939,981 research outputs found

    A new formula for Chebotarev densities

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    We give a new formula for the Chebotarev densities of Frobenius elements in Galois groups. This formula is given in terms of smallest prime factors pmin(n)p_{\mathrm{min}}(n) of integers n2n\geq2. More precisely, let CC be a conjugacy class of the Galois group of some finite Galois extension KK of Q\mathbb{Q}. Then we prove that limX2nX[K/Qpmin(n)]=Cμ(n)n=#C#G.-\lim_{X\rightarrow\infty}\sum_{\substack{2\leq n\leq X\\[1pt]\left[\frac{K/\mathbb{Q}}{p_{\mathrm{min}}(n)}\right]=C}}\frac{\mu(n)}{n}=\frac{\#C}{\#G}. This theorem is a generalization of a result of Alladi from 1977 that asserts that largest prime divisors pmax(n)p_{\mathrm{max}}(n) are equidistributed in arithmetic progressions modulo an integer kk, which occurs when KK is a cyclotomic field Q(ζk)\mathbb{Q}(\zeta_k)

    Congruences for powers of the partition function

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    Let pt(n)p_{-t}(n) denote the number of partitions of nn into tt colors. In analogy with Ramanujan's work on the partition function, Lin recently proved in \cite{Lin} that p3(11n+7)0(mod11)p_{-3}(11n+7)\equiv0\pmod{11} for every integer nn. Such congruences, those of the form pt(n+a)0(mod)p_{-t}(\ell n + a) \equiv 0 \pmod {\ell}, were previously studied by Kiming and Olsson. If 5\ell \geq 5 is prime and t∉{1,3}-t \not \in \{\ell - 1, \ell -3\}, then such congruences satisfy 24at(mod)24a \equiv -t \pmod {\ell}. Inspired by Lin's example, we obtain natural infinite families of such congruences. If 2(mod3)\ell\equiv2\pmod{3} (resp. 3(mod4)\ell\equiv3\pmod{4} and 11(mod12)\ell\equiv11\pmod{12}) is prime and r{4,8,14}r\in\{4,8,14\} (resp. r{6,10}r\in\{6,10\} and r=26r=26), then for t=srt=\ell s-r, where s0s\geq0, we have that \begin{equation*} p_{-t}\left(\ell n+\frac{r(\ell^2-1)}{24}-\ell\Big\lfloor\frac{r(\ell^2-1)}{24\ell}\Big\rfloor\right)\equiv0\pmod{\ell}. \end{equation*} Moreover, we exhibit infinite families where such congruences cannot hold

    Combinatorial Properties of Rogers-Ramanujan-Type Identities Arising from Hall-Littlewood Polynomials

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    Here we consider the qq-series coming from the Hall-Littlewood polynomials, \begin{equation*} R_\nu(a,b;q)=\sum_{\substack{\lambda \\[1pt] \lambda_1\leq a}} q^{c|\lambda|} P_{2\lambda}\big(1,q,q^2,\dots;q^{2b+d}\big). \end{equation*} These series were defined by Griffin, Ono, and Warnaar in their work on the framework of the Rogers-Ramanujan identities. We devise a recursive method for computing the coefficients of these series when they arise within the Rogers-Ramanujan framework. Furthermore, we study the congruence properties of certain quotients and products of these series, generalizing the famous Ramanujan congruence \begin{equation*} p(5n+4)\equiv0\pmod{5}. \end{equation*}Comment: 16 pages v2: Minor changes included, to appear in Annals of Combinatoric

    Higher Width Moonshine

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    \textit{Weak moonshine} for a finite group GG is the phenomenon where an infinite dimensional graded GG-module VG=nVG(n)V_G=\bigoplus_{n\gg-\infty}V_G(n) has the property that its trace functions, known as McKay-Thompson series, are modular functions. Recent work by DeHority, Gonzalez, Vafa, and Van Peski established that weak moonshine holds for every finite group. Since weak moonshine only relies on character tables, which are not isomorphism class invariants, non-isomorphic groups can have the same McKay-Thompson series. We address this problem by extending weak moonshine to arbitrary width sZ+s\in\mathbb{Z}^+. For each 1rs1\leq r\leq s and each irreducible character χi\chi_i, we employ Frobenius' rr-character extension χi(r) ⁣:G(r)C\chi_i^{(r)} \colon G^{(r)}\rightarrow\mathbb{C} to define \textit{width rr McKay-Thompson series} for VG(r):=VG××VGV_G^{(r)}:=V_G\times\cdots\times V_G (rr copies) for each rr-tuple in G(r):=G××GG^{(r)}:=G\times\cdots\times G (rr copies). These series are modular functions which then reflect differences between rr-character values. Furthermore, we establish orthogonality relations for the Frobenius rr-characters, which dictate the compatibility of the extension of weak moonshine for VGV_G to width ss weak moonshine.Comment: Versions 2 and 3 address comments from the referee

    Effective Bounds for the Andrews spt-function

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    In this paper, we establish an asymptotic formula with an effective bound on the error term for the Andrews smallest parts function spt(n)\mathrm{spt}(n). We use this formula to prove recent conjectures of Chen concerning inequalities which involve the partition function p(n)p(n) and spt(n)\mathrm{spt}(n). Further, we strengthen one of the conjectures, and prove that for every ϵ>0\epsilon>0 there is an effectively computable constant N(ϵ)>0N(\epsilon) > 0 such that for all nN(ϵ)n\geq N(\epsilon), we have \begin{equation*} \frac{\sqrt{6}}{\pi}\sqrt{n}\,p(n)<\mathrm{spt}(n)<\left(\frac{\sqrt{6}}{\pi}+\epsilon\right) \sqrt{n}\,p(n). \end{equation*} Due to the conditional convergence of the Rademacher-type formula for spt(n)\mathrm{spt}(n), we must employ methods which are completely different from those used by Lehmer to give effective error bounds for p(n)p(n). Instead, our approach relies on the fact that p(n)p(n) and spt(n)\mathrm{spt}(n) can be expressed as traces of singular moduli.Comment: Changed the title. Added more details and simplified some arguments in Section

    Multiquadratic fields generated by characters of AnA_n

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    For a finite group GG, let K(G)K(G) denote the field generated over Q\mathbb{Q} by its character values. For n>24n>24, G. R. Robinson and J. G. Thompson proved that K(An)=Q({p : pn  an odd prime with pn2}),K(A_n)=\mathbb{Q}\left (\{ \sqrt{p^*} \ : \ p\leq n \ {\text{ an odd prime with } p\neq n-2}\}\right), where p:=(1)p12pp^*:=(-1)^{\frac{p-1}{2}}p. Confirming a speculation of Thompson, we show that arbitrary suitable multiquadratic fields are similarly generated by the values of AnA_n-characters restricted to elements whose orders are only divisible by ramified primes. To be more precise, we say that a π\pi-number is a positive integer whose prime factors belong to a set of odd primes π:={p1,p2,,pt}\pi:= \{p_1, p_2,\dots, p_t\}. Let Kπ(An)K_{\pi}(A_n) be the field generated by the values of AnA_n-characters for even permutations whose orders are π\pi-numbers. If t2t\geq 2, then we determine a constant NπN_{\pi} with the property that for all n>Nπn> N_{\pi}, we have K_{\pi}(A_n)=\mathbb{Q}\left(\sqrt{p_1^*}, \sqrt{p_2^*},\dots, \sqrt{p_t^*}\right).$

    Speaking Rate Effects on Locus Equation Slope

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    A locus equation describes a 1st order regression fit to a scatter of vowel steady-state frequency values predicting vowel onset frequency values. Locus equation coefficients are often interpreted as indices of coarticulation. Speaking rate variations with a constant consonant–vowel form are thought to induce changes in the degree of coarticulation. In the current work, the hypothesis that locus slope is a transparent index of coarticulation is examined through the analysis of acoustic samples of large-scale, nearly continuous variations in speaking rate. Following the methodological conventions for locus equation derivation, data pooled across ten vowels yield locus equation slopes that are mostly consistent with the hypothesis that locus equations vary systematically with coarticulation. Comparable analyses between different four-vowel pools reveal variations in the locus slope range and changes in locus slope sensitivity to rate change. Analyses across rate but within vowels are substantially less consistent with the locus hypothesis. Taken together, these findings suggest that the practice of vowel pooling exerts a non-negligible influence on locus outcomes. Results are discussed within the context of articulatory accounts of locus equations and the effects of speaking rate change

    On isotropic divisors on irreducible symplectic manifolds

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    Let X be an irreducible symplectic manifold and L a divisor on X. Assume that L is isotropic with respect to the Beauville-Bogomolov quadratic form. We define the rational Lagrangian locus and the movable locus on the universal deformation space of the pair (X, L). We prove that the rational Lagrangian locus is empty or coincide with the movable locus

    Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance testing between Blacks and Whites of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale.

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    The factor structure of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale remains in question. Additionally, research on health belief differences between Black and White respondents suggests that the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale may not be invariant. We reviewed the literature regarding the latent variable structure of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control scale, used confirmatory factor analysis to confirm the three-factor structure of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control, and analyzed between-group differences in the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control structure and means across Black and White respondents. Our results indicate differences in means and structure, indicating more research is needed to inform decisions regarding whether and how to deploy the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control appropriately