5 research outputs found

    La conscience douloureuse, description phénoménologique dans une situation thérapeutique

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    Using solid diagrams for tangible interface prototyping

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    In most design disciplines, early concept development involves paper-andpencil brainstorming. However, we’ve found that when designing a tangible user interface, it’s best to start with a solid diagram—a 3D “sketch ” created using simple construction materials. In the early stages of research and concept development, solid diagrams are more suitable for rapid reconfiguration and exploration than pencil sketches. They also let us analyze modes of correspondence between physical structures and abstract-information structures. Furthermore, because we can manipulate these diagrams, they help us explore usability properties and certain design trade-offs. CREATING A SOLID DIAGRAM Professional product designers create sketches to test alternative concepts, capture fleeting mental images, and discover new configurations or relationships. This “conversation with the materials ” is central to the reflective design practitioner’s experience. 1 Computer software developers occasionally sketch their ideas, though less often—perhaps when negotiating or reinterpreting rough versions of design diagrams. However, in the case of pervasive computing and augmented physical objects, the sketch processes used to create the physical forms are often quite separate from the design of the underlying software and information structures. This work might even be performed by different people who, if they sketch at all

    H.5.2 User Interfaces – Input devices and strategies,

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    We describe three design experiments, implementing interactive systems that explore the technical context of mobile device usage as a potential design target for tangible interaction techniques. These systems are all implemented using commodity hardware, with camera input to locate tangible interaction elements, and Bluetooth to coordinate multiple devices