2,660 research outputs found

    Multimodal Visual Concept Learning with Weakly Supervised Techniques

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    Despite the availability of a huge amount of video data accompanied by descriptive texts, it is not always easy to exploit the information contained in natural language in order to automatically recognize video concepts. Towards this goal, in this paper we use textual cues as means of supervision, introducing two weakly supervised techniques that extend the Multiple Instance Learning (MIL) framework: the Fuzzy Sets Multiple Instance Learning (FSMIL) and the Probabilistic Labels Multiple Instance Learning (PLMIL). The former encodes the spatio-temporal imprecision of the linguistic descriptions with Fuzzy Sets, while the latter models different interpretations of each description's semantics with Probabilistic Labels, both formulated through a convex optimization algorithm. In addition, we provide a novel technique to extract weak labels in the presence of complex semantics, that consists of semantic similarity computations. We evaluate our methods on two distinct problems, namely face and action recognition, in the challenging and realistic setting of movies accompanied by their screenplays, contained in the COGNIMUSE database. We show that, on both tasks, our method considerably outperforms a state-of-the-art weakly supervised approach, as well as other baselines.Comment: CVPR 201

    The THUMOS Challenge on Action Recognition for Videos "in the Wild"

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    Automatically recognizing and localizing wide ranges of human actions has crucial importance for video understanding. Towards this goal, the THUMOS challenge was introduced in 2013 to serve as a benchmark for action recognition. Until then, video action recognition, including THUMOS challenge, had focused primarily on the classification of pre-segmented (i.e., trimmed) videos, which is an artificial task. In THUMOS 2014, we elevated action recognition to a more practical level by introducing temporally untrimmed videos. These also include `background videos' which share similar scenes and backgrounds as action videos, but are devoid of the specific actions. The three editions of the challenge organized in 2013--2015 have made THUMOS a common benchmark for action classification and detection and the annual challenge is widely attended by teams from around the world. In this paper we describe the THUMOS benchmark in detail and give an overview of data collection and annotation procedures. We present the evaluation protocols used to quantify results in the two THUMOS tasks of action classification and temporal detection. We also present results of submissions to the THUMOS 2015 challenge and review the participating approaches. Additionally, we include a comprehensive empirical study evaluating the differences in action recognition between trimmed and untrimmed videos, and how well methods trained on trimmed videos generalize to untrimmed videos. We conclude by proposing several directions and improvements for future THUMOS challenges.Comment: Preprint submitted to Computer Vision and Image Understandin

    Hollywood in Homes: Crowdsourcing Data Collection for Activity Understanding

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    Computer vision has a great potential to help our daily lives by searching for lost keys, watering flowers or reminding us to take a pill. To succeed with such tasks, computer vision methods need to be trained from real and diverse examples of our daily dynamic scenes. While most of such scenes are not particularly exciting, they typically do not appear on YouTube, in movies or TV broadcasts. So how do we collect sufficiently many diverse but boring samples representing our lives? We propose a novel Hollywood in Homes approach to collect such data. Instead of shooting videos in the lab, we ensure diversity by distributing and crowdsourcing the whole process of video creation from script writing to video recording and annotation. Following this procedure we collect a new dataset, Charades, with hundreds of people recording videos in their own homes, acting out casual everyday activities. The dataset is composed of 9,848 annotated videos with an average length of 30 seconds, showing activities of 267 people from three continents. Each video is annotated by multiple free-text descriptions, action labels, action intervals and classes of interacted objects. In total, Charades provides 27,847 video descriptions, 66,500 temporally localized intervals for 157 action classes and 41,104 labels for 46 object classes. Using this rich data, we evaluate and provide baseline results for several tasks including action recognition and automatic description generation. We believe that the realism, diversity, and casual nature of this dataset will present unique challenges and new opportunities for computer vision community

    Action Recognition by Hierarchical Mid-level Action Elements

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    Realistic videos of human actions exhibit rich spatiotemporal structures at multiple levels of granularity: an action can always be decomposed into multiple finer-grained elements in both space and time. To capture this intuition, we propose to represent videos by a hierarchy of mid-level action elements (MAEs), where each MAE corresponds to an action-related spatiotemporal segment in the video. We introduce an unsupervised method to generate this representation from videos. Our method is capable of distinguishing action-related segments from background segments and representing actions at multiple spatiotemporal resolutions. Given a set of spatiotemporal segments generated from the training data, we introduce a discriminative clustering algorithm that automatically discovers MAEs at multiple levels of granularity. We develop structured models that capture a rich set of spatial, temporal and hierarchical relations among the segments, where the action label and multiple levels of MAE labels are jointly inferred. The proposed model achieves state-of-the-art performance in multiple action recognition benchmarks. Moreover, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our model in real-world applications such as action recognition in large-scale untrimmed videos and action parsing

    Human Action Localization And Recognition In Unconstrained Videos

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    As imaging systems become ubiquitous, the ability to recognize human actions is becoming increasingly important. Just as in the object detection and recognition literature, action recognition can be roughly divided into classification tasks, where the goal is to classify a video according to the action depicted in the video, and detection tasks, where the goal is to detect and localize a human performing a particular action. A growing literature is demonstrating the benefits of localizing discriminative sub-regions of images and videos when performing recognition tasks. In this thesis, we address the action detection and recognition problems. Action detection in video is a particularly difficult problem because actions must not only be recognized correctly, but must also be localized in the 3D spatio-temporal volume. We introduce a technique that transforms the 3D localization problem into a series of 2D detection tasks. This is accomplished by dividing the video into overlapping segments, then representing each segment with a 2D video projection. The advantage of the 2D projection is that it makes it convenient to apply the best techniques from object detection to the action detection problem. We also introduce a novel, straightforward method for searching the 2D projections to localize actions, termed TwoPoint Subwindow Search (TPSS). Finally, we show how to connect the local detections in time using a chaining algorithm to identify the entire extent of the action. Our experiments show that video projection outperforms the latest results on action detection in a direct comparison. Second, we present a probabilistic model learning to identify discriminative regions in videos from weakly-supervised data where each video clip is only assigned a label describing what action is present in the frame or clip. While our first system requires every action to be manually outlined in every frame of the video, this second system only requires that the video be given a single highlevel tag. From this data, the system is able to identify discriminative regions that correspond well iii to the regions containing the actual actions. Our experiments on both the MSR Action Dataset II and UCF Sports Dataset show that the localizations produced by this weakly supervised system are comparable in quality to localizations produced by systems that require each frame to be manually annotated. This system is able to detect actions in both 1) non-temporally segmented action videos and 2) recognition tasks where a single label is assigned to the clip. We also demonstrate the action recognition performance of our method on two complex datasets, i.e. HMDB and UCF101. Third, we extend our weakly-supervised framework by replacing the recognition stage with a twostage neural network and apply dropout for preventing overfitting of the parameters on the training data. Dropout technique has been recently introduced to prevent overfitting of the parameters in deep neural networks and it has been applied successfully to object recognition problem. To our knowledge, this is the first system using dropout for action recognition problem. We demonstrate that using dropout improves the action recognition accuracies on HMDB and UCF101 datasets

    Crowdsourcing in Computer Vision

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    Computer vision systems require large amounts of manually annotated data to properly learn challenging visual concepts. Crowdsourcing platforms offer an inexpensive method to capture human knowledge and understanding, for a vast number of visual perception tasks. In this survey, we describe the types of annotations computer vision researchers have collected using crowdsourcing, and how they have ensured that this data is of high quality while annotation effort is minimized. We begin by discussing data collection on both classic (e.g., object recognition) and recent (e.g., visual story-telling) vision tasks. We then summarize key design decisions for creating effective data collection interfaces and workflows, and present strategies for intelligently selecting the most important data instances to annotate. Finally, we conclude with some thoughts on the future of crowdsourcing in computer vision.Comment: A 69-page meta review of the field, Foundations and Trends in Computer Graphics and Vision, 201

    P-CNN: Pose-based CNN Features for Action Recognition

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    This work targets human action recognition in video. While recent methods typically represent actions by statistics of local video features, here we argue for the importance of a representation derived from human pose. To this end we propose a new Pose-based Convolutional Neural Network descriptor (P-CNN) for action recognition. The descriptor aggregates motion and appearance information along tracks of human body parts. We investigate different schemes of temporal aggregation and experiment with P-CNN features obtained both for automatically estimated and manually annotated human poses. We evaluate our method on the recent and challenging JHMDB and MPII Cooking datasets. For both datasets our method shows consistent improvement over the state of the art.Comment: ICCV, December 2015, Santiago, Chil
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