2,097 research outputs found

    Efficient 2D-3D Matching for Multi-Camera Visual Localization

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    Visual localization, i.e., determining the position and orientation of a vehicle with respect to a map, is a key problem in autonomous driving. We present a multicamera visual inertial localization algorithm for large scale environments. To efficiently and effectively match features against a pre-built global 3D map, we propose a prioritized feature matching scheme for multi-camera systems. In contrast to existing works, designed for monocular cameras, we (1) tailor the prioritization function to the multi-camera setup and (2) run feature matching and pose estimation in parallel. This significantly accelerates the matching and pose estimation stages and allows us to dynamically adapt the matching efforts based on the surrounding environment. In addition, we show how pose priors can be integrated into the localization system to increase efficiency and robustness. Finally, we extend our algorithm by fusing the absolute pose estimates with motion estimates from a multi-camera visual inertial odometry pipeline (VIO). This results in a system that provides reliable and drift-less pose estimation. Extensive experiments show that our localization runs fast and robust under varying conditions, and that our extended algorithm enables reliable real-time pose estimation.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    GSLAM: Initialization-robust Monocular Visual SLAM via Global Structure-from-Motion

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    Many monocular visual SLAM algorithms are derived from incremental structure-from-motion (SfM) methods. This work proposes a novel monocular SLAM method which integrates recent advances made in global SfM. In particular, we present two main contributions to visual SLAM. First, we solve the visual odometry problem by a novel rank-1 matrix factorization technique which is more robust to the errors in map initialization. Second, we adopt a recent global SfM method for the pose-graph optimization, which leads to a multi-stage linear formulation and enables L1 optimization for better robustness to false loops. The combination of these two approaches generates more robust reconstruction and is significantly faster (4X) than recent state-of-the-art SLAM systems. We also present a new dataset recorded with ground truth camera motion in a Vicon motion capture room, and compare our method to prior systems on it and established benchmark datasets.Comment: 3DV 2017 Project Page: https://frobelbest.github.io/gsla


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    Abstract—The fusion of visual and inertial cues has become popular in robotics due to the complementary nature of the two sensing modalities. While most fusion strategies to date rely on filtering schemes, the visual robotics community has recently turned to non-linear optimization approaches for tasks such as visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM), following the discovery that this comes with significant advantages in quality of performance and computational complexity. Following this trend, we present a novel approach to tightly integrate visual measurements with readings from an Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) in SLAM. An IMU error term is integrated with the landmark reprojection error in a fully probabilistic manner, resulting to a joint non-linear cost function to be optimized. Employing the powerful concept of ‘keyframes ’ we partially marginalize old states to maintain a bounded-sized optimization window, ensuring real-time operation. Comparing against both vision-only and loosely-coupled visual-inertial algorithms, our experiments confirm the benefits of tight fusion in terms of accuracy and robustness. I

    Leveraging Deep Visual Descriptors for Hierarchical Efficient Localization

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    Many robotics applications require precise pose estimates despite operating in large and changing environments. This can be addressed by visual localization, using a pre-computed 3D model of the surroundings. The pose estimation then amounts to finding correspondences between 2D keypoints in a query image and 3D points in the model using local descriptors. However, computational power is often limited on robotic platforms, making this task challenging in large-scale environments. Binary feature descriptors significantly speed up this 2D-3D matching, and have become popular in the robotics community, but also strongly impair the robustness to perceptual aliasing and changes in viewpoint, illumination and scene structure. In this work, we propose to leverage recent advances in deep learning to perform an efficient hierarchical localization. We first localize at the map level using learned image-wide global descriptors, and subsequently estimate a precise pose from 2D-3D matches computed in the candidate places only. This restricts the local search and thus allows to efficiently exploit powerful non-binary descriptors usually dismissed on resource-constrained devices. Our approach results in state-of-the-art localization performance while running in real-time on a popular mobile platform, enabling new prospects for robotics research.Comment: CoRL 2018 Camera-ready (fix typos and update citations

    C-blox: A Scalable and Consistent TSDF-based Dense Mapping Approach

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    In many applications, maintaining a consistent dense map of the environment is key to enabling robotic platforms to perform higher level decision making. Several works have addressed the challenge of creating precise dense 3D maps from visual sensors providing depth information. However, during operation over longer missions, reconstructions can easily become inconsistent due to accumulated camera tracking error and delayed loop closure. Without explicitly addressing the problem of map consistency, recovery from such distortions tends to be difficult. We present a novel system for dense 3D mapping which addresses the challenge of building consistent maps while dealing with scalability. Central to our approach is the representation of the environment as a collection of overlapping TSDF subvolumes. These subvolumes are localized through feature-based camera tracking and bundle adjustment. Our main contribution is a pipeline for identifying stable regions in the map, and to fuse the contributing subvolumes. This approach allows us to reduce map growth while still maintaining consistency. We demonstrate the proposed system on a publicly available dataset and simulation engine, and demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed approach for building consistent and scalable maps. Finally we demonstrate our approach running in real-time on-board a lightweight MAV.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, conferenc

    Rhythmic Representations: Learning Periodic Patterns for Scalable Place Recognition at a Sub-Linear Storage Cost

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    Robotic and animal mapping systems share many challenges and characteristics: they must function in a wide variety of environmental conditions, enable the robot or animal to navigate effectively to find food or shelter, and be computationally tractable from both a speed and storage perspective. With regards to map storage, the mammalian brain appears to take a diametrically opposed approach to all current robotic mapping systems. Where robotic mapping systems attempt to solve the data association problem to minimise representational aliasing, neurons in the brain intentionally break data association by encoding large (potentially unlimited) numbers of places with a single neuron. In this paper, we propose a novel method based on supervised learning techniques that seeks out regularly repeating visual patterns in the environment with mutually complementary co-prime frequencies, and an encoding scheme that enables storage requirements to grow sub-linearly with the size of the environment being mapped. To improve robustness in challenging real-world environments while maintaining storage growth sub-linearity, we incorporate both multi-exemplar learning and data augmentation techniques. Using large benchmark robotic mapping datasets, we demonstrate the combined system achieving high-performance place recognition with sub-linear storage requirements, and characterize the performance-storage growth trade-off curve. The work serves as the first robotic mapping system with sub-linear storage scaling properties, as well as the first large-scale demonstration in real-world environments of one of the proposed memory benefits of these neurons.Comment: Pre-print of article that will appear in the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letter

    Data-Efficient Decentralized Visual SLAM

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    Decentralized visual simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) is a powerful tool for multi-robot applications in environments where absolute positioning systems are not available. Being visual, it relies on cameras, cheap, lightweight and versatile sensors, and being decentralized, it does not rely on communication to a central ground station. In this work, we integrate state-of-the-art decentralized SLAM components into a new, complete decentralized visual SLAM system. To allow for data association and co-optimization, existing decentralized visual SLAM systems regularly exchange the full map data between all robots, incurring large data transfers at a complexity that scales quadratically with the robot count. In contrast, our method performs efficient data association in two stages: in the first stage a compact full-image descriptor is deterministically sent to only one robot. In the second stage, which is only executed if the first stage succeeded, the data required for relative pose estimation is sent, again to only one robot. Thus, data association scales linearly with the robot count and uses highly compact place representations. For optimization, a state-of-the-art decentralized pose-graph optimization method is used. It exchanges a minimum amount of data which is linear with trajectory overlap. We characterize the resulting system and identify bottlenecks in its components. The system is evaluated on publicly available data and we provide open access to the code.Comment: 8 pages, submitted to ICRA 201
