7 research outputs found

    DeepFN: Towards Generalizable Facial Action Unit Recognition with Deep Face Normalization

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    Facial action unit recognition has many applications from market research to psychotherapy and from image captioning to entertainment. Despite its recent progress, deployment of these models has been impeded due to their limited generalization to unseen people and demographics. This work conducts an in-depth analysis of performance across several dimensions: individuals(40 subjects), genders (male and female), skin types (darker and lighter), and databases (BP4D and DISFA). To help suppress the variance in data, we use the notion of self-supervised denoising autoencoders to design a method for deep face normalization(DeepFN) that transfers facial expressions of different people onto a common facial template which is then used to train and evaluate facial action recognition models. We show that person-independent models yield significantly lower performance (55% average F1 and accuracy across 40 subjects) than person-dependent models (60.3%), leading to a generalization gap of 5.3%. However, normalizing the data with the newly introduced DeepFN significantly increased the performance of person-independent models (59.6%), effectively reducing the gap. Similarly, we observed generalization gaps when considering gender (2.4%), skin type (5.3%), and dataset (9.4%), which were significantly reduced with the use of DeepFN. These findings represent an important step towards the creation of more generalizable facial action unit recognition systems

    Self-supervised Facial Action Unit Detection with Region and Relation Learning

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    Facial action unit (AU) detection is a challenging task due to the scarcity of manual annotations. Recent works on AU detection with self-supervised learning have emerged to address this problem, aiming to learn meaningful AU representations from numerous unlabeled data. However, most existing AU detection works with self-supervised learning utilize global facial features only, while AU-related properties such as locality and relevance are not fully explored. In this paper, we propose a novel self-supervised framework for AU detection with the region and relation learning. In particular, AU related attention map is utilized to guide the model to focus more on AU-specific regions to enhance the integrity of AU local features. Meanwhile, an improved Optimal Transport (OT) algorithm is introduced to exploit the correlation characteristics among AUs. In addition, Swin Transformer is exploited to model the long-distance dependencies within each AU region during feature learning. The evaluation results on BP4D and DISFA demonstrate that our proposed method is comparable or even superior to the state-of-the-art self-supervised learning methods and supervised AU detection methods.Comment: Accepted by ICASSP 202

    Spatio-Temporal Relation and Attention Learning for Facial Action Unit Detection

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    Spatio-temporal relations among facial action units (AUs) convey significant information for AU detection yet have not been thoroughly exploited. The main reasons are the limited capability of current AU detection works in simultaneously learning spatial and temporal relations, and the lack of precise localization information for AU feature learning. To tackle these limitations, we propose a novel spatio-temporal relation and attention learning framework for AU detection. Specifically, we introduce a spatio-temporal graph convolutional network to capture both spatial and temporal relations from dynamic AUs, in which the AU relations are formulated as a spatio-temporal graph with adaptively learned instead of predefined edge weights. Moreover, the learning of spatio-temporal relations among AUs requires individual AU features. Considering the dynamism and shape irregularity of AUs, we propose an attention regularization method to adaptively learn regional attentions that capture highly relevant regions and suppress irrelevant regions so as to extract a complete feature for each AU. Extensive experiments show that our approach achieves substantial improvements over the state-of-the-art AU detection methods on BP4D and especially DISFA benchmarks