179,603 research outputs found

    Community Detection in Dynamic Networks via Adaptive Label Propagation

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    An adaptive label propagation algorithm (ALPA) is proposed to detect and monitor communities in dynamic networks. Unlike the traditional methods by re-computing the whole community decomposition after each modification of the network, ALPA takes into account the information of historical communities and updates its solution according to the network modifications via a local label propagation process, which generally affects only a small portion of the network. This makes it respond to network changes at low computational cost. The effectiveness of ALPA has been tested on both synthetic and real-world networks, which shows that it can successfully identify and track dynamic communities. Moreover, ALPA could detect communities with high quality and accuracy compared to other methods. Therefore, being low-complexity and parameter-free, ALPA is a scalable and promising solution for some real-world applications of community detection in dynamic networks.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figure

    Local Community Detection in Social Networks

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    Recent years have witnessed the rapid growth of social network services and consequently research problems investigated in this area. Community detection is one of the most important problems in social networks. A good community can be defined as a group of vertices that are highly connected and loosely connected to the vertices outside the group. Community detection includes exploring the community partitioning in social networks. Regarding the fact that social networks are huge, having complete information about the whole network is almost impossible. As a result, the problem of local community detection has become more popular in recent years. This problem can be defined as the detection of a community for a given node by using local information. It is noteworthy that the focus of this study is on the problem of local community detection. One major question to the problem of community detection is how to assess different communities. The most widely used technique to evaluate the quality of communities is to compare them with ground-truth communities. However, for many networks, the ground-truth communities are not known. As a result, it is necessary to have a comprehensive metric to evaluate the quality of communities. In this study, a local quality metric noted as GDM is proposed, several local community detection algorithms are compared by assessing their detected communities. The experimental results, illustrate that the local community detection algorithms are fairly compared using GDM. It is also discussed how GDM covers the drawbacks of other existing local metrics. Moreover, it is shown that the judgment of GDM is almost the same as that of the F-score, i.e. the metric which compares the community with its ground-truth community. Furthermore, a new metric, called P, and a new local community detection algorithm, Alg P are proposed. To detect communities locally, researchers mostly utilize an evaluation metric along with an algorithm to explore communities. The proposed algorithm includes three different steps in which relevant nodes are added in the first step and irrelevant nodes are removed in the second and third steps. It should be mentioned that at each iteration, more than one node is added to the community. Thus, the algorithm is terminated faster than the other algorithms with near-complexity. Regarding the experimental results, it is shown that the proposed algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art local community detection algorithms. Real-world social networks are dynamic and change over time. In order to model dynamic social networks, network history is partitioned into a series of snapshots, each one of which shows the state of the network at a time. Regarding dynamic networks, the problem of local community detection is not widely investigated. In this concern, a dynamic local community detection algorithm noted as DevDynaP, is proposed. The main feature of the proposed algorithm is that it starts from a given node, explores the network incrementally, and detects communities simultaneously at each snapshot. The experimental results show that the community partitioning resulting from the proposed dynamic algorithm outperforms that of the other compared algorithm. Also, the proposed algorithm explores the network faster than the compared algorithm. Many networks contain both positive and negative relations. A community in signed networks is defined as a group of nodes that are densely connected by positive links within the community and negative links between communities. Considering the problem of local community detection in signed networks, a new algorithm, noted as Alg SP, is developed by extending the metric PP for signed networks. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can detect the ground-truth communities independently from the starting nodes

    DPPIN: A Biological Dataset of Dynamic Protein-Protein Interaction Networks

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    Nowadays, many network representation learning algorithms and downstream network mining tasks have already paid attention to dynamic networks or temporal networks, which are more suitable for real-world complex scenarios by modeling evolving patterns and temporal dependencies between node interactions. Moreover, representing and mining temporal networks have a wide range of applications, such as fraud detection, social network analysis, and drug discovery. To contribute to the network representation learning and network mining research community, in this paper, we generate a new biological dataset of dynamic protein-protein interaction networks (i.e., DPPIN), which consists of twelve dynamic protein-level interaction networks of yeast cells at different scales. We first introduce the generation process of DPPIN. To demonstrate the value of our published dataset DPPIN, we then list the potential applications that would be benefited. Furthermore, we design dynamic local clustering, dynamic spectral clustering, dynamic subgraph matching, dynamic node classification, and dynamic graph classification experiments, where DPPIN indicates future research opportunities for some tasks by presenting challenges on state-of-the-art baseline algorithms. Finally, we identify future directions for improving this dataset utility and welcome inputs from the community. All resources of this work are deployed and publicly available at https://github.com/DongqiFu/DPPIN

    A parallel self-organizing community detection algorithm based on swarm intelligence for large scale complex networks

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    Community detection is a critical task for complex network analysis. It helps us to understand the properties of the system that a complex network represents and has significance to a wide range of applications. Nowadays, the challenges faced by community detection algorithms include overlapping community structure detection, large scale network analysis, dynamic changing of analyzed network topology and many more. In this paper a self-organizing community detection algorithm, based on the idea of swarm intelligence, was proposed and its parallel algorithm was designed on Giraph++ which is a semi-asynchronous parallel graph computation framework running on distributed environment. In the algorithm, a network of large size is firstly divided into a number of small sub-networks. Then, each sub-network is modeled as a self-evolving swarm intelligence sub-system, while each vertex within the sub-network acts iteratively to join into or leave from communities based on a set of predefined vertex action rules. Meanwhile, the local communities of a sub-network are sent to other sub-networks to make their members have a chance to join into, therefore connecting these self-evolving swarm intelligence sub-systems together as a whole, large and evolving, system. The vertex actions during evolution of a sub-network are sent as well to keep multiple community replicas being consistent. Thus network communication efficiency has a great impact on the algorithm’s performance. While there is no vertex changing in its belonging communities anymore, an optimal community structure of the whole network will have emerged as a result. In the algorithm it is natural that a vertex can join into multiple communities simultaneously, thus can be used for overlapping community detection. The algorithm deals with vertex and edge adding or deleting in the same way as the algorithm running, therefore inherently supports dynamic network analysis. The algorithm can be used for the analysis of large scale networks with its parallel version running on distributed environment. A variety of experiments conducted on synthesized networks have shown that the proposed algorithm can effectively detect community structures and its performance is much better than certain popular community detection algorithms

    Network Partitioning in Distributed Agent-Based Models

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    Agent-Based Models (ABMs) are an emerging simulation paradigm for modeling complex systems, comprised of autonomous, possibly heterogeneous, interacting agents. The utility of ABMs lies in their ability to represent such complex systems as self-organizing networks of agents. Modeling and understanding the behavior of complex systems usually occurs at large and representative scales, and often obtaining and visualizing of simulation results in real-time is critical. The real-time requirement necessitates the use of in-memory computing, as it is difficult and challenging to handle the latency and unpredictability of disk accesses. Combining this observation with the scale requirement emphasizes the need to use parallel and distributed computing platforms, such as MPI-enabled CPU clusters. Consequently, the agent population must be partitioned across different CPUs in a cluster. Further, the typically high volume of interactions among agents can quickly become a significant bottleneck for real-time or large-scale simulations. The problem is exacerbated if the underlying ABM network is dynamic and the inter-process communication evolves over the course of the simulation. Therefore, it is critical to develop topology-aware partitioning mechanisms to support such large simulations. In this dissertation, we demonstrate that distributed agent-based model simulations benefit from the use of graph partitioning algorithms that involve a local, neighborhood-based perspective. Such methods do not rely on global accesses to the network and thus are more scalable. In addition, we propose two partitioning schemes that consider the bottom-up individual-centric nature of agent-based modeling. The First technique utilizes label-propagation community detection to partition the dynamic agent network of an ABM. We propose a latency-hiding, seamless integration of community detection in the dynamics of a distributed ABM. To achieve this integration, we exploit the similarity in the process flow patterns of a label-propagation community-detection algorithm and self-organizing ABMs. In the second partitioning scheme, we apply a combination of the Guided Local Search (GLS) and Fast Local Search (FLS) metaheuristics in the context of graph partitioning. The main driving principle of GLS is the dynamic modi?cation of the objective function to escape local optima. The algorithm augments the objective of a local search, thereby transforming the landscape structure and escaping a local optimum. FLS is a local search heuristic algorithm that is aimed at reducing the search space of the main search algorithm. It breaks down the space into sub-neighborhoods such that inactive sub-neighborhoods are removed from the search process. The combination of GLS and FLS allowed us to design a graph partitioning algorithm that is both scalable and sensitive to the inherent modularity of real-world networks
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