5,132 research outputs found

    Using Simulation-Based Inference with Panel Data in Health Economics

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    Panel datasets provide a rich source of information for health economists, offering the scope to control for individual heterogeneity and to model the dynamics of individual behaviour. However the qualitative or categorical measures of outcome often used in health economics create special problems for estimating econometric models. Allowing a flexible specification of individual heterogeneity leads to models involving higher order integrals that cannot be handled by conventional numerical methods. The dramatic growth in computing power over recent years has been accompanied by the development of simulation estimators that solve this problem. This review uses binary choice models to show what can be done with conventional methods and how the range of models can be expanded by using simulation methods. Practical applications of the methods are illustrated using on health from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS)Econometrics, panel data, simulation methods, determinants of health

    Using Simulation-based Inference with Panel Data in Health Economics

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    Panel datasets provide a rich source of information for health economists, offering the scope to control for individual heterogeneity and to model the dynamics of individual behaviour. However the qualitative or categorical measures of outcome often used in health economics create special problems for estimating econometric models. Allowing a flexible specification of the autocorrelation induced by individual heterogeneity leads to models involving higher order integrals that cannot be handled by conventional numerical methods. The dramatic growth in computing power over recent years has been accompanied by the development of simulation-based estimators that solve this problem. This review uses binary choice models to show what can be done with conventional methods and how the range of models can be expanded by using simulation methods. Practical applications of the methods are illustrated using data on health from the British Household Panel Survey (BHPS).

    Monte Carlo Co-Ordinate Ascent Variational Inference

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    In Variational Inference (VI), coordinate-ascent and gradient-based approaches are two major types of algorithms for approximating difficult-to-compute probability densities. In real-world implementations of complex models, Monte Carlo methods are widely used to estimate expectations in coordinate-ascent approaches and gradients in derivative-driven ones. We discuss a Monte Carlo Co-ordinate Ascent VI (MC-CAVI) algorithm that makes use of Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods in the calculation of expectations required within Co-ordinate Ascent VI (CAVI). We show that, under regularity conditions, an MC-CAVI recursion will get arbitrarily close to a maximiser of the evidence lower bound (ELBO) with any given high probability. In numerical examples, the performance of MC-CAVI algorithm is compared with that of MCMC and -- as a representative of derivative-based VI methods -- of Black Box VI (BBVI). We discuss and demonstrate MC-CAVI's suitability for models with hard constraints in simulated and real examples. We compare MC-CAVI's performance with that of MCMC in an important complex model used in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy data analysis -- BBVI is nearly impossible to be employed in this setting due to the hard constraints involved in the model

    Sparse Bayesian variable selection for the identiļ¬cation of antigenic variability in the Foot-and-Mouth disease virus

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    Vaccines created from closely related viruses are vital for oļ¬€ering protection against newly emerging strains. For Foot-and-Mouth disease virus (FMDV), where multiple serotypes co-circulate, testing large numbers of vaccines can be infeasible. Therefore the development of an in silico predictor of cross- protection between strains is important to help optimise vaccine choice. Here we describe a novel sparse Bayesian variable selection model using spike and slab priors which is able to predict antigenic variability and identify sites which are important for the neutralisation of the virus. We are able to iden- tify multiple residues which are known to be key indicators of antigenic variability. Many of these were not identiļ¬ed previously using frequentist mixed-eļ¬€ects models and still cannot be found when an ā„“1 penalty is used. We further explore how the Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) proposal method for the inclusion of variables can oļ¬€er significant reductions in computational requirements, both for spike and slab priors in general, and our hierarchical Bayesian model in particular

    4-D Tomographic Inference: Application to SPECT and MR-driven PET

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    Emission tomographic imaging is framed in the Bayesian and information theoretic framework. The first part of the thesis is inspired by the new possibilities offered by PET-MR systems, formulating models and algorithms for 4-D tomography and for the integration of information from multiple imaging modalities. The second part of the thesis extends the models described in the first part, focusing on the imaging hardware. Three key aspects for the design of new imaging systems are investigated: criteria and efficient algorithms for the optimisation and real-time adaptation of the parameters of the imaging hardware; learning the characteristics of the imaging hardware; exploiting the rich information provided by depthof- interaction (DOI) and energy resolving devices. The document concludes with the description of the NiftyRec software toolkit, developed to enable 4-D multi-modal tomographic inference

    Variational bayes for estimating the parameters of a hidden Potts model

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    Hidden Markov random field models provide an appealing representation of images and other spatial problems. The drawback is that inference is not straightforward for these models as the normalisation constant for the likelihood is generally intractable except for very small observation sets. Variational methods are an emerging tool for Bayesian inference and they have already been successfully applied in other contexts. Focusing on the particular case of a hidden Potts model with Gaussian noise, we show how variational Bayesian methods can be applied to hidden Markov random field inference. To tackle the obstacle of the intractable normalising constant for the likelihood, we explore alternative estimation approaches for incorporation into the variational Bayes algorithm. We consider a pseudo-likelihood approach as well as the more recent reduced dependence approximation of the normalisation constant. To illustrate the effectiveness of these approaches we present empirical results from the analysis of simulated datasets. We also analyse a real dataset and compare results with those of previous analyses as well as those obtained from the recently developed auxiliary variable MCMC method and the recursive MCMC method. Our results show that the variational Bayesian analyses can be carried out much faster than the MCMC analyses and produce good estimates of model parameters. We also found that the reduced dependence approximation of the normalisation constant outperformed the pseudo-likelihood approximation in our analysis of real and synthetic datasets
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