7 research outputs found

    Enhancing learning with technology

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    Specht, M., & Klemke, R. (2013, 26-27 September). Enhancing Learning with Technology. In D. Milosevic (Ed.), Proceedings of the fourth international conference on eLearning (eLearning 2013) (pp. 37-45). Belgrade Metropolitan University, Belgrade, Serbia. http://econference.metropolitan.ac.rs/We are living in a technology-enhanced world. Also learning is affected by recent, upcoming, and foreseen technological changes. This paper gives a bird’s eye view to technological trends and reflects how learning can benefit from them

    RTST Trend Report: lead theme Contextualisation

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    Specht, M., Börner, D., Tabuenca, B., Ternier, S., De Vries, F., Kalz, M., Drachsler, H., & Schmitz, B. (2012). RTST Trend Report: lead theme Contextualisation. Deliverable 1.7 of STELLAR network of excellence. Heerlen, The Netherlands.In summary this trend-scouting report highlights different design dimensions of contextualizing learning. On the one hand designing educational context: the components and constituents of the educational setting, which also have to be orchestrated in an instructional design or the process of orchestration (Luckin, 2010, Specht, 2009) on the other hand bridging and linking learning contexts for seamless learning support: Wong et al. define design dimensions of seamless learning experiences and which gaps they identify and what challenges must be tackled to create seamless learning experiences (Wong, 2011).STELLAR Network of Excellence, Grant 23191

    Innovation und Trends fĂĽr Mobiles Lernen

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    Der Beitrag zeigt aktuelle Trends im Bereich der mobilen und ubiquitären Lerntechnologien auf, welche die klassischen Konzepte von Mobilem Lernen erweitern: a) Mobiler und allgegenwärtiger Zugang zu Lerninhalten b) unterbrechungsfreie Lernunterstützung oder "Seamless Learning Support", die nahtlose Integration von Lernunterstützung in gemischten Lernszenarien, c) Smartphones und Sensoren im Mobilen Lernen, d) Mobile Gaming und mobile Augmented Reality und e) situierte eingebettete Displays. Anhand dieser Trends werden die Konsequenzen für das didaktische Design und darunter liegende Lernkonzepte diskutiert


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    This paper aims to explore Jean Baudrillard's thoughts on hyperreality theory which is used as a tool to examine the phenomenon of gamer hyperreality. According to the author, this is important considering the growing online game and its impact not only on social but also on the death of its players. This paper uses a literature study approach with the main source of the work of Jean Baudrillard. This paper concludes that: first, online games are a tangible form for gamers. Second, humans as a concrete form have become abstract as a result of online games. Third, games are algorithm manipulation, and this is what causes gamers to become addicted to playing online games. Fourth, hyperreality gives birth to hyperlife for gamers so that they have neglected social responsibilities.Keywords: Hyperreality, game online, gamer, hyperlif

    Towards a capability maturity model for a cyber range

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    This work describes research undertaken towards the development of a Capability Maturity Model (CMM) for Cyber Ranges (CRs) focused on cyber security. Global cyber security needs are on the rise, and the need for attribution within the cyber domain is of particular concern. This has prompted major efforts to enhance cyber capabilities within organisations to increase their total cyber resilience posture. These efforts include, but are not limited to, the testing of computational devices, networks, and applications, and cyber skills training focused on prevention, detection and cyber attack response. A cyber range allows for the testing of the computational environment. By developing cyber events within a confined virtual or sand-boxed cyber environment, a cyber range can prepare the next generation of cyber security specialists to handle a variety of potential cyber attacks. Cyber ranges have different purposes, each designed to fulfil a different computational testing and cyber training goal; consequently, cyber ranges can vary greatly in the level of variety, capability, maturity and complexity. As cyber ranges proliferate and become more and more valued as tools for cyber security, a method to classify or rate them becomes essential. Yet while a universal criteria for measuring cyber ranges in terms of their capability maturity levels becomes more critical, there are currently very limited resources for researchers aiming to perform this kind of work. For this reason, this work proposes and describes a CMM, designed to give organisations the ability to benchmark the capability maturity of a given cyber range. This research adopted a synthesised approach to the development of a CMM, grounded in prior research and focused on the production of a conceptual model that provides a useful level of abstraction. In order to achieve this goal, the core capability elements of a cyber range are defined with their relative importance, allowing for the development of a proposed classification cyber range levels. An analysis of data gathered during the course of an expert review, together with other research, further supported the development of the conceptual model. In the context of cyber range capability, classification will include the ability of the cyber range to perform its functions optimally with different core capability elements, focusing on the Measurement of Capability (MoC) with its elements, namely effect, performance and threat ability. Cyber range maturity can evolve over time and can be defined through the Measurement of Maturity (MoM) with its elements, namely people, processes, technology. The combination of these measurements utilising the CMM for a CR determines the capability maturity level of a CR. The primary outcome of this research is the proposed level-based CMM framework for a cyber range, developed using adopted and synthesised CMMs, the analysis of an expert review, and the mapping of the results