206 research outputs found

    Revisiting Deep Ensemble for Out-of-Distribution Detection: A Loss Landscape Perspective

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    Existing Out-of-Distribution (OoD) detection methods address to detect OoD samples from In-Distribution data (InD) mainly by exploring differences in features, logits and gradients in Deep Neural Networks (DNNs). We in this work propose a new perspective upon loss landscape and mode ensemble to investigate OoD detection. In the optimization of DNNs, there exist many local optima in the parameter space, or namely modes. Interestingly, we observe that these independent modes, which all reach low-loss regions with InD data (training and test data), yet yield significantly different loss landscapes with OoD data. Such an observation provides a novel view to investigate the OoD detection from the loss landscape and further suggests significantly fluctuating OoD detection performance across these modes. For instance, FPR values of the RankFeat method can range from 46.58% to 84.70% among 5 modes, showing uncertain detection performance evaluations across independent modes. Motivated by such diversities on OoD loss landscape across modes, we revisit the deep ensemble method for OoD detection through mode ensemble, leading to improved performance and benefiting the OoD detector with reduced variances. Extensive experiments covering varied OoD detectors and network structures illustrate high variances across modes and also validate the superiority of mode ensemble in boosting OoD detection. We hope this work could attract attention in the view of independent modes in the OoD loss landscape and more reliable evaluations on OoD detectors

    Efficient and Transferable Adversarial Examples from Bayesian Neural Networks

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    An established way to improve the transferability of black-box evasion attacks is to craft the adversarial examples on a surrogate ensemble model to increase diversity. We argue that transferability is fundamentally related to epistemic uncertainty. Based on a state-of-the-art Bayesian Deep Learning technique, we propose a new method to efficiently build a surrogate by sampling approximately from the posterior distribution of neural network weights, which represents the belief about the value of each parameter. Our extensive experiments on ImageNet and CIFAR-10 show that our approach improves the transfer rates of four state-of-the-art attacks significantly (up to 62.1 percentage points), in both intra-architecture and inter-architecture cases. On ImageNet, our approach can reach 94% of transfer rate while reducing training computations from 11.6 to 2.4 exaflops, compared to an ensemble of independently trained DNNs. Our vanilla surrogate achieves 87.5% of the time higher transferability than 3 test-time techniques designed for this purpose. Our work demonstrates that the way to train a surrogate has been overlooked although it is an important element of transfer-based attacks. We are, therefore, the first to review the effectiveness of several training methods in increasing transferability. We provide new directions to better understand the transferability phenomenon and offer a simple but strong baseline for future work

    Layerwise Linear Mode Connectivity

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    In the federated setup one performs an aggregation of separate local models multiple times during training in order to obtain a stronger global model; most often aggregation is a simple averaging of the parameters. Understanding when and why averaging works in a non-convex setup, such as federated deep learning, is an open challenge that hinders obtaining highly performant global models. On i.i.d.~datasets federated deep learning with frequent averaging is successful. The common understanding, however, is that during the independent training models are drifting away from each other and thus averaging may not work anymore after many local parameter updates. The problem can be seen from the perspective of the loss surface: for points on a non-convex surface the average can become arbitrarily bad. The assumption of local convexity, often used to explain the success of federated averaging, contradicts to the empirical evidence showing that high loss barriers exist between models from the very beginning of the learning, even when training on the same data. Based on the observation that the learning process evolves differently in different layers, we investigate the barrier between models in a layerwise fashion. Our conjecture is that barriers preventing from successful federated training are caused by a particular layer or group of layers.Comment: HLD 2023: 1st Workshop on High-dimensional Learning Dynamics, ICML 2023, Hawaii, US
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