2,241 research outputs found

    Online Self-Concordant and Relatively Smooth Minimization, With Applications to Online Portfolio Selection and Learning Quantum States

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    Consider an online convex optimization problem where the loss functions are self-concordant barriers, smooth relative to a convex function hh, and possibly non-Lipschitz. We analyze the regret of online mirror descent with hh. Then, based on the result, we prove the following in a unified manner. Denote by TT the time horizon and dd the parameter dimension. 1. For online portfolio selection, the regret of EG~\widetilde{\text{EG}}, a variant of exponentiated gradient due to Helmbold et al., is O~(T2/3d1/3)\tilde{O} ( T^{2/3} d^{1/3} ) when T>4d/logdT > 4 d / \log d. This improves on the original O~(T3/4d1/2)\tilde{O} ( T^{3/4} d^{1/2} ) regret bound for EG~\widetilde{\text{EG}}. 2. For online portfolio selection, the regret of online mirror descent with the logarithmic barrier is O~(Td)\tilde{O}(\sqrt{T d}). The regret bound is the same as that of Soft-Bayes due to Orseau et al. up to logarithmic terms. 3. For online learning quantum states with the logarithmic loss, the regret of online mirror descent with the log-determinant function is also O~(Td)\tilde{O} ( \sqrt{T d} ). Its per-iteration time is shorter than all existing algorithms we know.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    An Efficient Interior-Point Method for Online Convex Optimization

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    A new algorithm for regret minimization in online convex optimization is described. The regret of the algorithm after TT time periods is O(TlogT)O(\sqrt{T \log T}) - which is the minimum possible up to a logarithmic term. In addition, the new algorithm is adaptive, in the sense that the regret bounds hold not only for the time periods 1,,T1,\ldots,T but also for every sub-interval s,s+1,,ts,s+1,\ldots,t. The running time of the algorithm matches that of newly introduced interior point algorithms for regret minimization: in nn-dimensional space, during each iteration the new algorithm essentially solves a system of linear equations of order nn, rather than solving some constrained convex optimization problem in nn dimensions and possibly many constraints

    Fast Rates in Online Convex Optimization by Exploiting the Curvature of Feasible Sets

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    In this paper, we explore online convex optimization (OCO) and introduce a new analysis that provides fast rates by exploiting the curvature of feasible sets. In online linear optimization, it is known that if the average gradient of loss functions is larger than a certain value, the curvature of feasible sets can be exploited by the follow-the-leader (FTL) algorithm to achieve a logarithmic regret. This paper reveals that algorithms adaptive to the curvature of loss functions can also leverage the curvature of feasible sets. We first prove that if an optimal decision is on the boundary of a feasible set and the gradient of an underlying loss function is non-zero, then the algorithm achieves a regret upper bound of O(ρlogT)O(\rho \log T) in stochastic environments. Here, ρ>0\rho > 0 is the radius of the smallest sphere that includes the optimal decision and encloses the feasible set. Our approach, unlike existing ones, can work directly with convex loss functions, exploiting the curvature of loss functions simultaneously, and can achieve the logarithmic regret only with a local property of feasible sets. Additionally, it achieves an O(T)O(\sqrt{T}) regret even in adversarial environments where FTL suffers an Ω(T)\Omega(T) regret, and attains an O(ρlogT+CρlogT)O(\rho \log T + \sqrt{C \rho \log T}) regret bound in corrupted stochastic environments with corruption level CC. Furthermore, by extending our analysis, we establish a regret upper bound of O(Tq22(q1)(logT)q2(q1))O\Big(T^{\frac{q-2}{2(q-1)}} (\log T)^{\frac{q}{2(q-1)}}\Big) for qq-uniformly convex feasible sets, where uniformly convex sets include strongly convex sets and p\ell_p-balls for p[1,)p \in [1,\infty). This bound bridges the gap between the O(logT)O(\log T) regret bound for strongly convex sets (q=2q=2) and the O(T)O(\sqrt{T}) regret bound for non-curved sets (qq\to\infty).Comment: 17 page

    Variants of RMSProp and Adagrad with Logarithmic Regret Bounds

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    Adaptive gradient methods have become recently very popular, in particular as they have been shown to be useful in the training of deep neural networks. In this paper we have analyzed RMSProp, originally proposed for the training of deep neural networks, in the context of online convex optimization and show T\sqrt{T}-type regret bounds. Moreover, we propose two variants SC-Adagrad and SC-RMSProp for which we show logarithmic regret bounds for strongly convex functions. Finally, we demonstrate in the experiments that these new variants outperform other adaptive gradient techniques or stochastic gradient descent in the optimization of strongly convex functions as well as in training of deep neural networks.Comment: ICML 2017, 16 pages, 23 figure

    Variants of RMSProp and Adagrad with Logarithmic Regret Bounds

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    Adaptive gradient methods have become recently very popular, in particular as they have been shown to be useful in the training of deep neural networks. In this paper we have analyzed RMSProp, originally proposed for the training of deep neural networks, in the context of online convex optimization and show T\sqrt{T}-type regret bounds. Moreover, we propose two variants SC-Adagrad and SC-RMSProp for which we show logarithmic regret bounds for strongly convex functions. Finally, we demonstrate in the experiments that these new variants outperform other adaptive gradient techniques or stochastic gradient descent in the optimization of strongly convex functions as well as in training of deep neural networks.Comment: ICML 2017, 16 pages, 23 figure

    Universal MMSE Filtering With Logarithmic Adaptive Regret

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    We consider the problem of online estimation of a real-valued signal corrupted by oblivious zero-mean noise using linear estimators. The estimator is required to iteratively predict the underlying signal based on the current and several last noisy observations, and its performance is measured by the mean-square-error. We describe and analyze an algorithm for this task which: 1. Achieves logarithmic adaptive regret against the best linear filter in hindsight. This bound is assyptotically tight, and resolves the question of Moon and Weissman [1]. 2. Runs in linear time in terms of the number of filter coefficients. Previous constructions required at least quadratic time.Comment: 14 page