3 research outputs found

    Load Control Timescales Simulation in a Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform

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    Environmental concerns and the shortage in the fossil fuel reserves have been potentiating the growth and globalization of distributed generation. Another resource that has been increasing its importance is the demand response, which is used to change consumers’ consumption profile, helping to reduce peak demand. Aiming to support small players’ participation in demand response events, the Curtailment Service Provider emerged. This player works as an aggregator for demand response events. The control of small and medium players which act in smart grid and micro grid environments is enhanced with a multi-agent system with artificial intelligence techniques – the MASGriP (Multi-Agent Smart Grid Platform). Using strategic behaviours in each player, this system simulates the profile of real players by using software agents. This paper shows the importance of modeling these behaviours for studying this type of scenarios. A case study with three examples shows the differences between each player and the best behaviour in order to achieve the higher profit in each situation

    GAIC: Um sistema inteligente e flexível para simulação e apoio à participação de pequenos e médios consumidores na gestão ativa de cargas no âmbito de smart grids

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    A liberalização dos mercados de energia e a utilização intensiva de produção distribuída tem vindo a provocar uma alteração no paradigma de operação das redes de distribuição de energia elétrica. A continuidade da fiabilidade das redes de distribuição no contexto destes novos paradigmas requer alterações estruturais e funcionais. O conceito de Smart Grid vem permitir a adaptação das redes de distribuição ao novo contexto. Numa Smart Grid os pequenos e médios consumidores são chamados ao plano ativo das participações. Este processo é conseguido através da aplicação de programas de demand response e da existência de players agregadores. O uso de programas de demand response para alcançar benefícios para a rede encontra-se atualmente a ser estudado no meio científico. Porém, existe a necessidade de estudos que procurem benefícios para os pequenos e médios consumidores. O alcance dos benefícios para os pequenos e médios consumidores não é apenas vantajoso para o consumidor, como também o é para a rede elétrica de distribuição. A participação, dos pequenos e médios consumidores, em programas de demand response acontece significativamente através da redução de consumos energéticos. De modo a evitar os impactos negativos que podem provir dessas reduções, o trabalho aqui proposto faz uso de otimizações que recorrem a técnicas de aprendizagem através da utilização redes neuronais artificiais. Para poder efetuar um melhor enquadramento do trabalho com as Smart Grids, será desenvolvido um sistema multiagente capaz de simular os principais players de uma Smart Grid. O foco deste sistema multiagente será o agente responsável pela simulação do pequeno e médio consumidor. Este agente terá não só que replicar um pequeno e médio consumidor, como terá ainda que possibilitar a integração de cargas reais e virtuais. Como meio de interação com o pequeno e médio consumidor, foi desenvolvida no âmbito desta dissertação um sistema móvel. No final do trabalho obteve-se um sistema multiagente capaz de simular uma Smart Grid e a execução de programas de demand response, sSendo o agente representante do pequeno e médio consumidor capaz de tomar ações e reações de modo a poder responder autonomamente aos programas de demand response lançados na rede. O desenvolvimento do sistema permite: o estudo e análise da integração dos pequenos e médios consumidores nas Smart Grids por meio de programas de demand response; a comparação entre múltiplos algoritmos de otimização; e a integração de métodos de aprendizagem. De modo a demonstrar e viabilizar as capacidades de todo o sistema, a dissertação inclui casos de estudo para as várias vertentes que podem ser exploradas com o sistema desenvolvido.The liberalization of electricity markets and the intensive use of distributed generation have been changing the paradigm of the electrical distribution networks operation. The continuity of distribution networks reliability in the context of these new paradigms requires structural and functional changes. The smart grid context allows the adaptation of the distributed generation to this new context. In a smart grid, small and medium consumers have to participate. This process is accomplished by the application of demand response programs and by aggregated players. The use of demand response programs to achieve benefits for the network is currently being studied in the scientific field. However, studies that seek for benefits for small and medium consumers are necessary. Reaching the benefits for small and medium consumers is not only advantageous for the consumer, but also for the electrical distribution network. The participation of small and medium consumers in demand response programs takes place mostly by reducing the energy consumption. In order to avoid negative impacts that may arise from these reductions, the work proposed makes use of optimizations that use learning through the artificial neural networks. For a better explaining the work with Smart Grids, a multiagent system capable of simulating the main players of a Smart Grid will be developed. The aim of this multiagent system will be the agent responsible for the simulation of the small and medium consumers. This agent must replicate the small and medium consumer, as well as enable the integration of real and virtual loads. As a means of interaction with the small and medium consumer, a mobile system has been developed in the scope of this dissertation. At the end of this work, it was obtained a multiagent system capable of simulating a smart grid, and the implementation of demand response programs. In this way, the agent responsible for the small and medium consumers capable of taking action and reactions in order to respond autonomously to the demand response programs of the network. The development of the system allows: the study and analysis of the integration of small and medium consumers in smart grids through demand response programs; comparing multiple optimization algorithms; and the integration of learning methods. For demonstrating and facilitating the capabilities of the whole system, the dissertation comprises case studies for the several ways that can be explored with the developed system

    Smart home energy management: An analysis of a novel dynamic pricing and demand response aware control algorithm for households with distributed renewable energy generation and storage

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    Home energy management systems (HEMS) technology can provide a smart and efficient way of optimising energy usage in residential buildings. One of the main goals of the Smart Grid is to achieve Demand Response (DR) by increasing end users’ participation in decision making and increasing the level of awareness that will lead them to manage their energy consumption in an efficient way. This research presents an intelligent HEMS algorithm that manages and controls a range of household appliances with different demand response (DR) limits in an automated way without requiring consumer intervention. In addition, a novel Multiple Users and Load Priority (MULP) scheme is proposed to organise and schedule the list of load priorities in advance for multiple users sharing a house and its appliances. This algorithm focuses on control strategies for controllable loads including air-conditioners, dishwashers, clothes dryers, water heaters, pool pumps and electrical vehicles. Moreover, to investigate the impact on efficiency and reliability of the proposed HEMS algorithm, small-scale renewable energy generation facilities and energy storage systems (ESSs), including batteries and electric vehicles have been incorporated. To achieve this goal, different mathematical optimisation approaches such as linear programming, heuristic methods and genetic algorithms have been applied for optimising the schedule of residential loads using different demand side management and demand response programs as well as optimising the size of a grid connected renewable energy system. Thorough incorporation of a single objective optimisation problem under different system constraints, the proposed algorithm not only reduces the residential energy usage and utility bills, but also determines an optimal scheduling for appliances to minimise any impacts on the level of consumer comfort. To verify the efficiency and robustness of the proposed algorithm a number of simulations were performed under different scenarios. The simulations for load scheduling were carried out over 24 hour periods based on real-time and day ahead electricity prices. The results obtained showed that the proposed MULP scheme resulted in a noticeable decrease in the electricity bill when compared to the other scenarios with no automated scheduling and when a renewable energy system and ESS are not incorporated. Additionally, further simulation results showed that widespread deployment of small scale fixed energy storage and electric vehicle battery storage alongside an intelligent HEMS could enable additional reductions in peak energy usage, and household energy cost. Furthermore, the results also showed that incorporating an optimally designed grid-connected renewable energy system into the proposed HEMS algorithm could significantly reduce household electricity bills, maintain comfort levels, and reduce the environmental footprint. The results of this research are considered to be of great significance as the proposed HEMS approach may help reduce the cost of integrating renewable energy resources into the national grid, which will be reflected in more users adopting these technologies. This in turn will lead to a reduction in the dependence on traditional energy resources that can have negative impacts on the environment. In particular, if a significant proportion of households in a region were to implement the proposed HEMS with the incorporation of small scale storage, then the overall peak demand could be significantly reduced providing great benefits to the grid operator as well as the households