167,632 research outputs found

    Matching Image Sets via Adaptive Multi Convex Hull

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    Traditional nearest points methods use all the samples in an image set to construct a single convex or affine hull model for classification. However, strong artificial features and noisy data may be generated from combinations of training samples when significant intra-class variations and/or noise occur in the image set. Existing multi-model approaches extract local models by clustering each image set individually only once, with fixed clusters used for matching with various image sets. This may not be optimal for discrimination, as undesirable environmental conditions (eg. illumination and pose variations) may result in the two closest clusters representing different characteristics of an object (eg. frontal face being compared to non-frontal face). To address the above problem, we propose a novel approach to enhance nearest points based methods by integrating affine/convex hull classification with an adapted multi-model approach. We first extract multiple local convex hulls from a query image set via maximum margin clustering to diminish the artificial variations and constrain the noise in local convex hulls. We then propose adaptive reference clustering (ARC) to constrain the clustering of each gallery image set by forcing the clusters to have resemblance to the clusters in the query image set. By applying ARC, noisy clusters in the query set can be discarded. Experiments on Honda, MoBo and ETH-80 datasets show that the proposed method outperforms single model approaches and other recent techniques, such as Sparse Approximated Nearest Points, Mutual Subspace Method and Manifold Discriminant Analysis.Comment: IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), 201

    Incremental Art: A Neural Network System for Recognition by Incremental Feature Extraction

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    Abstract Incremental ART extends adaptive resonance theory (ART) by incorporating mechanisms for efficient recognition through incremental feature extraction. The system achieves efficient confident prediction through the controlled acquisition of only those features necessary to discriminate an input pattern. These capabilities are achieved through three modifications to the fuzzy ART system: (1) A partial feature vector complement coding rule extends fuzzy ART logic to allow recognition based on partial feature vectors. (2) The addition of a F2 decision criterion to measure ART predictive confidence. (3) An incremental feature extraction layer computes the next feature to extract based on a measure of predictive value. Our system is demonstrated on a face recognition problem but has general applicability as a machine vision solution and as model for studying scanning patterns.Office of Naval Research (N00014-92-J-4015, N00014-92-J-1309, N00014-91-4100); Air Force Office of Scientific Research (90-0083); National Science Foundation (IRI 90-00530

    Evolutionary Robot Vision for People Tracking Based on Local Clustering

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    This paper discusses the role of evolutionary computation in visual perception for partner robots. The search of evolutionary computation has many analogies with human visual search. First of all, we discuss the analogies between the evolutionary search and human visual search. Next, we propose the concept of evolutionary robot vision, and a human tracking method based on the evolutionary robot vision. Finally, we show experimental results of the human tracking to discuss the effectiveness of our proposed method
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