propose a novel dynamic power estimation technique for full search ME hardware. We estimated the power consumption of two full search ME hardware implementations on a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA using several existing high and low level dynamic power estimation techniques and our technique. Gate-level timing simulation based power estimation of full search ME hardware for an average frame using Xilinx XPower tool takes 6 - 18 hours in a state-of-the-art PC, whereas estimating the power consumption of the same ME hardware for the same frame takes a few seconds using our technique. The average and maximum difference between the power consumptions estimated by our technique and the power consumptions estimated by XPower tool for four different video sequences are %3 and %13 respectively. We also propose a novel dynamic power reduction technique for ME hardware. We quantified the impact of glitch reduction, clock gating and the proposed technique on the power consumption of two full search ME hardware implementations on a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA using Xilinx XPower tool. Glitch reduction and clock gating together achieved an average of 21% dynamic power reduction. The proposed technique achieved an average of 23% dynamic power reduction with an average of 0.4dB PSNR loss. The proposed technique achieves better power reduction than pixel truncation technique with a similar PSNR loss. We also showed that our dynamic power estimation technique can be used for developing novel dynamic power reduction techniques. To do this, we used our technique to estimate the dynamic power consumption of the ME hardware when two different dynamic power reduction techniques are used. The results show that if a power reduction technique only changes the input data order of the ME hardware, the proposed dynamic power estimation technique can be used to quickly estimate the effectiveness of that technique. However, if the architecture of the ME hardware is modified, the accuracy of the power consumption estimations decrease. Therefore the proposed power estimation technique should be improved for this case

    Adaptive motion estimation algorithm and hardware designs for H.264 multiview video coding

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    Multiview Video Coding (MVC) is the process of efficiently compressing stereo (2 views) or multiview video signals. The improved compression efficiency achieved by H.264 MVC comes with a significant increase in computational complexity. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose novel techniques for significantly reducing the amount of computations performed by full search motion estimation algorithm for H.264 MVC, and therefore significantly reducing the energy consumption of full search motion estimation hardware for H.264 MVC with very small PSNR loss and bitrate increase. We also propose an adaptive fast motion estimation algorithm for reducing the amount of computations performed by H.264 MVC motion estimation, and therefore reducing the energy consumption of H.264 MVC motion estimation hardware even more with additional very small PSNR loss and bitrate increase. We also propose an adaptive H.264 MVC motion estimation hardware for implementing the proposed adaptive fast motion estimation algorithm. The proposed motion estimation hardware is implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. The proposed motion estimation hardware has less energy consumption than the full search motion estimation hardware for H.264 MVC and the full search motion estimation hardware for H.264 MVC including the proposed computation reduction techniques

    Low energy motion estimation hardware designs for h.264 multiview video coding

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    Multiview Video Coding (MVC) is the process of efficiently compressing stereo (2 views) or multiview video signals. The improved compression efficiency achieved by H.264 MVC comes with a significant increase in computational complexity. Temporal prediction and inter-view prediction are the most computationally intensive parts of H.264 MVC. Therefore, in this thesis, we propose an H.264 MVC full search motion estimation hardware for implementing the temporal and inter-view predictions including several novel energy reduction techniques. The proposed motion estimation hardware is implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. The FPGA implementation is capable of processing 60 frames per second of VGA size stereo view video sequence. It consumes 65% less energy than H.264 MVC full search motion estimation hardware not including the novel energy reduction techniques with very small PSNR loss and bitrate increase. We also propose a vector prediction based fast motion estimation algorithm for reducing the energy consumption of H.264 MVC motion estimation hardware with additional very small PSNR loss and bitrate increase. We also propose an H.264 MVC motion estimation hardware for implementing the proposed fast motion estimation algorithm. The proposed motion estimation hardware is implemented in Verilog HDL and mapped to a Xilinx Virtex-6 FPGA. The FPGA implementation is capable of processing 92 frames per second of VGA size three view video sequence. It consumes 91% less energy than H.264 MVC full search motion estimation hardware not including the novel energy reduction techniques with very small PSNR loss and bitrate increase

    Low power motion estimation based frame rate up-conversion hardware designs

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    Recently flat panel high definition television (HDTV) displays with 100 Hz, 120 Hz and 240 Hz picture rates are introduced. However, video materials are captured and broadcast in different temporal resolutions ranging from 24 Hz to 60 Hz. In order to display these video formats correctly on high picture rate displays, new frames should be generated and inserted into the original video sequence to increase its frame rate. Therefore, frame rate upconversion (FRUC) has become a necessity. Motion compensated FRUC (MC-FRUC) algorithms provide better quality results than non-motion compensated FRUC algorithms. These MC-FRUC algorithms consist of two main stages, motion estimation (ME) and motion compensated interpolation (MCI). In ME, motion vectors (MV) are calculated between successive frames, and in MCI this MV data is used to generate a new frame that is inserted between two successive frames, thus doubling the frame rate. In addition to these two main steps, intermediate steps such as refinement of the MV field by various algorithms like motion vector smoothing and bilateral ME refinement may be used to improve the quality of the interpolated video. In this thesis, a perfect absolute difference technique for block matching ME hardware is proposed. The proposed technique reduces the power consumption of a full search ME hardware by 2.2% on a XC2VP30-7 FPGA without any PSNR loss. In addition, a global motion estimation (GME) algorithm and its hardware implementation are proposed. The proposed GME algorithm increases PSNR of 3D recursive search ME algorithm by 2.5% and its hardware implementation is capable of processing 341 720p frames per second. An adaptive technique for GME, which reduces the energy consumption of the GME hardware by 14.37% on a XC6VLX75T FPGA with a 0.17% PSNR loss, is also proposed. Furthermore, an early termination technique for the adaptive bilateral motion estimation (ABIME) algorithm is proposed. The proposed technique reduces the energy consumption of the ABIME hardware by 29% with a 0.04% PSNR loss on a XC6VLX75T FPGA. In addition, an efficient weighted coefficient overlapped block motion compensation (WC-OBMC) hardware which reduces the dynamic power consumption of the reference WC-OBMC hardware by 22% is proposed. The proposed hardware is capable of processing 57 720p frames per second on a XC6VLX75T FPGA. Finally, the ABIME hardware is implemented on a Xilinx ML605 FPGA board

    Low power techniques for motion estimation hardware

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    Motion estimation (ME) is the most computationally intensive and the most power consuming part of video compression and video enhancement systems. In this paper, we propose a novel power reduction technique for ME hardware. We quantified the impact of glitch reduction, clock gating and the proposed technique on the power consumption of two full search ME hardware implementations on a Xilinx Virtex II FPGA using Xilinx XPower tool. Glitch reduction and clock gating together achieved an average of 21% dynamic power reduction. The proposed technique achieved an average of 23% dynamic power reduction with an average of 0.4 db PSNR loss. The proposed technique achieves better power reduction than pixel truncation technique with a similar PSNR loss