2,073 research outputs found

    Backtracking Spatial Pyramid Pooling (SPP)-based Image Classifier for Weakly Supervised Top-down Salient Object Detection

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    Top-down saliency models produce a probability map that peaks at target locations specified by a task/goal such as object detection. They are usually trained in a fully supervised setting involving pixel-level annotations of objects. We propose a weakly supervised top-down saliency framework using only binary labels that indicate the presence/absence of an object in an image. First, the probabilistic contribution of each image region to the confidence of a CNN-based image classifier is computed through a backtracking strategy to produce top-down saliency. From a set of saliency maps of an image produced by fast bottom-up saliency approaches, we select the best saliency map suitable for the top-down task. The selected bottom-up saliency map is combined with the top-down saliency map. Features having high combined saliency are used to train a linear SVM classifier to estimate feature saliency. This is integrated with combined saliency and further refined through a multi-scale superpixel-averaging of saliency map. We evaluate the performance of the proposed weakly supervised topdown saliency and achieve comparable performance with fully supervised approaches. Experiments are carried out on seven challenging datasets and quantitative results are compared with 40 closely related approaches across 4 different applications.Comment: 14 pages, 7 figure

    CAVER: Cross-Modal View-Mixed Transformer for Bi-Modal Salient Object Detection

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    Most of the existing bi-modal (RGB-D and RGB-T) salient object detection methods utilize the convolution operation and construct complex interweave fusion structures to achieve cross-modal information integration. The inherent local connectivity of the convolution operation constrains the performance of the convolution-based methods to a ceiling. In this work, we rethink these tasks from the perspective of global information alignment and transformation. Specifically, the proposed \underline{c}ross-mod\underline{a}l \underline{v}iew-mixed transform\underline{er} (CAVER) cascades several cross-modal integration units to construct a top-down transformer-based information propagation path. CAVER treats the multi-scale and multi-modal feature integration as a sequence-to-sequence context propagation and update process built on a novel view-mixed attention mechanism. Besides, considering the quadratic complexity w.r.t. the number of input tokens, we design a parameter-free patch-wise token re-embedding strategy to simplify operations. Extensive experimental results on RGB-D and RGB-T SOD datasets demonstrate that such a simple two-stream encoder-decoder framework can surpass recent state-of-the-art methods when it is equipped with the proposed components.Comment: Updated version, more flexible structure, better performanc
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