76,534 research outputs found

    Update-Efficiency and Local Repairability Limits for Capacity Approaching Codes

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    Motivated by distributed storage applications, we investigate the degree to which capacity achieving encodings can be efficiently updated when a single information bit changes, and the degree to which such encodings can be efficiently (i.e., locally) repaired when single encoded bit is lost. Specifically, we first develop conditions under which optimum error-correction and update-efficiency are possible, and establish that the number of encoded bits that must change in response to a change in a single information bit must scale logarithmically in the block-length of the code if we are to achieve any nontrivial rate with vanishing probability of error over the binary erasure or binary symmetric channels. Moreover, we show there exist capacity-achieving codes with this scaling. With respect to local repairability, we develop tight upper and lower bounds on the number of remaining encoded bits that are needed to recover a single lost bit of the encoding. In particular, we show that if the code-rate is ϵ\epsilon less than the capacity, then for optimal codes, the maximum number of codeword symbols required to recover one lost symbol must scale as log1/ϵ\log1/\epsilon. Several variations on---and extensions of---these results are also developed.Comment: Accepted to appear in JSA

    Security in Locally Repairable Storage

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    In this paper we extend the notion of {\em locally repairable} codes to {\em secret sharing} schemes. The main problem that we consider is to find optimal ways to distribute shares of a secret among a set of storage-nodes (participants) such that the content of each node (share) can be recovered by using contents of only few other nodes, and at the same time the secret can be reconstructed by only some allowable subsets of nodes. As a special case, an eavesdropper observing some set of specific nodes (such as less than certain number of nodes) does not get any information. In other words, we propose to study a locally repairable distributed storage system that is secure against a {\em passive eavesdropper} that can observe some subsets of nodes. We provide a number of results related to such systems including upper-bounds and achievability results on the number of bits that can be securely stored with these constraints.Comment: This paper has been accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions of Information Theor

    Linear-time list recovery of high-rate expander codes

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    We show that expander codes, when properly instantiated, are high-rate list recoverable codes with linear-time list recovery algorithms. List recoverable codes have been useful recently in constructing efficiently list-decodable codes, as well as explicit constructions of matrices for compressive sensing and group testing. Previous list recoverable codes with linear-time decoding algorithms have all had rate at most 1/2; in contrast, our codes can have rate 1ϵ1 - \epsilon for any ϵ>0\epsilon > 0. We can plug our high-rate codes into a construction of Meir (2014) to obtain linear-time list recoverable codes of arbitrary rates, which approach the optimal trade-off between the number of non-trivial lists provided and the rate of the code. While list-recovery is interesting on its own, our primary motivation is applications to list-decoding. A slight strengthening of our result would implies linear-time and optimally list-decodable codes for all rates, and our work is a step in the direction of solving this important problem