11 research outputs found

    Robust Photogeometric Localization over Time for Map-Centric Loop Closure

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    Map-centric SLAM is emerging as an alternative of conventional graph-based SLAM for its accuracy and efficiency in long-term mapping problems. However, in map-centric SLAM, the process of loop closure differs from that of conventional SLAM and the result of incorrect loop closure is more destructive and is not reversible. In this paper, we present a tightly coupled photogeometric metric localization for the loop closure problem in map-centric SLAM. In particular, our method combines complementary constraints from LiDAR and camera sensors, and validates loop closure candidates with sequential observations. The proposed method provides a visual evidence-based outlier rejection where failures caused by either place recognition or localization outliers can be effectively removed. We demonstrate the proposed method is not only more accurate than the conventional global ICP methods but is also robust to incorrect initial pose guesses.Comment: To Appear in IEEE ROBOTICS AND AUTOMATION LETTERS, ACCEPTED JANUARY 201

    Robust Place Recognition using an Imaging Lidar

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    We propose a methodology for robust, real-time place recognition using an imaging lidar, which yields image-quality high-resolution 3D point clouds. Utilizing the intensity readings of an imaging lidar, we project the point cloud and obtain an intensity image. ORB feature descriptors are extracted from the image and encoded into a bag-of-words vector. The vector, used to identify the point cloud, is inserted into a database that is maintained by DBoW for fast place recognition queries. The returned candidate is further validated by matching visual feature descriptors. To reject matching outliers, we apply PnP, which minimizes the reprojection error of visual features' positions in Euclidean space with their correspondences in 2D image space, using RANSAC. Combining the advantages from both camera and lidar-based place recognition approaches, our method is truly rotation-invariant and can tackle reverse revisiting and upside-down revisiting. The proposed method is evaluated on datasets gathered from a variety of platforms over different scales and environments. Our implementation is available at https://git.io/imaging-lidar-place-recognitionComment: ICRA 202

    Kidnapped Radar: Topological Radar Localisation using Rotationally-Invariant Metric Learning

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    This paper presents a system for robust, large-scale topological localisation using Frequency-Modulated Continuous-Wave (FMCW) scanning radar. We learn a metric space for embedding polar radar scans using CNN and NetVLAD architectures traditionally applied to the visual domain. However, we tailor the feature extraction for more suitability to the polar nature of radar scan formation using cylindrical convolutions, anti-aliasing blurring, and azimuth-wise max-pooling; all in order to bolster the rotational invariance. The enforced metric space is then used to encode a reference trajectory, serving as a map, which is queried for nearest neighbours (NNs) for recognition of places at run-time. We demonstrate the performance of our topological localisation system over the course of many repeat forays using the largest radar-focused mobile autonomy dataset released to date, totalling 280 km of urban driving, a small portion of which we also use to learn the weights of the modified architecture. As this work represents a novel application for FMCW radar, we analyse the utility of the proposed method via a comprehensive set of metrics which provide insight into the efficacy when used in a realistic system, showing improved performance over the root architecture even in the face of random rotational perturbation.Comment: submitted to the 2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA

    Gaussian Process Gradient Maps for Loop-Closure Detection in Unstructured Planetary Environments

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    The ability to recognize previously mapped locations is an essential feature for autonomous systems. Unstructured planetary-like environments pose a major challenge to these systems due to the similarity of the terrain. As a result, the ambiguity of the visual appearance makes state-of-the-art visual place recognition approaches less effective than in urban or man-made environments. This paper presents a method to solve the loop closure problem using only spatial information. The key idea is to use a novel continuous and probabilistic representations of terrain elevation maps. Given 3D point clouds of the environment, the proposed approach exploits Gaussian Process (GP) regression with linear operators to generate continuous gradient maps of the terrain elevation information. Traditional image registration techniques are then used to search for potential matches. Loop closures are verified by leveraging both the spatial characteristic of the elevation maps (SE(2) registration) and the probabilistic nature of the GP representation. A submap-based localization and mapping framework is used to demonstrate the validity of the proposed approach. The performance of this pipeline is evaluated and benchmarked using real data from a rover that is equipped with a stereo camera and navigates in challenging, unstructured planetary-like environments in Morocco and on Mt. Etna

    Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition

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    Visual Place Recognition is a challenging task for robotics and autonomous systems, which must deal with the twin problems of appearance and viewpoint change in an always changing world. This paper introduces Patch-NetVLAD, which provides a novel formulation for combining the advantages of both local and global descriptor methods by deriving patch-level features from NetVLAD residuals. Unlike the fixed spatial neighborhood regime of existing local keypoint features, our method enables aggregation and matching of deep-learned local features defined over the feature-space grid. We further introduce a multi-scale fusion of patch features that have complementary scales (i.e. patch sizes) via an integral feature space and show that the fused features are highly invariant to both condition (season, structure, and illumination) and viewpoint (translation and rotation) changes. Patch-NetVLAD outperforms both global and local feature descriptor-based methods with comparable compute, achieving state-of-the-art visual place recognition results on a range of challenging real-world datasets, including winning the Facebook Mapillary Visual Place Recognition Challenge at ECCV2020. It is also adaptable to user requirements, with a speed-optimised version operating over an order of magnitude faster than the state-of-the-art. By combining superior performance with improved computational efficiency in a configurable framework, Patch-NetVLAD is well suited to enhance both stand-alone place recognition capabilities and the overall performance of SLAM systems.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2021