5 research outputs found

    FPGA Based Packet Classification Using Multi-Pipeline Architecture

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    Hardware support for real-time network security and packet classification using field programmable gate arrays

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    Deep packet inspection and packet classification are the most computationally expensive operations in a Network Intrusion Detection (NID) system. Deep packet inspection involves content matching where the payload of the incoming packets is matched against a set of signatures in the database. Packet classification involves inspection of the packet header fields and is basically a multi-dimensional matching problem. Any matching in software is very slow in comparison to current network speeds. Also, both of these problems need a solution which is scalable and can work at high speeds. Due to the high complexity of these matching problems, only Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) or Application-Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC) platforms can facilitate efficient designs. Two novel FPGA-based NID solutions were developed and implemented that not only carry out pattern matching at high speed but also allow changes to the set of stored patterns without resource/hardware reconfiguration; to their advantage, the solutions can easily be adopted by software or ASIC approaches as well. In both solutions, the proposed NID system can run while pattern updates occur. The designs can operate at 2.4 Gbps line rates, and have a memory consumption of around 17 bits per character and a logic cell usage of around 0.05 logic cells per character, which are the smallest compared to any other existing FPGA-based solution. In addition to these solutions for pattern matching, a novel packet classification algorithm was developed and implemented on a FPGA. The method involves a two-field matching process at a time that then combines the constituent results to identify longer matches involving more header fields. The design can achieve a throughput larger than 9.72 Gbps and has an on-chip memory consumption of around 256Kbytes when dealing with more than 10,000 rules (without using external RAM). This memory consumption is the lowest among all the previously proposed FPGA-based designs for packet classification

    Energy Efficient Hardware Accelerators for Packet Classification and String Matching

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    This thesis focuses on the design of new algorithms and energy efficient high throughput hardware accelerators that implement packet classification and fixed string matching. These computationally heavy and memory intensive tasks are used by networking equipment to inspect all packets at wire speed. The constant growth in Internet usage has made them increasingly difficult to implement at core network line speeds. Packet classification is used to sort packets into different flows by comparing their headers to a list of rules. A flow is used to decide a packet’s priority and the manner in which it is processed. Fixed string matching is used to inspect a packet’s payload to check if it contains any strings associated with known viruses, attacks or other harmful activities. The contributions of this thesis towards the area of packet classification are hardware accelerators that allow packet classification to be implemented at core network line speeds when classifying packets using rulesets containing tens of thousands of rules. The hardware accelerators use modified versions of the HyperCuts packet classification algorithm. An adaptive clocking unit is also presented that dynamically adjusts the clock speed of a packet classification hardware accelerator so that its processing capacity matches the processing needs of the network traffic. This keeps dynamic power consumption to a minimum. Contributions made towards the area of fixed string matching include a new algorithm that builds a state machine that is used to search for strings with the aid of default transition pointers. The use of default transition pointers keep memory consumption low, allowing state machines capable of searching for thousands of strings to be small enough to fit in the on-chip memory of devices such as FPGAs. A hardware accelerator is also presented that uses these state machines to search through the payloads of packets for strings at core network line speeds

    Hardware acceleration for power efficient deep packet inspection

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    The rapid growth of the Internet leads to a massive spread of malicious attacks like viruses and malwares, making the safety of online activity a major concern. The use of Network Intrusion Detection Systems (NIDS) is an effective method to safeguard the Internet. One key procedure in NIDS is Deep Packet Inspection (DPI). DPI can examine the contents of a packet and take actions on the packets based on predefined rules. In this thesis, DPI is mainly discussed in the context of security applications. However, DPI can also be used for bandwidth management and network surveillance. DPI inspects the whole packet payload, and due to this and the complexity of the inspection rules, DPI algorithms consume significant amounts of resources including time, memory and energy. The aim of this thesis is to design hardware accelerated methods for memory and energy efficient high-speed DPI. The patterns in packet payloads, especially complex patterns, can be efficiently represented by regular expressions, which can be translated by the use of Deterministic Finite Automata (DFA). DFA algorithms are fast but consume very large amounts of memory with certain kinds of regular expressions. In this thesis, memory efficient algorithms are proposed based on the transition compressions of the DFAs. In this work, Bloom filters are used to implement DPI on an FPGA for hardware acceleration with the design of a parallel architecture. Furthermore, devoted at a balance of power and performance, an energy efficient adaptive Bloom filter is designed with the capability of adjusting the number of active hash functions according to current workload. In addition, a method is given for implementation on both two-stage and multi-stage platforms. Nevertheless, false positive rates still prevents the Bloom filter from extensive utilization; a cache-based counting Bloom filter is presented in this work to get rid of the false positives for fast and precise matching. Finally, in future work, in order to estimate the effect of power savings, models will be built for routers and DPI, which will also analyze the latency impact of dynamic frequency adaption to current traffic. Besides, a low power DPI system will be designed with a single or multiple DPI engines. Results and evaluation of the low power DPI model and system will be produced in future