3,044 research outputs found

    Statistical Approaches for Initial Access in mmWave 5G Systems

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    mmWave communication systems overcome high attenuation by using multiple antennas at both the transmitter and the receiver to perform beamforming. Upon entrance of a user equipment (UE) into a cell a scanning procedure must be performed by the base station in order to find the UE, in what is known as initial access (IA) procedure. In this paper we start from the observation that UEs are more likely to enter from some directions than from others, as they typically move along streets, while other movements are impossible due to the presence of obstacles. Moreover, users are entering with a given time statistics, for example described by inter-arrival times. In this context we propose scanning strategies for IA that take into account the entrance statistics. In particular, we propose two approaches: a memory-less random illumination (MLRI) algorithm and a statistic and memory-based illumination (SMBI) algorithm. The MLRI algorithm scans a random sector in each slot, based on the statistics of sector entrance, without memory. The SMBI algorithm instead scans sectors in a deterministic sequence selected according to the statistics of sector entrance and time of entrance, and taking into account the fact that the user has not yet been discovered (thus including memory). We assess the performance of the proposed methods in terms of average discovery time

    MIMO-UFMC Transceiver Schemes for Millimeter Wave Wireless Communications

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    The UFMC modulation is among the most considered solutions for the realization of beyond-OFDM air interfaces for future wireless networks. This paper focuses on the design and analysis of an UFMC transceiver equipped with multiple antennas and operating at millimeter wave carrier frequencies. The paper provides the full mathematical model of a MIMO-UFMC transceiver, taking into account the presence of hybrid analog/digital beamformers at both ends of the communication links. Then, several detection structures are proposed, both for the case of single-packet isolated transmission, and for the case of multiple-packet continuous transmission. In the latter situation, the paper also considers the case in which no guard time among adjacent packets is inserted, trading off an increased level of interference with higher values of spectral efficiency. At the analysis stage, the several considered detection structures and transmission schemes are compared in terms of bit-error-rate, root-mean-square-error, and system throughput. The numerical results show that the proposed transceiver algorithms are effective and that the linear MMSE data detector is capable of well managing the increased interference brought by the removal of guard times among consecutive packets, thus yielding throughput gains of about 10 - 13 %\%. The effect of phase noise at the receiver is also numerically assessed, and it is shown that the recursive implementation of the linear MMSE exhibits some degree of robustness against this disturbance
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