97 research outputs found

    Gated Siamese Convolutional Neural Network Architecture for Human Re-Identification

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    Matching pedestrians across multiple camera views, known as human re-identification, is a challenging research problem that has numerous applications in visual surveillance. With the resurgence of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), several end-to-end deep Siamese CNN architectures have been proposed for human re-identification with the objective of projecting the images of similar pairs (i.e. same identity) to be closer to each other and those of dissimilar pairs to be distant from each other. However, current networks extract fixed representations for each image regardless of other images which are paired with it and the comparison with other images is done only at the final level. In this setting, the network is at risk of failing to extract finer local patterns that may be essential to distinguish positive pairs from hard negative pairs. In this paper, we propose a gating function to selectively emphasize such fine common local patterns by comparing the mid-level features across pairs of images. This produces flexible representations for the same image according to the images they are paired with. We conduct experiments on the CUHK03, Market-1501 and VIPeR datasets and demonstrate improved performance compared to a baseline Siamese CNN architecture.Comment: Accepted to ECCV201

    A Siamese Long Short-Term Memory Architecture for Human Re-Identification

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    Matching pedestrians across multiple camera views known as human re-identification (re-identification) is a challenging problem in visual surveillance. In the existing works concentrating on feature extraction, representations are formed locally and independent of other regions. We present a novel siamese Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture that can process image regions sequentially and enhance the discriminative capability of local feature representation by leveraging contextual information. The feedback connections and internal gating mechanism of the LSTM cells enable our model to memorize the spatial dependencies and selectively propagate relevant contextual information through the network. We demonstrate improved performance compared to the baseline algorithm with no LSTM units and promising results compared to state-of-the-art methods on Market-1501, CUHK03 and VIPeR datasets. Visualization of the internal mechanism of LSTM cells shows meaningful patterns can be learned by our method

    Person Re-identification Using Visual Attention

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    Despite recent attempts for solving the person re-identification problem, it remains a challenging task since a person's appearance can vary significantly when large variations in view angle, human pose, and illumination are involved. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on using a gradient-based attention mechanism in deep convolution neural network for solving the person re-identification problem. Our model learns to focus selectively on parts of the input image for which the networks' output is most sensitive to and processes them with high resolution while perceiving the surrounding image in low resolution. Extensive comparative evaluations demonstrate that the proposed method outperforms state-of-the-art approaches on the challenging CUHK01, CUHK03, and Market 1501 datasets.Comment: Published at IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 201

    Parameterizing Region Covariance: An Efficient Way To Apply Sparse Codes On Second Order Statistics

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    Sparse representations have been successfully applied to signal processing, computer vision and machine learning. Currently there is a trend to learn sparse models directly on structure data, such as region covariance. However, such methods when combined with region covariance often require complex computation. We present an approach to transform a structured sparse model learning problem to a traditional vectorized sparse modeling problem by constructing a Euclidean space representation for region covariance matrices. Our new representation has multiple advantages. Experiments on several vision tasks demonstrate competitive performance with the state-of-the-art methods

    An Enhanced Deep Feature Representation for Person Re-identification

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    Feature representation and metric learning are two critical components in person re-identification models. In this paper, we focus on the feature representation and claim that hand-crafted histogram features can be complementary to Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) features. We propose a novel feature extraction model called Feature Fusion Net (FFN) for pedestrian image representation. In FFN, back propagation makes CNN features constrained by the handcrafted features. Utilizing color histogram features (RGB, HSV, YCbCr, Lab and YIQ) and texture features (multi-scale and multi-orientation Gabor features), we get a new deep feature representation that is more discriminative and compact. Experiments on three challenging datasets (VIPeR, CUHK01, PRID450s) validates the effectiveness of our proposal.Comment: Citation for this paper: Shangxuan Wu, Ying-Cong Chen, Xiang Li, An-Cong Wu, Jin-Jie You, and Wei-Shi Zheng. An Enhanced Deep Feature Representation for Person Re-identification. In IEEE WACV, 201

    PersonNet: Person Re-identification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a deep end-to-end neu- ral network to simultaneously learn high-level features and a corresponding similarity metric for person re-identification. The network takes a pair of raw RGB images as input, and outputs a similarity value indicating whether the two input images depict the same person. A layer of computing neighborhood range differences across two input images is employed to capture local relationship between patches. This operation is to seek a robust feature from input images. By increasing the depth to 10 weight layers and using very small (3×\times3) convolution filters, our architecture achieves a remarkable improvement on the prior-art configurations. Meanwhile, an adaptive Root- Mean-Square (RMSProp) gradient decent algorithm is integrated into our architecture, which is beneficial to deep nets. Our method consistently outperforms state-of-the-art on two large datasets (CUHK03 and Market-1501), and a medium-sized data set (CUHK01).Comment: 7 pages. Fixed Figure 4 (a

    Nonlinear Local Metric Learning for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification aims at matching pedestrians observed from non-overlapping camera views. Feature descriptor and metric learning are two significant problems in person re-identification. A discriminative metric learning method should be capable of exploiting complex nonlinear transformations due to the large variations in feature space. In this paper, we propose a nonlinear local metric learning (NLML) method to improve the state-of-the-art performance of person re-identification on public datasets. Motivated by the fact that local metric learning has been introduced to handle the data which varies locally and deep neural network has presented outstanding capability in exploiting the nonlinearity of samples, we utilize the merits of both local metric learning and deep neural network to learn multiple sets of nonlinear transformations. By enforcing a margin between the distances of positive pedestrian image pairs and distances of negative pairs in the transformed feature subspace, discriminative information can be effectively exploited in the developed neural networks. Our experiments show that the proposed NLML method achieves the state-of-the-art results on the widely used VIPeR, GRID, and CUHK 01 datasets.Comment: Submitted to CVPR 201

    Constrained Deep Metric Learning for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification aims to re-identify the probe image from a given set of images under different camera views. It is challenging due to large variations of pose, illumination, occlusion and camera view. Since the convolutional neural networks (CNN) have excellent capability of feature extraction, certain deep learning methods have been recently applied in person re-identification. However, in person re-identification, the deep networks often suffer from the over-fitting problem. In this paper, we propose a novel CNN-based method to learn a discriminative metric with good robustness to the over-fitting problem in person re-identification. Firstly, a novel deep architecture is built where the Mahalanobis metric is learned with a weight constraint. This weight constraint is used to regularize the learning, so that the learned metric has a better generalization ability. Secondly, we find that the selection of intra-class sample pairs is crucial for learning but has received little attention. To cope with the large intra-class variations in pedestrian images, we propose a novel training strategy named moderate positive mining to prevent the training process from over-fitting to the extreme samples in intra-class pairs. Experiments show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods on several benchmarks of person re-identification.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figure

    Metric Learning in Codebook Generation of Bag-of-Words for Person Re-identification

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    Person re-identification is generally divided into two part: first how to represent a pedestrian by discriminative visual descriptors and second how to compare them by suitable distance metrics. Conventional methods isolate these two parts, the first part usually unsupervised and the second part supervised. The Bag-of-Words (BoW) model is a widely used image representing descriptor in part one. Its codebook is simply generated by clustering visual features in Euclidian space. In this paper, we propose to use part two metric learning techniques in the codebook generation phase of BoW. In particular, the proposed codebook is clustered under Mahalanobis distance which is learned supervised. Extensive experiments prove that our proposed method is effective. With several low level features extracted on superpixel and fused together, our method outperforms state-of-the-art on person re-identification benchmarks including VIPeR, PRID450S, and Market1501

    Learning Efficient Image Representation for Person Re-Identification

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    Color names based image representation is successfully used in person re-identification, due to the advantages of being compact, intuitively understandable as well as being robust to photometric variance. However, there exists the diversity between underlying distribution of color names' RGB values and that of image pixels' RGB values, which may lead to inaccuracy when directly comparing them in Euclidean space. In this paper, we propose a new method named soft Gaussian mapping (SGM) to address this problem. We model the discrepancies between color names and pixels using a Gaussian and utilize the inverse of covariance matrix to bridge the gap between them. Based on SGM, an image could be converted to several soft Gaussian maps. In each soft Gaussian map, we further seek to establish stable and robust descriptors within a local region through a max pooling operation. Then, a robust image representation based on color names is obtained by concatenating the statistical descriptors in each stripe. When labeled data are available, one discriminative subspace projection matrix is learned to build efficient representations of an image via cross-view coupling learning. Experiments on the public datasets - VIPeR, PRID450S and CUHK03, demonstrate the effectiveness of our method
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