2 research outputs found

    Local Critic Training of Deep Neural Networks

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    This paper proposes a novel approach to train deep neural networks by unlocking the layer-wise dependency of backpropagation training. The approach employs additional modules called local critic networks besides the main network model to be trained, which are used to obtain error gradients without complete feedforward and backward propagation processes. We propose a cascaded learning strategy for these local networks. In addition, the approach is also useful from multi-model perspectives, including structural optimization of neural networks, computationally efficient progressive inference, and ensemble classification for performance improvement. Experimental results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach and suggest guidelines for determining appropriate algorithm parameters

    Local Critic Training for Model-Parallel Learning of Deep Neural Networks

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    In this paper, we propose a novel model-parallel learning method, called local critic training, which trains neural networks using additional modules called local critic networks. The main network is divided into several layer groups and each layer group is updated through error gradients estimated by the corresponding local critic network. We show that the proposed approach successfully decouples the update process of the layer groups for both convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). In addition, we demonstrate that the proposed method is guaranteed to converge to a critical point. We also show that trained networks by the proposed method can be used for structural optimization. Experimental results show that our method achieves satisfactory performance, reduces training time greatly, and decreases memory consumption per machine. Code is available at https://github.com/hjdw2/Local-critic-training