8 research outputs found

    Knowledge infrastructures for just urban futures:A case of water governance in Lima, Peru

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    Location histogram privacy by sensitive location hiding and target histogram avoidance/resemblance

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    A location histogram is comprised of the number of times a user has visited locations as they move in an area of interest, and it is often obtained from the user in the context of applications such as recommendation and advertising. However, a location histogram that leaves a user's computer or device may threaten privacy when it contains visits to locations that the user does not want to disclose (sensitive locations), or when it can be used to profile the user in a way that leads to price discrimination and unsolicited advertising (e.g. as 'wealthy' or 'minority member'). Our work introduces two privacy notions to protect a location histogram from these threats: sensitive location hiding, which aims at concealing all visits to sensitive locations, and target avoidance/resemblance, which aims at concealing the similarity/dissimilarity of the user's histogram to a target histogram that corresponds to an undesired/desired profile. We formulate an optimization problem around each notion: Sensitive Location Hiding (SLH), which seeks to construct a histogram that is as similar as possible to the user's histogram but associates all visits with nonsensitive locations, and Target Avoidance/Resemblance (TA/TR), which seeks to construct a histogram that is as dissimilar/similar as possible to a given target histogram but remains useful for getting a good response from the application that analyzes the histogram. We develop an optimal algorithm for each notion, which operates on a notion-specific search space graph and finds a shortest or longest path in the graph that corresponds to a solution histogram. In addition, we develop a greedy heuristic for the TA/TR problem, which operates directly on a user's histogram. Our experiments demonstrate that all algorithms are effective at preserving the distribution of locations in a histogram and the quality of location recommendation. They also demonstrate that the heuristic produces near-optimal solutions while being orders of magnitude faster than the optimal algorithm for TA/TR

    Leveraging Client Processing for Location Privacy in Mobile Local Search

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    Usage of mobile services is growing rapidly. Most Internet-based services targeted for PC based browsers now have mobile counterparts. These mobile counterparts often are enhanced when they use user\u27s location as one of the inputs. Even some PC-based services such as point of interest Search, Mapping, Airline tickets, and software download mirrors now use user\u27s location in order to enhance their services. Location-based services are exactly these, that take the user\u27s location as an input and enhance the experience based on that. With increased use of these services comes the increased risk to location privacy. The location is considered an attribute that user\u27s hold as important to their privacy. Compromise of one\u27s location, in other words, loss of location privacy can have several detrimental effects on the user ranging from trivial annoyance to unreasonable persecution. More and more companies in the Internet economy rely exclusively on the huge data sets they collect about users. The more detailed and accurate the data a company has about its users, the more valuable the company is considered. No wonder that these companies are often the same companies that offer these services for free. This gives them an opportunity to collect more accurate location information. Research community in the location privacy protection area had to reciprocate by modeling an adversary that could be the service provider itself. To further drive this point, we show that a well-equipped service provider can infer user\u27s location even if the location information is not directly available by using other information he collects about the user. There is no dearth of proposals of several protocols and algorithms that protect location privacy. A lot of these earlier proposals require a trusted third party to play as an intermediary between the service provider and the user. These protocols use anonymization and/or obfuscation techniques to protect user\u27s identity and/or location. This requirement of trusted third parties comes with its own complications and risks and makes these proposals impractical in real life scenarios. Thus it is preferable that protocols do not require a trusted third party. We look at existing proposals in the area of private information retrieval. We present a brief survey of several proposals in the literature and implement two representative algorithms. We run experiments using different sizes of databases to ascertain their practicability and performance features. We show that private information retrieval based protocols still have long ways to go before they become practical enough for local search applications. We propose location privacy preserving mechanisms that take advantage of the processing power of modern mobile devices and provide configurable levels of location privacy. We propose these techniques both in the single query scenario and multiple query scenario. In single query scenario, the user issues a query to the server and obtains the answer. In the multiple query scenario, the user keeps sending queries as she moves about in the area of interest. We show that the multiple query scenario increases the accuracy of adversary\u27s determination of user\u27s location, and hence improvements are needed to cope with this situation. So, we propose an extension of the single query scenario that addresses this riskier multiple query scenario, still maintaining the practicability and acceptable performance when implemented on a modern mobile device. Later we propose a technique based on differential privacy that is inspired by differential privacy in statistical databases. All three mechanisms proposed by us are implemented in realistic hardware or simulators, run against simulated but real life data and their characteristics ascertained to show that they are practical and ready for adaptation. This dissertation study the privacy issues for location-based services in mobile environment and proposes a set of new techniques that eliminate the need for a trusted third party by implementing efficient algorithms on modern mobile hardware

    Probabilistic Semantics: Metric and Logical Character¨ations for Nondeterministic Probabilistic Processes

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    In this thesis we focus on processes with nondeterminism and probability in the PTS model, and we propose novel techniques to study their semantics, in terms of both classic behavioral relations and the more recent behavioral metrics. Firstly, we propose a method for decomposing modal formulae in a probabilistic extension of the Hennessy-Milner logic. This decomposition method allows us to derive the compositional properties of probabilistic (bi)simulations. Then, we propose original notions of metrics measuring the disparities in the behavior of processes with respect to (decorated) trace and testing semantics. To capture the differences in the expressive power of the metrics we order them by the relation `makes processes further than'. Thus, we obtain the first spectrum of behavioral metrics on the PTS model. From this spectrum we derive an analogous one for the kernels of the metrics, ordered by the relation `makes strictly less identification than'. Finally, we introduce a novel technique for the logical characterization of both behavioral metrics and their kernels, based on the notions of mimicking formula and distance on formulae. This kind of characterization allows us to obtain the first example of a spectrum of distances on processes obtained directly from logics. Moreover, we show that the kernels of the metrics can be characterized by simply comparing the mimicking formulae of processes

    Location Privacy via Geo-Indistinguishability

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