1,060 research outputs found

    A comprehensive video codec comparison

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    In this paper, we compare the video codecs AV1 (version 1.0.0-2242 from August 2019), HEVC (HM and x265), AVC (x264), the exploration software JEM which is based on HEVC, and the VVC (successor of HEVC) test model VTM (version 4.0 from February 2019) under two fair and balanced configurations: All Intra for the assessment of intra coding and Maximum Coding Efficiency with all codecs being tuned for their best coding efficiency settings. VTM achieves the highest coding efficiency in both configurations, followed by JEM and AV1. The worst coding efficiency is achieved by x264 and x265, even in the placebo preset for highest coding efficiency. AV1 gained a lot in terms of coding efficiency compared to previous versions and now outperforms HM by 24% BD-Rate gains. VTM gains 5% over AV1 in terms of BD-Rates. By reporting separate numbers for JVET and AOM test sequences, it is ensured that no bias in the test sequences exists. When comparing only intra coding tools, it is observed that the complexity increases exponentially for linearly increasing coding efficiency

    Source coding for transmission of reconstructed dynamic geometry: a rate-distortion-complexity analysis of different approaches

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    Live 3D reconstruction of a human as a 3D mesh with commodity electronics is becoming a reality. Immersive applications (i.e. cloud gaming, tele-presence) benefit from effective transmission of such content over a bandwidth limited link. In this paper we outline different approaches for compressing live reconstructed mesh geometry based on distributing mesh reconstruction functions between sender and receiver. We evaluate rate-performance-complexity of different configurations. First, we investigate 3D mesh compression methods (i.e. dynamic/static) from MPEG-4. Second, we evaluate the option of using octree based point cloud compression and receiver side surface reconstruction

    Nouvelles méthodes de prédiction inter-images pour la compression d’images et de vidéos

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    Due to the large availability of video cameras and new social media practices, as well as the emergence of cloud services, images and videosconstitute today a significant amount of the total data that is transmitted over the internet. Video streaming applications account for more than 70% of the world internet bandwidth. Whereas billions of images are already stored in the cloud and millions are uploaded every day. The ever growing streaming and storage requirements of these media require the constant improvements of image and video coding tools. This thesis aims at exploring novel approaches for improving current inter-prediction methods. Such methods leverage redundancies between similar frames, and were originally developed in the context of video compression. In a first approach, novel global and local inter-prediction tools are associated to improve the efficiency of image sets compression schemes based on video codecs. By leveraging a global geometric and photometric compensation with a locally linear prediction, significant improvements can be obtained. A second approach is then proposed which introduces a region-based inter-prediction scheme. The proposed method is able to improve the coding performances compared to existing solutions by estimating and compensating geometric and photometric distortions on a semi-local level. This approach is then adapted and validated in the context of video compression. Bit-rate improvements are obtained, especially for sequences displaying complex real-world motions such as zooms and rotations. The last part of the thesis focuses on deep learning approaches for inter-prediction. Deep neural networks have shown striking results for a large number of computer vision tasks over the last years. Deep learning based methods proposed for frame interpolation applications are studied here in the context of video compression. Coding performance improvements over traditional motion estimation and compensation methods highlight the potential of these deep architectures.En raison de la grande disponibilité des dispositifs de capture vidéo et des nouvelles pratiques liées aux réseaux sociaux, ainsi qu’à l’émergence desservices en ligne, les images et les vidéos constituent aujourd’hui une partie importante de données transmises sur internet. Les applications de streaming vidéo représentent ainsi plus de 70% de la bande passante totale de l’internet. Des milliards d’images sont déjà stockées dans le cloud et des millions y sont téléchargés chaque jour. Les besoins toujours croissants en streaming et stockage nécessitent donc une amélioration constante des outils de compression d’image et de vidéo. Cette thèse vise à explorer des nouvelles approches pour améliorer les méthodes actuelles de prédiction inter-images. De telles méthodes tirent parti des redondances entre images similaires, et ont été développées à l’origine dans le contexte de la vidéo compression. Dans une première partie, de nouveaux outils de prédiction inter globaux et locaux sont associés pour améliorer l’efficacité des schémas de compression de bases de données d’image. En associant une compensation géométrique et photométrique globale avec une prédiction linéaire locale, des améliorations significatives peuvent être obtenues. Une seconde approche est ensuite proposée qui introduit un schéma deprédiction inter par régions. La méthode proposée est en mesure d’améliorer les performances de codage par rapport aux solutions existantes en estimant et en compensant les distorsions géométriques et photométriques à une échelle semi locale. Cette approche est ensuite adaptée et validée dans le cadre de la compression vidéo. Des améliorations en réduction de débit sont obtenues, en particulier pour les séquences présentant des mouvements complexes réels tels que des zooms et des rotations. La dernière partie de la thèse se concentre sur l’étude des méthodes d’apprentissage en profondeur dans le cadre de la prédiction inter. Ces dernières années, les réseaux de neurones profonds ont obtenu des résultats impressionnants pour un grand nombre de tâches de vision par ordinateur. Les méthodes basées sur l’apprentissage en profondeur proposéesà l’origine pour de l’interpolation d’images sont étudiées ici dans le contexte de la compression vidéo. Des améliorations en terme de performances de codage sont obtenues par rapport aux méthodes d’estimation et de compensation de mouvements traditionnelles. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le fort potentiel de ces architectures profondes dans le domaine de la compression vidéo

    ACOTES project: Advanced compiler technologies for embedded streaming

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    Streaming applications are built of data-driven, computational components, consuming and producing unbounded data streams. Streaming oriented systems have become dominant in a wide range of domains, including embedded applications and DSPs. However, programming efficiently for streaming architectures is a challenging task, having to carefully partition the computation and map it to processes in a way that best matches the underlying streaming architecture, taking into account the distributed resources (memory, processing, real-time requirements) and communication overheads (processing and delay). These challenges have led to a number of suggested solutions, whose goal is to improve the programmer’s productivity in developing applications that process massive streams of data on programmable, parallel embedded architectures. StreamIt is one such example. Another more recent approach is that developed by the ACOTES project (Advanced Compiler Technologies for Embedded Streaming). The ACOTES approach for streaming applications consists of compiler-assisted mapping of streaming tasks to highly parallel systems in order to maximize cost-effectiveness, both in terms of energy and in terms of design effort. The analysis and transformation techniques automate large parts of the partitioning and mapping process, based on the properties of the application domain, on the quantitative information about the target systems, and on programmer directives. This paper presents the outcomes of the ACOTES project, a 3-year collaborative work of industrial (NXP, ST, IBM, Silicon Hive, NOKIA) and academic (UPC, INRIA, MINES ParisTech) partners, and advocates the use of Advanced Compiler Technologies that we developed to support Embedded Streaming.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Computing parametrized solutions for plasmonic nanogap structures

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    The interaction of electromagnetic waves with metallic nanostructures generates resonant oscillations of the conduction-band electrons at the metal surface. These resonances can lead to large enhancements of the incident field and to the confinement of light to small regions, typically several orders of magnitude smaller than the incident wavelength. The accurate prediction of these resonances entails several challenges. Small geometric variations in the plasmonic structure may lead to large variations in the electromagnetic field responses. Furthermore, the material parameters that characterize the optical behavior of metals at the nanoscale need to be determined experimentally and are consequently subject to measurement errors. It then becomes essential that any predictive tool for the simulation and design of plasmonic structures accounts for fabrication tolerances and measurement uncertainties. In this paper, we develop a reduced order modeling framework that is capable of real-time accurate electromagnetic responses of plasmonic nanogap structures for a wide range of geometry and material parameters. The main ingredients of the proposed method are: (i) the hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method to numerically solve the equations governing electromagnetic wave propagation in dielectric and metallic media, (ii) a reference domain formulation of the time-harmonic Maxwell's equations to account for geometry variations; and (iii) proper orthogonal decomposition and empirical interpolation techniques to construct an efficient reduced model. To demonstrate effectiveness of the models developed, we analyze geometry sensitivities and explore optimal designs of a 3D periodic annular nanogap structure.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures, 4 tables, 2 appendice

    Contributions to HEVC Prediction for Medical Image Compression

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    Medical imaging technology and applications are continuously evolving, dealing with images of increasing spatial and temporal resolutions, which allow easier and more accurate medical diagnosis. However, this increase in resolution demands a growing amount of data to be stored and transmitted. Despite the high coding efficiency achieved by the most recent image and video coding standards in lossy compression, they are not well suited for quality-critical medical image compression where either near-lossless or lossless coding is required. In this dissertation, two different approaches to improve lossless coding of volumetric medical images, such as Magnetic Resonance and Computed Tomography, were studied and implemented using the latest standard High Efficiency Video Encoder (HEVC). In a first approach, the use of geometric transformations to perform inter-slice prediction was investigated. For the second approach, a pixel-wise prediction technique, based on Least-Squares prediction, that exploits inter-slice redundancy was proposed to extend the current HEVC lossless tools. Experimental results show a bitrate reduction between 45% and 49%, when compared with DICOM recommended encoders, and 13.7% when compared with standard HEVC

    Novel block-based motion estimation and segmentation for video coding

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Scalable light field representation and coding

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    This Thesis aims to advance the state-of-the-art in light field representation and coding. In this context, proposals to improve functionalities like light field random access and scalability are also presented. As the light field representation constrains the coding approach to be used, several light field coding techniques to exploit the inherent characteristics of the most popular types of light field representations are proposed and studied, which are normally based on micro-images or sub-aperture-images. To encode micro-images, two solutions are proposed, aiming to exploit the redundancy between neighboring micro-images using a high order prediction model, where the model parameters are either explicitly transmitted or inferred at the decoder, respectively. In both cases, the proposed solutions are able to outperform low order prediction solutions. To encode sub-aperture-images, an HEVC-based solution that exploits their inherent intra and inter redundancies is proposed. In this case, the light field image is encoded as a pseudo video sequence, where the scanning order is signaled, allowing the encoder and decoder to optimize the reference picture lists to improve coding efficiency. A novel hybrid light field representation coding approach is also proposed, by exploiting the combined use of both micro-image and sub-aperture-image representation types, instead of using each representation individually. In order to aid the fast deployment of the light field technology, this Thesis also proposes scalable coding and representation approaches that enable adequate compatibility with legacy displays (e.g., 2D, stereoscopic or multiview) and with future light field displays, while maintaining high coding efficiency. Additionally, viewpoint random access, allowing to improve the light field navigation and to reduce the decoding delay, is also enabled with a flexible trade-off between coding efficiency and viewpoint random access.Esta Tese tem como objetivo avançar o estado da arte em representação e codificação de campos de luz. Neste contexto, são também apresentadas propostas para melhorar funcionalidades como o acesso aleatório ao campo de luz e a escalabilidade. Como a representação do campo de luz limita a abordagem de codificação a ser utilizada, são propostas e estudadas várias técnicas de codificação de campos de luz para explorar as características inerentes aos seus tipos mais populares de representação, que são normalmente baseadas em micro-imagens ou imagens de sub-abertura. Para codificar as micro-imagens, são propostas duas soluções, visando explorar a redundância entre micro-imagens vizinhas utilizando um modelo de predição de alta ordem, onde os parâmetros do modelo são explicitamente transmitidos ou inferidos no decodificador, respetivamente. Em ambos os casos, as soluções propostas são capazes de superar as soluções de predição de baixa ordem. Para codificar imagens de sub-abertura, é proposta uma solução baseada em HEVC que explora a inerente redundância intra e inter deste tipo de imagens. Neste caso, a imagem do campo de luz é codificada como uma pseudo-sequência de vídeo, onde a ordem de varrimento é sinalizada, permitindo ao codificador e decodificador otimizar as listas de imagens de referência para melhorar a eficiência da codificação. Também é proposta uma nova abordagem de codificação baseada na representação híbrida do campo de luz, explorando o uso combinado dos tipos de representação de micro-imagem e sub-imagem, em vez de usar cada representação individualmente. A fim de facilitar a rápida implantação da tecnologia de campo de luz, esta Tese também propõe abordagens escaláveis de codificação e representação que permitem uma compatibilidade adequada com monitores tradicionais (e.g., 2D, estereoscópicos ou multivista) e com futuros monitores de campo de luz, mantendo ao mesmo tempo uma alta eficiência de codificação. Além disso, o acesso aleatório de pontos de vista, permitindo melhorar a navegação no campo de luz e reduzir o atraso na descodificação, também é permitido com um equilíbrio flexível entre eficiência de codificação e acesso aleatório de pontos de vista

    The End of Time?

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    I discuss J. Barbour's Machian theories of dynamics, and his proposal that a Machian perspective enables one to solve the problem of time in quantum geometrodynamics (by saying that there is no time). I concentrate on his recent book 'The End of Time' (1999).Comment: 48 pages Latex. A shortened version will appear in 'The British Journal for Philosophy of Science
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