52 research outputs found

    Logical cryptoanalysis on the example of the cryptosystem DES

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    In the paper on the example of the cryptosystem DES, the successful method of a cryptanalysis is presented. As a result, it is offered as a criterion of the cryptographic security to use a complexity of building and solving the system of Boolean functions, describing the cipher construction procedure

    Fast, parallel and secure cryptography algorithm using Lorenz's attractor

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    A novel cryptography method based on the Lorenz's attractor chaotic system is presented. The proposed algorithm is secure and fast, making it practical for general use. We introduce the chaotic operation mode, which provides an interaction among the password, message and a chaotic system. It ensures that the algorithm yields a secure codification, even if the nature of the chaotic system is known. The algorithm has been implemented in two versions: one sequential and slow and the other, parallel and fast. Our algorithm assures the integrity of the ciphertext (we know if it has been altered, which is not assured by traditional algorithms) and consequently its authenticity. Numerical experiments are presented, discussed and show the behavior of the method in terms of security and performance. The fast version of the algorithm has a performance comparable to AES, a popular cryptography program used commercially nowadays, but it is more secure, which makes it immediately suitable for general purpose cryptography applications. An internet page has been set up, which enables the readers to test the algorithm and also to try to break into the cipher in

    Authentication for mobile computing

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    Host mobility is becoming an increasingly important feature with the recent arrival of laptop and palmtop computers, the development of wireless network interfaces and the implementation of global networks. Unfortunately, this mobile environment is also much more vulnerable to penetration by intruders. A possible means of protection can be authentication. This guarantees the identity of a communication peer. This thesis studies the constraints imposed on the mobile environment with respect to authentication. It compares the two prevailing authentication mechanisms, Kerberos and SPX, and tries to make suggestions of how a mechanism can be adapted to the mobile environment

    Post-quantum cryptosystems for internet-of-things: A survey on lattice-based algorithms

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    The latest quantum computers have the ability to solve incredibly complex classical cryptography equations particularly to decode the secret encrypted keys and making the network vulnerable to hacking. They can solve complex mathematical problems almost instantaneously compared to the billions of years of computation needed by traditional computing machines. Researchers advocate the development of novel strategies to include data encryption in the post-quantum era. Lattices have been widely used in cryptography, somewhat peculiarly, and these algorithms have been used in both; (a) cryptoanalysis by using lattice approximation to break cryptosystems; and (b) cryptography by using computationally hard lattice problems (non-deterministic polynomial time hardness) to construct stable cryptographic functions. Most of the dominant features of lattice-based cryptography (LBC), which holds it ahead in the post-quantum league, include resistance to quantum attack vectors, high concurrent performance, parallelism, security under worst-case intractability assumptions, and solutions to long-standing open problems in cryptography. While these methods offer possible security for classical cryptosytems in theory and experimentation, their implementation in energy-restricted Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices requires careful study of regular lattice-based implantation and its simplification in lightweight lattice-based cryptography (LW-LBC). This streamlined post-quantum algorithm is ideal for levelled IoT device security. The key aim of this survey was to provide the scientific community with comprehensive information on elementary mathematical facts, as well as to address real-time implementation, hardware architecture, open problems, attack vectors, and the significance for the IoT networks

    An Architecture for Managing Data Privacy in Healthcare with Blockchain

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    With the fast development of blockchain technology in the latest years, its application in scenarios that require privacy, such as health area, have become encouraged and widely discussed. This paper presents an architecture to ensure the privacy of health-related data, which are stored and shared within a blockchain network in a decentralized manner, through the use of encryption with the RSA, ECC, and AES algorithms. Evaluation tests were performed to verify the impact of cryptography on the proposed architecture in terms of computational effort, memory usage, and execution time. The results demonstrate an impact mainly on the execution time and on the increase in the computational effort for sending data to the blockchain, which is justifiable considering the privacy and security provided with the architecture and encryption.N/

    Secure Hardware Implementation of Post Quantum Cryptosystems

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    Solving a hard mathematical problem is the security basis of all current cryptographic systems. With the realization of a large scale quantum computer, hard mathematical problems such as integer factorization and discrete logarithmic problems will be easily solved with special algorithms implemented on such a computer. Indeed, only post-quantum cryptosystems which defy quantum attacks will survive in the post-quantum era. Each newly proposed post-quantum cryptosystem has to be scrutinized against all different types of attacks. Attacks can be classified into mathematical cryptanalysis and side channel attacks. In this thesis, we propose secure hardware implementations against side channel attacks for two of the most promising post-quantum algorithms: the lattice-based public key cryptosystem, NTRU, and the multivariate public key cryptosystem, Rainbow, against power analysis attacks and fault analysis attacks, respectively. NTRUEncrypt is a family of public key cryptosystems that uses lattice-based cryptography. It has been accepted as an IEEE P1363 standard and as an X9.98 Standard. In addition to its small footprint compared to other number theory based public key systems, its resistance to quantum attacks makes it a very attractive candidate for post quantum cryptosystems. On the other hand, similar to other cryptographic schemes, unprotected hardware implementations of NTRUEncrypt are susceptible to side channel attacks such as timing and power analysis. In this thesis, we present an FPGA implementation of NTRUEncrypt which is resistant to first order differential power analysis (DPA) attacks. Our countermeasures are implemented at the architecture level. In particular, we split the ciphertext into two randomly generated shares. This guarantees that during the first step of the decryption process, the inputs to the convolution modules, which are convoluted with the secret key polynomial, are uniformly chosen random polynomials which are freshly generated for each convolution operation and are not under the control of the attacker. The two shares are then processed in parallel without explicitly combining them until the final stage of the decryption. Furthermore, during the final stage of the decryption, we also split the used secret key polynomial into two randomly generated shares which provides theoretical resistance against the considered class of power analysis attacks. The proposed architecture is implemented using Altera Cyclone IV FPGA and simulated on Quartus II in order to compare the non-masked architecture with the masked one. For the considered set of parameters, the area overhead of the protected implementation is about 60% while the latency overhead is between 1.4% to 6.9%. Multivariate Public Key Cryptosystems (MPKCs) are cryptographic schemes based on the difficulty of solving a set of multivariate system of nonlinear equations over a finite field. MPKCs are considered to be secure against quantum attacks. Rainbow, an MPKC signature scheme, is among the leading MPKC candidates for post quantum cryptography. In this thesis, we propose and compare two fault analysis-resistant implementations for the Rainbow signature scheme. The hardware platform for our implementations is Xilinx FPGA Virtex 7 family. Our implementation for the Rainbow signature completes in 191 cycles using a 20ns clock period which is an improvement over the previously reported implementations. The verification completes in 141 cycles using the same clock period. The two proposed fault analysis-resistant schemes offer different levels of protections and increase the area overhead by a factor of 33% and 9%, respectively. The first protection scheme acquires a time overhead of about 72%, but the second one does not have any time overhead

    Deterministic Chaos in Digital Cryptography

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    This thesis studies the application of deterministic chaos to digital cryptography. Cryptographic systems such as pseudo-random generators (PRNG), block ciphers and hash functions are regarded as a dynamic system (X, j), where X is a state space (Le. message space) and f : X -+ X is an iterated function. In both chaos theory and cryptography, the object of study is a dynamic system that performs an iterative nonlinear transformation of information in an apparently unpredictable but deterministic manner. In terms of chaos theory, the sensitivity to the initial conditions together with the mixing property ensures cryptographic confusion (statistical independence) and diffusion (uniform propagation of plaintext and key randomness into cihertext). This synergetic relationship between the properties of chaotic and cryptographic systems is considered at both the theoretical and practical levels: The theoretical background upon which this relationship is based, includes discussions on chaos, ergodicity, complexity, randomness, unpredictability and entropy. Two approaches to the finite-state implementation of chaotic systems (Le. pseudo-chaos) are considered: (i) floating-point approximation of continuous-state chaos; (ii) binary pseudo-chaos. An overview is given of chaotic systems underpinning cryptographic algorithms along with their strengths and weaknesses. Though all conventional cryposystems are considered binary pseudo-chaos, neither chaos, nor pseudo-chaos are sufficient to guarantee cryptographic strength and security. A dynamic system is said to have an analytical solution Xn = (xo) if any trajectory point Xn can be computed directly from the initial conditions Xo, without performing n iterations. A chaotic system with an analytical solution may have a unpredictable multi-valued map Xn+l = f(xn). Their floating-point approximation is studied in the context of pseudo-random generators. A cryptographic software system E-Larm â„¢ implementing a multistream pseudo-chaotic generator is described. Several pseudo-chaotic systems including the logistic map, sine map, tangent- and logarithm feedback maps, sawteeth and tent maps are evaluated by means of floating point computations. Two types of partitioning are used to extract pseudo-random from the floating-point state variable: (i) combining the last significant bits of the floating-point number (for nonlinear maps); and (ii) threshold partitioning (for piecewise linear maps). Multi-round iterations are produced to decrease the bit dependence and increase non-linearity. Relationships between pseudo-chaotic systems are introduced to avoid short cycles (each system influences periodically the states of other systems used in the encryption session). An evaluation of cryptographic properties of E-Larm is given using graphical plots such as state distributions, phase-space portraits, spectral density Fourier transform, approximated entropy (APEN), cycle length histogram, as well as a variety of statistical tests from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) suite. Though E-Larm passes all tests recommended by NIST, an approach based on the floating-point approximation of chaos is inefficient in terms of the quality/performance ratio (compared with existing PRNG algorithms). Also no solution is known to control short cycles. In conclusion, the role of chaos theory in cryptography is identified; disadvantages of floating-point pseudo-chaos are emphasized although binary pseudo-chaos is considered useful for cryptographic applications.Durand Technology Limite

    Fault tolerant Medical Network (MEDNET)

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    This investigation describes the development of a new fault tolerant Medical Network (MEDNET) model based on the existing Public Switch Telephone Network (PSTN), Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Intemetworking (Internet). This research includes the original design, development and testing of the required hardware and software interfaces to provide a complete Medical Network model. MEDNET ties the Doctor, the Patient, the Hospital, the Medical Lab, and the Pharmacy for near real time and fault tolerant exchange of medical information. The MEDNET model includes the following modules: 1 Central Database Server, 2. Remote Client Access, and 3. Communication Interface. This work proves that medical images and data can be exchanged between healthcare providers which are not geographically adjacent, in a cost effective, timely, and secure manne
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